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[OpenGL programOpenGL3DGame

Description: opengl编程学游戏,主要是书中的代码-opengl game programming school, the main source is the book
Platform: | Size: 16023552 | Author: 王正培 | Hits:

[OpenGL programopenglgameprogramming

Description: opengl game programming source code!
Platform: | Size: 7058432 | Author: 王金 | Hits:

[OpenGL programBeginningOpenGLgameprogramming

Description: 英文原名:Beginning OpenGL game programming 中文:OpenGL游戏编程 本书分为两部分,首先是OpenGL的基础知识,内容包括OpenGL库函数、WGL简介、图元处理、变换和矩阵、颜色和灯光的渲染以及纹理映射 第二部分内容包括一些OpenGL的高级功能特性,内容涉及OpenGL的功能扩展、高级纹理映射,如何提高性能以及OpenG缓冲区的知识。-English version : Beginning OpenGL game programming Chinese : OpenGL game programming book is divided into two parts, the first is the basic knowledge of OpenGL, including OpenGL library functions, WGL brief, graphic processing, and transform matrix, Color and lighting and texture mapping exaggerate the second part of the contents, including some senior OpenGL function, concerning the expansion of the functions of OpenGL, the High texture mapping, how to improve the performance and OpenG buffer knowledge.
Platform: | Size: 21433344 | Author: 钱锋 | Hits:

[OpenGL programATimeToKill

Description: 《opengl游戏编程》光盘Bonus Game中的源码ATimeToKill,一个射击游戏源码。适合初学者研究。-"opengl game programming" CD-ROM Bonus Game of FOSS ATimeToKi ll, a shooting game source. Research for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 1143808 | Author: 刘志标 | Hits:

[OpenGL programBeginning_OpenGL_Game_Programming

Description: Beginning OpenGL Game Programming - Source Code-Beginning OpenGL Game Programming- Source Code
Platform: | Size: 14530560 | Author: cloudffx | Hits:

[Game ProgramOpenGLgameprogram

Description: OpenGL游戏编程一书的随书光盘。内含所有的源码和实例程序。-OpenGL game programming book, one CD-ROM with the book. Contains all the source code and examples of procedures.
Platform: | Size: 21554176 | Author: atl | Hits:


Description: OpenGL电子籍.对学习opengl有较大帮助-OpenGL electronic membership. To have a larger learning opengl help
Platform: | Size: 35184640 | Author: asdf | Hits:

[OpenGL programWordware.Publishing.OpenGL.Game.Development.eBook-

Description: OpenGL游戏开发编程(英文原版)介绍了采用OpenGL进行编程的全部知识,很全面-OpenGL game development programming (English original) introduced the use of OpenGL to program the full knowledge, very comprehensive
Platform: | Size: 3781632 | Author: luoyt | Hits:

[Game ProgramOpenGL_Game_Programming

Description: 《OpenGL游戏编程》这本书的配套源码。-" OpenGL Game Programming" book matching source.
Platform: | Size: 17924096 | Author: 冷秋魂 | Hits:


Description: Beginning OpenGL Game Programming(2004).rar opengl进行游戏开发的参考书-Beginning OpenGL Game Programming(2004).rar
Platform: | Size: 4092928 | Author: 往往 | Hits:

[OpenGL programBeginning-OpenGL-Game-Programming-Source-Code

Description: RAR Archive. Application to the same titled book.
Platform: | Size: 15090688 | Author: Alexandr | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGLGameProgramming

Description: OpenGL 游戏编程有48个实例 OpenGL教程 chm文档-OpenGL Game Programming in 48 examples
Platform: | Size: 6848512 | Author: 林武文 | Hits:

[OpenGL programBeginning.OpenGL.Game.Programming.2nd

Description: OpenGL Game Programming 2nd.pdf
Platform: | Size: 2211840 | Author: Qzi | Hits:

[OpenGL programDelphi.OpenGL.Star.Lightning

Description: OpenGL游戏编程Delphi星空闪电图源代码Delphi OpenGL Game Programming Source Code Star Lightning Figure - Delphi OpenGL Game Programming Source Code Star Lightning Figure
Platform: | Size: 162816 | Author: xc | Hits:

[OpenGL programGame-Programming-of-OpenGL

Description: OpenGL游戏编程,基于vc++,是3d游戏编程爱好者的入门书籍-OpenGL Game Programming, based on vc++, is the Introduction to 3d game programming book lovers
Platform: | Size: 10797056 | Author: longlong | Hits:


Description: OpenGL游戏编程 Beginning.OpenGL.Game.Programming PDF扫描+源码。-OpenGL games the programming Beginning.OpenGL.Game.Programming PDF Scan+ source code.
Platform: | Size: 45406208 | Author: | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL-game-programming-

Description: OpenGL游戏程序设计(源码)+ 扫描版文档-OpenGL Game Programming (source)+ scanned version of the document
Platform: | Size: 29952000 | Author: LN | Hits:


Description: OpenGL游戏编程的电子扫描版 OpenGL游戏编程的电子扫描版-OpenGL game programming electronically scanned version
Platform: | Size: 29808640 | Author: qiao | Hits:


Description: 《OpenGL游戏程序设计》重点介绍了如何使用高性能的OpenGL图形与游戏函数库来开发游戏的视频部分。为了让读者了解创建一个游戏的全部过程,书中还包含了DirectX的内容。《OpenGL游戏程序设计》是涵盖这两方面内容的极少书籍之一。在《OpenGL游戏程序设计》中,首先介绍了OpenGL和DirectX的产生背景,对它们的工作机理给出一个总体的描述,然后着重介绍了OpenGL最有可能应用于游戏开发的技术。再后,介绍了如何把所有的技术结合在一起,搭建一个自己的游戏框架,用OpenGL做图形系统部分,用DirectSound和DirectInput做声音和设备输入系统部分。最后,《OpenGL游戏程序设计》将介绍如何利用这个游戏框架和《OpenGL游戏程序设计》所涵盖的各种技术来创建一个完整的3D游戏。 《OpenGL游戏程序设计》是学习使用OpenGL进行3D游戏设计的一个很实用的资料,非常适合打算进行游戏开发的程序员使用,也适合其他3D应用程序开发的程序员使用。 (摘自百度百科)-"OpenGL Game Programming" focuses on how to use high-performance OpenGL graphics and game library to develop the video portion of the game . In order to enable readers to understand the whole process of creating a game , the book also contains the DirectX content . "OpenGL Game Programming" is to cover both aspects of the very few books. In the "OpenGL Game Programming" , first introduced the generation OpenGL and DirectX background, their work gives a general description of the mechanism , and then focuses on the most likely used OpenGL game development technology. And then later, describes how to put all the technologies together , to build a framework for their own game , made ​ ​ with OpenGL graphics system parts, with DirectSound and DirectInput do voice input system parts and devices . Finally , "OpenGL Game Programming" describes how to use this framework and the game "OpenGL Game Programming" covers a variety of techniques to create a complete 3D game. "OpenGL Game P
Platform: | Size: 25042944 | Author: 蓝锐黑梦 | Hits:

[source in ebookBeginning-OpenGL-Game-Programming

Description: 初学者学习OPENGL的资料,是《Beginning OpenGL Game Programming》的源代码-It s for the OpenGL primer
Platform: | Size: 15098880 | Author: 郑强 | Hits:
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