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VC++下用OpenGL API编写的一个立方体,是OpenG的入门典型范例,调用OpenG API实现-VC using the OpenGL API to prepare a cube, is the entry OpenG typical example of API calls OpenG
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19.36kb Publisher : 马涛

采用OpenGL API编写的例程,一个多彩的立方体转来转去,立体感很强-prepared using the OpenGL API routines, a colorful cube to turn, a strong sense of three-dimensional
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.08kb Publisher : ss

示例了在MFC框架中直接使用OPENGL API的必须的基本代码-example of the MFC framework of the direct use of the OpenGL API to the basic code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 116kb Publisher : easefox

类似画笔的绘图控件源代码 较完善的小型图形系统 分形图像制作器源代码-similar brush graphics control over source code for the perfect small graphics system fractal images produced for the source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 62kb Publisher : 对对对

VC++下用OpenGL API编写的一个立方体,是OpenG的入门典型范例,调用OpenG API实现-VC using the OpenGL API to prepare a cube, is the entry OpenG typical example of API calls OpenG
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 马涛

采用OpenGL API编写的例程,一个多彩的立方体转来转去,立体感很强-prepared using the OpenGL API routines, a colorful cube to turn, a strong sense of three-dimensional
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : ss

使用Opengl 的Glut API编写的一个关于3D箱子转动的程序 平台使用visual c-Opengl use the API Glut prepared by a rotation of the 3D box platform using visual c
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 115kb Publisher : chenbindi

The OpenGL Shading Language, a high-level procedural shading language for OpenGL, is the most important new development in graphics programming to emerge in years. OpenGL is the leading cross-platform 3D-graphics API, and the OpenGL Shading Language allows developers to take total control over the most important stages of the graphics-processing pipeline.-The OpenGL Shading Language, a high-level procedural shading language for O penGL. is the most important new development in graphi cs programming to emerge in years. OpenGL is the leading cross-platform 3D-graphics API. and the OpenGL Shading Language allows develop ers to take total control over the most importan t stages of the graphics-processing pipeline.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.03mb Publisher : 张雯

opengl做为一款强大的3D API,渲染速度快,效率高。可以为我们实现自己的3D世界。 本程序使用了glut库(下载到,他不仅包含了gl.h, glu.h glaux.h还扩充了一些其他高级的功能。所以在我们以后的程序中,只需包含glut.h头文件。 实现细节请下载源代码,熟悉opengl编程的朋友可以从代码中看出,在AX中实现opengl跟在普通应用程序中是一致的。 glut库的安装 目前的glut库是glut-3.7.6.包含glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll 把glut.h放到 vc的include目录中 把glut32.lib放到vc的lib目录中 把glut32.dll放到system32下 对于 include和lib在..\vc7\platformSDK下 -opengl A powerful as the 3D API, playing up speed, high efficiency. We can realize their 3 D world. The procedures for the use of the glut (download to http :// ~ nate/glut.html) He not only includes gl.h, glu.h glaux.h also expanded some other senior function. So in our future proceedings, just include glut.h headers. Implementation details please download the source code, programming opengl familiar friends can see from the code, AX in achieving opengl application with the ordinary procedure is the same. Glut for the installation of the current glut is the glut- 3.7.6. Glut.h included, glut32.lib. glut32.dll put into vc glut.h include the directory put glut32. vc lib into the lib directory put into system32 under glut32.dll for vs . net include and lib in .. \ vc7
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 129kb Publisher : xian

采用OpenGL和Windows API编写的一个多彩立方体的显式程序-using OpenGL and the Windows API to prepare a colorful cube Explicit procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : jihongjun

DL : 0
程序中作用是简单几何物体在visual c++ 下 opengl 实现 采用OpenGL API编写的一个多彩的立方体
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : 流浪

CADSimer程序系在Visual C++/MFC与OpenGL API的集成开发环境下用面向对象的技术开发的三维CAD软件:展示了在MFC中使用OpenGL技术,将OpenGL函数封装为类,可以方便地在Visual C++/MFC软件中进行移植。通过调用OpenGL中的函数,实现图形变换等操作。-CADSimer procedures in the Department of Visual C++/MFC and OpenGL API
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 442kb Publisher :

在三维绘图蓬勃发展的过程中,计算机公司推出了大量的三维绘图软件包。其中SGI公司推出的OpenGL,作为一个性能优越的图形应用程序设计界面(API)异军突起,取得了很大的成就。它以高性能的交互式三维图形建模能力和易于编程开发,得到了Microsoft、IBM、DEC、Sun、HP等大公司的认同。因此,OpenGL已经成为一种三维图形开发标准,是从事三维图形开发工作的必要工具。-Three-dimensional graphics in the growth and development, the computer company to launch a large number of three-dimensional graphics package. SGI Introduces One of the OpenGL, superior performance as a graphics application programming interface (API) emergence, has made great achievements. It is high-performance interactive three-dimensional graphics modeling capabilities and ease of programming development, have been Microsoft, IBM, DEC, Sun, HP and other large companies recognized. Therefore, OpenGL has become a three-dimensional graphics development standards, is to engage in three-dimensional graphics development work necessary tools.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : DaWei

DL : 0
VC++基于OpenGL API实现多彩旋转立方体,很老的一个东西,但是很值得去学习一下,纯API实现的,虽然完成的不是太强大,但却是我们最基础需要接触的东西,源代码在VC++6.0下编译通过。-VC++ based on OpenGL API to achieve colorful rotating cube, a very old, but very worthwhile to learn about the achievement of pure API, although not too strong to complete, but we need to contact the most basic things, the source code in compiled under VC++6.0 through.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : 692

OpenGL函数说明,包括OpenGL中所有API函数的用法,参数含义等详细信息说明-OpenGL function description, including the OpenGL API functions for all the usage parameters explain the meaning of such details
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 402kb Publisher :

opengl api希望对朋友们有用,书中详细介绍了opengl api的作用-opengl
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 402kb Publisher :

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 402kb Publisher : wu

opengl api中文文档; 由英文版翻译而来;-opengl api Chinese edition
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 876kb Publisher : 眭椰敏

详细介绍opengl-api用法,很不错的一本书-Details introduction opengl-api
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 401kb Publisher :

OpenGL API参考文档,内有OpenGL函数用法的详细说明,自带索引,方便翔实,包括gl,glu,glX函数库-OpenGL API reference documentation, there are detailed instructions for using OpenGL functions, built-in indexing, easy and accurate, including gl, glu, glX library
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 402kb Publisher : louzp
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