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[OpenGL programword2

Description: OPENGL的3D字体的制作,内容是相关背景2008奥运的
Platform: | Size: 183474 | Author: yh | Hits:


Description: 01.//cnsGLArc.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 02. 03. 04. 05.//Filename:cnsGLArc.cpp 06. 07.//Function:Draw arc by Bresenham 08. 09.//Author:9Cat 10. 11.//OS:WindowsXP Sp2 12. 13.//Development Tool:Visual C++ 2005 14. 15.//Other refrence:OpenGL 16. 17.//First Create Time:2008-07-13 18:37 18. 19.//Last Modify Time:2008-07-13 22:38
Platform: | Size: 2699 | Author: dragonye_2007 | Hits:


Description: 环境visual stdio 2008 用opengl编写的彩色三角形,简单易懂。
Platform: | Size: 194001 | Author: wulitian123@126.com | Hits:

[OpenGL programword2

Description: OPENGL的3D字体的制作,内容是相关背景2008奥运的-OPENGL the 3D fonts production, is the background of the 2008 Olympic Games
Platform: | Size: 183296 | Author: yh | Hits:

[OpenGL programellipse

Description: 画出椭圆。其中用到opengl的画点函数,其余是普通的C++代码-Draw an oval. Which uses opengl for drawing point function, and the rest is ordinary C++ Code
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: feifei | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGLProgrammingGuide_v2.1_6

Description: OpenGL Programming Guide 英文原版6. 2008年新版。对于学习OPENGL红皮书的人来说,是宝贵的资源。热爱OPENGL^.^-OpenGL Programming Guide in the new version of the original English edition 6.2008. OPENGL Redbook for people to learn is a valuable resource. Love OPENGL ^. ^
Platform: | Size: 15387648 | Author: wks | Hits:

[OpenGL programNeHe_Lesson_CSharp_VS2008

Description: 根据NeHe OpenGL教程,将前5课的代码在Visual Studio 2008环境下,利用C#和CsGL进行了重写。-According to NeHe OpenGL tutorial, be rewrited the top 5 class code in Visual Studio 2008 environment, using C# and CsGL .
Platform: | Size: 233472 | Author: 周涛 | Hits:

[OpenGL program2008

Description: .exe是在vs2008下运行的,本程序为opengl程序,将一个三角形分割立体化-this code is for opengl
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘霞 | Hits:


Description: VS 2008中的OpenGL开发库,非常值得下载学习 对应使用vs2008者很有帮助-VS 2008 Development of the OpenGL library, is very worthy of study and the corresponding download vs2008 are very helpful to use
Platform: | Size: 527360 | Author: 刁剑 | Hits:

[GUI Developmygraph

Description: 在Visual Studio 2008下使用OpenGL图形技术绘制钻石图案的代码-in the Visual Studio 2008 ,using OpenGL for graphiing the diamond.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 何林 | Hits:

[3D Graphic3DModel

Description: 3维图形显示。 OpenGL,Visual 2008环境-Three-dimensional graphic display. OpenGL, Visual 2008 Environment
Platform: | Size: 490496 | Author: lwl | Hits:


Description: OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide E文-OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide E-Wen
Platform: | Size: 2894848 | Author: 张赟 | Hits:

[OpenGL programmountain

Description: OpenGL实现三维的山,随机产生,能够旋转,vc++ 2008环境-mountains created by OpenGL
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: ljqiang | Hits:

[Graph DrawingMountains.Feb-4-2008

Description: terrain generation using height map alsorithm in opengl.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: piyush chauhan | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGLProgrammingGuide6thEdition(2008)

Description: opengl编程指南第六版,详细介绍了opengl的使用方法-opengl programming guide 6th edition, detailing the use opengl
Platform: | Size: 15390720 | Author: zhaowei | Hits:

[OpenGL programopenGLMFCsetting

Description: OpenGl Setting(VS 2008 MFC)
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: ho joon | Hits:

[OpenGL programBOWLING

Description: VS2008+OPENGL开发,一个保龄球游戏,根据鼠标点击选择运动轨迹,内有详细的文档,可执行文件。-VS2008+ OPENGL development, a bowling game, according to the mouse click to select trajectory, with detailed documentation, executable file.
Platform: | Size: 1386496 | Author: xpjandy | Hits:

[OpenGL programMyComputerAndTable_OpenGL

Description: OpenGL网格建模类,实现一张电脑桌渲染。平台visual studio 2008 MFC-OpenGL grid model class that implements a computer desk rendering. Platform, visual studio 2008 MFC
Platform: | Size: 23917568 | Author: 王军 | Hits:

[Data structs3dmax-and-vc-and-opengl-two

Description: 3dmax模型导入到用opengl库和c++实现的小场景中,有两个房子,屋顶是树叶,可以在房子内外漫游,用microsoft visiual studio 2008打开-3dmax model into the library and c++ with opengl achieve a small scene, there are two houses, roof leaves, you can roam the house and outside, with microsoft visiual studio 2008 opens
Platform: | Size: 11832320 | Author: fay | Hits:

[Embeded Linux2008

Description: .exe是在vs2008下运行的,本程序为opengl程序,将一个三角形分割立体化-this code is for opengl
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: qiao3846823 | Hits:
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