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用opengl的粒子效果模拟火的场景,内附源码及3d模型-use opengl effects of particle simulation of the fire scene, enclosing source and 3d model
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 523.02kb Publisher : 张金成

该例子演示了使用OPENGL创建蜡烛火焰的效果,包含完整源代码,使学习游戏中火焰粒子运动及爆炸粒子运动的好-The example demonstrates the use of OpenGL to create the effect of a candle flame, including complete source code, make learning games flame particle and particle explosion good Dongdong
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : 张震沣

openGL编程,粒子系统的演示,有助于学习粒子模拟系统-openGL programming, particle system demo will help to learn particle simulation system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33kb Publisher : n

Delphi + OpenGL 这是一个模拟烟火效果的例子,主要是演示3D粒子变换以及粒子的生命周期。-Delphi+ OpenGL This is a simulation example of pyrotechnic effects, mainly demonstration 3D particle and particle transformation of the life cycle.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30kb Publisher : 张震沣

用opengl的粒子效果模拟火的场景,内附源码及3d模型-use opengl effects of particle simulation of the fire scene, enclosing source and 3d model
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.91mb Publisher : 张金成

用OpenGL+vc编写的程序,用粒子系统来模拟火焰。-with OpenGL vc prepared by the procedures used to simulate particle system flame.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 51kb Publisher : 白杨

使用粒子系统模拟火焰的代码,并且调用了vc++中的opengl图形库 -use particle system simulation code flame, and called the vc the opengl graphics library
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.72mb Publisher : yingzi

vc++,环境下,opengl实现逼真的火焰技术,采用粒子系统-vc, the environment, opengl achieve realistic flame technique, particle system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48kb Publisher : 小徐

利用粒子系统自己写的模拟火焰的小程序,支持鼠标操作,在闭室中的火焰-particle system simulation write their own small flame procedures, support mouse operation, in the closed room Flame
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 338kb Publisher : 曹宏飞

OpenGL模拟火焰,采用的粒子系统来进行实现,希望对大家有所帮助-OpenGL simulation of the flame, using a particle system to carry out to achieve, I hope all of you to help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 55kb Publisher : CiCi

用OpenGl粒子系统实现的模仿火焰的效果,是通过NEHE教程经过自行改进实现的,对OpenGl的初学者有很大的帮助。-Particle System with OpenGL realize the effect of imitation flame is passed through on their own to improve NEHE Tutorial realize, to the beginners OpenGL has a great help.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : 陈松南

DL : 0
利用OpenGL写的模拟火焰代码,模拟水纹代码,基于粒子算法的-The use of OpenGL code written in flame simulation, simulation水纹code algorithm based on particle
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.65mb Publisher : 郭星

DL : 0
基于粒子系统的火焰效果 做的相当的逼真 有利于学习-Particle system based on the effect of the flame of life quite so conducive to learning
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.65mb Publisher :

对不规则模糊物体模拟是计算机图形学研究的热点问题之一,其中火焰是一种常见的涉及面较广的自然现象,因此火焰模拟具有重要意义。本文提出了一种基于粒子系统和纹理映射以及OpenGL混合技术的3D火焰模拟模型,本方法采用特定的几何造型作为基本粒子,既能提高绘制速度又能降低计算量,并通过粒子混合实现了火焰不同区域颜色的变化,同时反映了其中温度的差异。另外该方法还反映了风力对粒子系统的影响。实验结果表明,利用该方法模拟的火焰逼真,占用资源少,能较好地满足多种场合的实时绘制需要- Pairs of irregular fuzzy objects, computer graphics simulation of the hot topic of research, in which the flame is a common natural phenomenon involves a broader, so the flame simulation of great significance. This paper presents a particle system based on OpenGL and texture mapping, as well as hybrid technology, 3D fire simulation model, this method is the use of specific geometric shape as the elementary particles, both to improve rendering speed as well as lower calculation of the amount of particle mixing achieved through the flame different regions of the color change, while reflecting a temperature difference. In addition the method also reflects the impact of wind on the particle system. Experimental results show that using the realistic simulation of the flame, taking up less resources and can better meet the needs of a variety of occasions, the real-time rendering.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 39kb Publisher :

OpenGL入门例子,第八章主要讲述了粒子系统.想构造一个漂亮的彗星火喷泉吗?看看这些例子吧?-OpenGL started example, the eighth chapter describes the particle system. Would like to construct a beautiful comet fire fountain it? Look at these examples, right?
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 183kb Publisher : vincentku80

这是一个用opengl实现的火效果的程序,对opengl的初学者有良好的帮助 -this is a opengl program to realize the fire effect using particle system it is good for opengl primer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : sheldon

TouchFighter2 TouchFighter2 is an OpenGL ES game that shows how to handle and calibrate accelerometer data, recognize gestures, handle multiplayer, add a movie sequence, and get maximum OpenGL ES performance. By looking at the code, you ll earn how to organize a large OpenGL game project. TouchFighter2 uses physics to give realistic movements and collisions. It uses particle system classes for fire and smoke effects. You can reuse the core game objects in your own game. Build Requirements iPhone SDK, Mac OS X 10.5.3 Runtime Requirements iPhone OS 2.0
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.86mb Publisher : Weiping

粒子系统模拟烟雾。通过学习本文,可以很容易的制作出火焰效果。是学习opengl非常好的文章。-Smoke particle system simulation. By learning this, you can easily create a fire effect. Is a very good article to learn opengl.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 254kb Publisher : yy

采用OpenGL实现的一个简单的火焰粒子效果-OpenGL implementation of a simple flame particle effects
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.96mb Publisher : 姚新宇

用OPenGL和VC作为平台,通过粒子系统来模拟火焰的生成,用纹理映射和混色处理来解决火焰真实感的问题-With OPenGL and VC as a platform to simulate the flame generated by the particle system, using texture mapping and blending processing to solve the problem of flame realism
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.88mb Publisher : 王恂
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