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[Technology Managementchengyu_zhu

Description: 非常好的一篇paper,关于Opnet下的网络流量控制算法的比较。TCP,RED,PIRED等-A very good paper, on the Opnet network traffic under control algorithms comparison. TCP, RED, PIRED, etc.
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: chl | Hits:


Description: Model for Opnet. Use this model to generate traffic between source and destination pairs. The resultant traffic file can then be imported into the networks to mimic traffic patterns and represent background loading on a network-Model for Opnet. Use this model to generate traffic between source and destination pairs. The resultant traffic file can then be imported into the networks to mimic traffic patterns and represent background loading on a network
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: mike_S | Hits:


Description: OPNET This model compares the effect of prioritizing CBR traffic over VBR traffic.
Platform: | Size: 432128 | Author: mike_S | Hits:


Description: 基于OPNET的FTP流量模型仿真研究,在OPNET环境下对FTP进行了建模,有参考价值。-The FTP traffic model based on OPNET simulation studies in OPNET environment, carried out on the FTP model, there is reference value.
Platform: | Size: 202752 | Author: 小潘 | Hits:


Description: model converts EcoSCOPE traffic into OPNET traffic
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: Geraldinn Kaupa | Hits:

[Program docUMTSwangluozhongjiyuOPNETdeHTTPyewujianmoyufangzhe

Description: HTTP业务是构成3G数据业务的重要部分,因此有必要研究3G网络承载HTTP业务时的性能。介绍了HTTP业务 的基本概念后,提出一种基于网页对象的建模方法,并在OPNET平台上得到实现。最后,根据仿真得到的流量数据,用方差一 时间曲线图和R/S图法分析了模型的自相似特性,验证了模型的正确性。-HTTP operations constitute an important part of 3G data services, 3G networks it is necessary to study the performance of load HTTP business. Introduces the basic concepts of HTTP operations, the proposed object-based modeling website, and realized in OPNET platform. Finally, simulation results of traffic data, a time curve with a variance and R/S Method for the self-similarity of the model to verify the validity of the model.
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: 谢静 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringwww

Description: 然后根据上述三个数据通过FGN模型产生65536个精确的自相似流量(自相似流量),然后以该流量作为仿真的驱动,驱动OPNET进行网络的仿真,统计相关的参数;-Then the above three data generated by the FGN model 65536 precision of self-similar traffic (self-similar traffic), then the flow as the driving simulation, driving OPNET network simulation, statistics related parameters
Platform: | Size: 322560 | Author: zhengxiaofu | Hits:

[Ftp ClientOPNET-Modeler-and-Ns-2-Comparing-the-Accuracy-Of-

Description: This paper presents a comparative study of two well-known network simulators: OPNET Modeler and Ns- 2. Other studies in this area have generally been confined to just one simulator. The motivation of this paper is to provide a guide to researchers undertaking packet-level network simulations. The simulator outputs were compared to the output from a live network testbed. The experimental comparison consisted of deploying both CBR data traffic, and an FTP session, both on the network testbed and the simulators. CBR data traffic was used due to its simplicity of modeling. A custom analysis tool was employed to examine the behavior of the network in different background traffic scenarios. The same scenarios were then recreated in the simulators in order to ascertain their realism. The results show the necessity of fine-tuning the parameters within a simulator so that it closely tracks the behavior of a real network.
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: Faisel | Hits:


Description: 在本文中,我们描述了使用OPNET 仿真建模和分析工具的分组数据 网络。我们模拟两种类型的高性能 网络:光纤分布式数据接口 异步传输模式。我们将 协议性能的不同网络FDDI 在两个网络参数配置。我们也 一个简单的ATM网络模型和衡量 各种自动取款机服务类别下的性能。 最后,我们发展一套OPNET对漏过程模型 桶的拥塞控制算法。我们检查其 性能和影响交通模式(损失 和丛集尺寸)在ATM网络。 -In this paper we describe the use of the OPNET simulation tool for modeling and analysis of packet data networks. We simulate two types of high-performance networks: Fiber Distributed Data Interface and Asynchronous Transfer Mode. We examine the performance of the FDDI protocol by varying network parameters in two network configurations. We also model a simple ATM network and measure its performance under various ATM service categories. Finally, we develop an OPNET process model for leaky bucket congestion control algorithm. We examine its performance and its effect on the traffic patterns (loss and burst size) in an ATM network.
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: 王琛 | Hits:

[Industry researchOPNET-of-the-router-capability

Description: 本文在阐述网络发展的现状和趋势的基础上,着重分析了两种内 部网关路由选择协议砒P和OSPF协议的实现机制和性能特点。对P 协议是基于距离矢量算法的。OSPF协议是基于链路状态算法的。本 文的工作重点是对上述两种协议分别从类型,封装,路径特征,邻居 发现和支持,路由选择数据的分发,对变化的响应,路由表计算,健 壮性/可靠性以及安全性等方面进行了对比分析,并对它们存在的安 全漏洞进行了初步的分析说明。根据以上的分析,通过On忸T软件, 本文设计了一个10km×10km规模大小的网络仿真模型,配置了相应 的流量和IP地址,并选取了路由协议网络收敛性,协议开销,网络 延时以及链路修复四个仿真性能参数进行仿真,最后通过对仿真结果 的分析得出以下结论:对P协议适合于网络规模较小、拓扑结构比较 简单、性能要求不严格和易用性要求较高的环境,而OSPF则适合于 网络规模大、拓扑结构复杂和性能要求高的环境,因此要根据网络特 点合理的选择路由协议。-This paper described the status and trends of network development on the basis of analyzes of two Ministry gateway routing select the protocol arsenic P and OSPF protocol implementation mechanism and performance characteristics. P The protocol is based on the distance vector algorithm. The OSPF protocol is based on link-state algorithms. This The text s focus is on these two agreements, respectively, from the type of package, the path characteristics, neighbors Discovery and route choice of data distribution, changes in response, the routing table calculation, and health Zhuang/reliability, and security aspects of a comparative analysis, and they are safety The full loopholes in the preliminary analysis shows. According to the above analysis, On to blush T software Designed a 10km x 10km scale the size of the network simulation model, configuration, corresponding Traffic and IP address, and select the routing protocol convergence, protocol overhead, network Delay and link repa
Platform: | Size: 9182208 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 用opnet编写的光网络业务疏导模型算法,主要是分层模型的建立,用dijkastra算法跑出最短路径-Optical network traffic grooming algorithms model opnet written mainly based hierarchical model, ran the shortest path algorithm with dijkastra
Platform: | Size: 467968 | Author: 杨永涛 | Hits:


Description: 波带级业务疏导算法的opnet仿真程序,主要为光网络环境中的波带业务疏导算法-Band-level traffic grooming algorithm opnet simulation program, mainly for optical networks in the business environment, grooming algorithm band
Platform: | Size: 2760704 | Author: 杨永涛 | Hits:


Description: Investigation on Quality of Service (QoS) performance over 4G LTE with its effects on the voice calls, data and video application traffic using Riverbed (OPNET) platform
Platform: | Size: 421888 | Author: nickneal | Hits:

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