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将常用的矩阵操作封装起来,展示了c语言中的矩阵运算-matrix will be used to operate the package, display the c language matrix
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 64.47kb Publisher : snow

1,图的建立与遍历操作 建立图的邻接矩阵 输出图从顶点V0出发按深度优先遍历的顶点序列 输出图从顶点V0出发按广度优先遍历的顶点序列 2,图的建立与拓扑排序-1, Graph traversal operation with the establishment of the establishment of the adjacency matrix output plans starting from the vertex V0 by depth-first traversal sequence of vertices losers Figure out from the starting point V0 according to the breadth - first traversal sequence vertex 2, and plans to establish the topological sorting
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26.65kb Publisher : 刘黎

本软件系我Delphi学习习作,实现了用Gauss消去法解线性方程组,能识别用户以文本方 式输入方程组增广矩阵,并且能检测一些常见的输入错误及其位置,方程的解以文本方式输 出在结果显示框。希望用户尽量按照软件操作提示操作,尽管我细心的考虑过很多可能出现 的错误,但仍有许多不足的地方,欢迎各位朋友发现并指出,本人非常感激。-I Delphi learning exercises, realized using Gauss elimination method for solving linear equations. can identify the user to input text equation by matrix, and can detect some common input errors and their locations, the solution of the equation as text in the output frame results. Users want to operate as suggested in the software operation, despite my careful consideration of many possible errors, But there are still many gaps and welcome friends and found that, I am very grateful.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 551kb Publisher : 谭文政

c++实现的共生矩阵!!并求出其中的6个特征向量值!!已经调试,能安全运行-c realization of the symbiotic matrix! ! And the results obtained with the six characteristics to the Money! ! Have debugging, can operate safely! !
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 21.25kb Publisher : chenle

专门的矩阵操作类-matrix operate class
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 王辉

1,图的建立与遍历操作 建立图的邻接矩阵 输出图从顶点V0出发按深度优先遍历的顶点序列 输出图从顶点V0出发按广度优先遍历的顶点序列 2,图的建立与拓扑排序-1, Graph traversal operation with the establishment of the establishment of the adjacency matrix output plans starting from the vertex V0 by depth-first traversal sequence of vertices losers Figure out from the starting point V0 according to the breadth- first traversal sequence vertex 2, and plans to establish the topological sorting
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 167kb Publisher : 刘黎

可对任意两个矩阵做加法、减法、乘法等运算;同时可对单个矩阵求转置矩阵、三角分解、奇异值分解等操作,功能强大。-Can make any two matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication and other operations at the same time, a single matrix transpose matrix, triangular decomposition, singular value decomposition, etc. operate and powerful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 119kb Publisher : yueyuezhaozhao

法国cromda编写的新版本MATRICE 2(矩阵和矢量运算单元)。 // ---------------------------------------------------------- // 12-01-02 : MODIFIED Matrice to Matrice2 (Delphi 6) // All routines now operate on rectangular matrix, except (InvMat and SysLin) // No more need to use the InitMat procedure (suppressed) : // - the routines detect automaticaly the dimensions of matrix and vector // - error code MatDimNul is generated if zero lines or column in matrix and vector (See DimensionMatrice and DimensionVecteur) // - error code MatMauvDim is generated if the dimensions of matrix/vector don t allow valid result // - // The result matrix is dimensioned automaticaly-Cromda France prepared a new version of MATRICE 2 (matrix and vector computing unit).//----------------------------------------------------------// 12-01-02: MODIFIED Matrice to Matrice2 (Delphi 6)// All routines now operate on rectangular matrix, except (InvMat and SysLin)// No more need to use the InitMat procedure (suppressed)://- the routines detect automaticaly the dimensions of matrix and vector//- error code MatDimNul is generated if zero lines or column in matrix and vector (See DimensionMatrice and DimensionVecteur)//- error code MatMauvDim is generated if the dimensions of matrix/vector don t allow valid result//-// The result matrix is dimensioned automaticaly
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher :

★采用独特的 8 行 52 列 L 印点阵显示屏作为显示单元,其显示亮度高、自发光、无视角,制作者可以随意选择屏幕大小和发光颜色。 ★日期、时间、星期、温度全信息交替显示,所需信息一目了然。 ★采用专业时钟芯片 DS1302 和备用电池,时钟掉电依然走时,用户设置闹钟时间永久保存。 ★远离机身的温度传感器设计, 0 ~ 60 ℃ 环境温度显示更精确。 ★全功能菜单操作, 4 个按键操作,可加减调时,操作方便。 ★ 8 路独立闹钟功能,可以设置独立闹钟时间和模式,大闹生活每一天。 ★多种整点报时时间范围设置,保证休息时间不打扰。 ★多种操作提示音,高音量闹钟音,耳目一新。 ★设计有全屏 LED 点阵测试功能,制作和使用时轻松检查 L 印坏点。 ★首次通电时可自动初始化时钟芯片。 -★ 8 unique line 52 L as a printed dot-matrix screen display units, display brightness high, since the light-emitting, non-perspective, producers can select the screen size and luminous color. ★ date, time, week, temperature-wide information alternately shows that the required information at a glance. ★ professional clock chip DS1302 and backup battery, the clock continues to go down, the user setting the alarm time permanent preservation. ★ away from the airframe design of the temperature sensor, 0 ~ 60 ℃ ambient temperature display more accurate. ★ full-featured menu operation, 4 button operation, can be adjusted plus or minus the time, easy to operate. ★ 8 road independent alarm clock function, alarm clock can be set independent of time and mode of life of every day scene. ★ multiple time points throughout the time frame set up to ensure that rest periods do not bother. ★ operation prompted a variety of sound, high volume alarm tone, refreshing. ★ Desi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 172kb Publisher : ph53543

数据结构中的矩阵转换,适用于初学者的上机操作-Transfer the matrix data structure, for beginners to operate the machine
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 561kb Publisher : 陈羽茗

DL : 0
Source code to operate (read/write) image files in .pcx format. Reading every layer of image in separate matrix. Writing in simple pcx archive.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Sasha

MATLAB以矩阵作为数据操作的基本单位,还提供了十分丰富的数值计算函数。 MATLAB和著名的符号计算语言Maple相结合,使得MATLAB具有符号计算功能。-MATLAB with matrix as the basic unit of data manipulation, it also provides a very rich numerical functions. MATLAB and the famous combination of symbolic computation language Maple, MATLAB has a symbolic computing makes.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 39kb Publisher : xin

1 使用说明:进入菜单;根据菜单提示进行操作; 开始操作时,按 1 进行矩阵的建立和三元组法存储; 按 2 是将 1 所得的矩阵进行转置; 3 进行矩阵乘法时,第一个矩阵是 第一步产生的矩阵,第二个矩阵是重 新产生的矩阵; 2 输入:输入按照输入提示进行操作; 输出:输入矩阵简化输出;-1 instructions: access to menu According to the menu tip operation Start operation, on the establishment of the press 1 matrix and three yuan group method storage Press 2 is the matrix 1 income deferring 3 for matrix multiplication, the first matrix is the first step from the matrix, the second matrix is heavy new produce matrix 2 input: input according to operate input tip Output: input matrix simplify output
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher :

Matrix是使用c++进行矩阵运算。运算功能强大。可以将该算法融入到工程实际中。-Matrix。using C++ complete the Matrix Operation. you can using this functions in realistic work.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : 国学大师

是使用c++进行矩阵运算。各种数学运算的程序独立写出,用户可以根据需要自由进行裁剪。-it is matrix operator complete in VC++ using C++. every operator is dependent, so you can combine them in your projects.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4mb Publisher : 国学大师

能够进行矩阵的常用操作,用重载运算符的方式使矩阵类的使用非常方便。-Matrix can be used to operate with overloaded operators a way that is very convenient to use matrices.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : hhh

DL : 0
加强的矩阵计算类 几乎实现了全部矩阵计算操作 使用方便简单-Strengthening of the matrix computation almost achieved all matrix calculation is simple and easy to operate
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : feng

DL : 0
Matrix math utilities. These methods operate on OpenGL ES format matrices and vectors stored in float arrays.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : quilonnang

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线性代数计算器,可计算矩阵和,差,数乘,相乘,逆,伴随阵,特征值等多种运算。结合用户图形界面,功能强大,操作简便,界面简洁-Linear Algebra calculator, calculate matrix and poor, multiplication, multiplying, reverse, with a variety of computing matrix, the eigenvalues and the like. Combined with the graphical user interface, powerful, easy to operate, simple interface
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : Bob

操作矩阵键盘,P3用8根杜邦线接到J24,矩阵键盘模块;P0用8根杜邦线接到J6,独立数码管模块(operate matrix keyboard, connect P3 to J24 and connect P0 to J6.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : WS_100
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