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Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.73kb Publisher :

国外程序员编写的基于OpenGL的3D地形引擎。 errain Engine I started working on a terrain engine around October 2000. I was deeply moved by screenshots from black and white :) My intention and main goal was to create something visually stunning. This meant writing a terrain texture-generator, and working hard to find good textures and blending modes. The outcome is an engine that hold a (supposedly) 1km by 1km piece of terrain with very high accuracy. There is no triangle-cutting algorithm employed, simple brute-force. I use a large terrain texture and a tiling detail texture. There s a skybox and the terrain reflects on the water. I used OpenGL for this one, employing the OGLC skeleton to avoid most of the opengl-win32 business. You can move through this world using descent keys (a,z, keypad). use w to switch to wire-frame and d to render without the detail texture.-foreign programmers prepared by the OpenGL-based 3D terrain engine. Errain Engine I started working on a terrain eng stimulant around October 2000. I was deeply moved by sc reenshots from black and white : ) My intention and main goal was to create someth ing visually stunning. This meant writing a ter rain texture-generator, and working hard to find good blend textures and ing modes. The outcome is an engine that hold a ('s upposedly) 1km by 1km piece of terrain with very high accuracy. There is no triangle-cutting al gorithm employed. simple brute-force. I use a large terrain textu 're a tiling detail and texture. There's a skybox a nd the terrain reflects on the water. I used Open GL for this one. employing the OGLC skeleton to avoid most of the opengl - win32 business. You
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.48mb Publisher : 郭剑

vb做的图形(opengl)-vb does graph (opengl)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 戴呙星

国外程序员编写的基于OpenGL的3D地形引擎。 errain Engine I started working on a terrain engine around October 2000. I was deeply moved by screenshots from black and white :) My intention and main goal was to create something visually stunning. This meant writing a terrain texture-generator, and working hard to find good textures and blending modes. The outcome is an engine that hold a (supposedly) 1km by 1km piece of terrain with very high accuracy. There is no triangle-cutting algorithm employed, simple brute-force. I use a large terrain texture and a tiling detail texture. There s a skybox and the terrain reflects on the water. I used OpenGL for this one, employing the OGLC skeleton to avoid most of the opengl-win32 business. You can move through this world using descent keys (a,z, keypad). use w to switch to wire-frame and d to render without the detail texture.-foreign programmers prepared by the OpenGL-based 3D terrain engine. Errain Engine I started working on a terrain eng stimulant around October 2000. I was deeply moved by sc reenshots from black and white : ) My intention and main goal was to create someth ing visually stunning. This meant writing a ter rain texture-generator, and working hard to find good blend textures and ing modes. The outcome is an engine that hold a ('s upposedly) 1km by 1km piece of terrain with very high accuracy. There is no triangle-cutting al gorithm employed. simple brute-force. I use a large terrain textu 're a tiling detail and texture. There's a skybox a nd the terrain reflects on the water. I used Open GL for this one. employing the OGLC skeleton to avoid most of the opengl- win32 business. You
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.48mb Publisher : 郭剑

采用opengl实现雾化效果演示程序,场景中包含茶壶-Atomization used to achieve the effect of opengl demo program, scene contains teapot
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 472kb Publisher : john

简单明了的opengl融合、透明例子,仅供学习参考!-Opengl integration simple and transparent example of reference for learning!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.19mb Publisher : wwjestudio

Opengl es 1.0 透明物体,混合-Opengl es 1.0 transparent objects, blend
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : xu

DL : 0
opengl Blend ESC:退出程序 F1:窗口模式或全屏模式的切换 B:允许或禁止Blend 上下方向键:控制外层矩形的Alpha值 左右方向键:向左或向右移动外层的矩形 PageUP、PageDown:沿Z轴向外、向内移动外层的矩形-opengl Blend ESC: exit F1: Window mode or full-screen mode switch B: to permit or prohibit Blend up and down arrow keys: control outer rectangle of the Alpha value of left arrow key: move left or right outer rectangle PageUP, PageDown : along the Z axis, the inward movement of the rectangular outer
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 620kb Publisher : ccl

opengl中的混合的例子,使用glEnable(GL_BLEND)和glBlendFunc(source, destination) 来控制混合的模式等 -This tutorial demonstrates blending in OpenGL. Blending in OpenGL is very easy.. You will be able to blend textures, colors, etc.. Into nice looking special effects..
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 107kb Publisher : rongyao

用OpenGL+C++实现图像处理中的光照和材质-Using OpenGL+ C++ Implementation of Image Processing light and material
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 306kb Publisher : 贾晓楠

这个程序是一个OpenGL程序,展示了OpengL的混合技术。-This program is an OpenGL program, showing OpengL hybrid technology.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.23mb Publisher : hutiejun

演示Opengl纹理混合的技术。简单明了,经过代码优化。-Opengl texture blending technology demonstration. Simple, after code optimization.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.63mb Publisher : 安自生

opengl下的骨骼系统!使用NeHe SDK为框架!-opengl under the skeletal system! Using the NeHe SDK framework!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.23mb Publisher : lirc

实现各种各样图像滤镜(图像处理)效果,多达50多种效果,基本囊括了最常见的图像处理效果。包括:contrast,hue,gamma,brightness,sharpness,emboss,saturation,exposure,shadow,blend等等。 由于需要用到OpenGL ES 2.0,所以,仅能在真机中测试。可以载入本地相册的照片或者直接拍照后进行照片处理。 -Achieve a variety of image filters (image processing) effects, as many as 50 kinds of effects, basically covering the most common image processing effects. Include: contrast, hue, gamma, brightness, sharpness, emboss, saturation, exposure, shadow, blend and so on. Because of the need to use OpenGL ES 2.0, so the only real test drive. Photo albums can be loaded locally or directly after taking pictures for photo processing.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.52mb Publisher :

DL : 0
a book on os developement
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 24kb Publisher : rankg200

这段代码解释了什么是混合.就是将前景色与背景色结合得到新颜色的过程 背景色:又叫目标颜色,是已经进入颜色缓冲区的颜色. 前景色:当前渲染命令的颜色,作为结果进入缓冲区,又叫源颜色. 混合有混合方程式,混合方程式有两个混合因子来计算最终的混合颜色. 打开命令:glEnable(GL_BELNDING);//blend:混合 混合因子的设置需要函数glBlendFunc();来实现,他有两个参数,分别是源混合因子和目标混合因子的值 而这两个混合因子有15个预定义的值.(This code explains what is a mix. Is it a process to combine the foreground color with the background color to get the new color Background color: also called target color, is the color that has entered the color buffer. Foreground color: the color of the render command currently, as a result into the buffer, also called source color. Mixing equations and mixing equations have two mixing factors to calculate the final mixing color. Open command: glEnable(GL_BELNDING);/ / blend: mixed)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18.56mb Publisher : l1994z

DL : 0
这段代码解释了什么是混合.就是将前景色与背景色结合得到新颜色的过程 背景色:又叫目标颜色,是已经进入颜色缓冲区的颜色. 前景色:当前渲染命令的颜色,作为结果进入缓冲区,又叫源颜色. 混合有混合方程式,混合方程式有两个混合因子来计算最终的混合颜色. 打开命令:glEnable(GL_BELNDING);//blend:混合(This code explains what is a mix. Is it a process to combine the foreground color with the background color to get the new color Background color: also called target color, is the color that has entered the color buffer. Foreground color: the color of the render command currently, as a result into the buffer, also called source color. Mixing equations and mixing equations have two mixing factors to calculate the final mixing color. Open command: glEnable(GL_BELNDING);/ / blend: mixed)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18.29mb Publisher : l1994z
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