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书是针对工程上常用的行之有效的算法而编写的C语言函数程序集,在第一版的基础上作了修改和扩充。书中包括了近几年出现的许多新算法。全书分为数值计算与非数值计算两部分。其中数值计算部分的内容包括:线性代数方程组的求解、矩阵运算、矩阵特征值与特征向量的计算、非线性方程与方程组的求解、插值、数值积分、常微分方程(组)的求解、拟合与逼近、数据处理与回归分析、极值问题、数学变换与滤波、特殊函数、随机数的产生、多项式与连分式函数的计算、复数运算;非数值计算部分的内容包括:排序、查找、图形模式下读写屏幕象点、基本图形操作、汉字操作等。-book is widely used in engineering at the effective preparation of the algorithm and C language function suite, on the basis of the first edition was revised and expanded. The book includes the past few years, many of the new algorithm. Topics are divided into the numerical and non - numerical calculation of two parts. These numerical part of the contents include : linear algebraic equations by solving the matrix computation, Matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors of computing, nonlinear equations and solve equations, interpolation, numerical integration, ordinary differential equations (Group I) solution, fitting and approximation, data processing and back In analysis, optimization, mathematical transformation and filtering, special functions, the selection of random numbers, and even fracti
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 225.68kb Publisher : 姚志良

In the last twenty years, the design of efficient function optimizers has been a crucial topic of research work. Many theoretical and practical research problems involve combinatorial optimization, which is obtaining the optimal solution among a finite set of alternatives. Such optimization problems are notoriously difficult to solve, one of the primary reasons being that in most applications the number of alternatives is extremely large and only a fraction of them can be considered within a reasonable amount of time (Shi et al, 1999). Indeed, such problems are often non-differentiable or multimodal, causing difficulties for classical gradient and random search methods, which are limited to simple unimodal functions and which are thus inappropriate to apply to such difficult problems. The seminal methods to deal with this problem are called Deterministic Optimization Methods (DOMs) (Fletcher, 1980). There are two major drawbacks when using DOMs: their high computational complexity and the possibility of becoming trapped in a local optimum. Moreover, DOMs are difficult to program, as they require a deep mathematical knowledge.
Update : 2011-02-12 Size : 11.8kb Publisher :

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书是针对工程上常用的行之有效的算法而编写的C语言函数程序集,在第一版的基础上作了修改和扩充。书中包括了近几年出现的许多新算法。全书分为数值计算与非数值计算两部分。其中数值计算部分的内容包括:线性代数方程组的求解、矩阵运算、矩阵特征值与特征向量的计算、非线性方程与方程组的求解、插值、数值积分、常微分方程(组)的求解、拟合与逼近、数据处理与回归分析、极值问题、数学变换与滤波、特殊函数、随机数的产生、多项式与连分式函数的计算、复数运算;非数值计算部分的内容包括:排序、查找、图形模式下读写屏幕象点、基本图形操作、汉字操作等。-book is widely used in engineering at the effective preparation of the algorithm and C language function suite, on the basis of the first edition was revised and expanded. The book includes the past few years, many of the new algorithm. Topics are divided into the numerical and non- numerical calculation of two parts. These numerical part of the contents include : linear algebraic equations by solving the matrix computation, Matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors of computing, nonlinear equations and solve equations, interpolation, numerical integration, ordinary differential equations (Group I) solution, fitting and approximation, data processing and back In analysis, optimization, mathematical transformation and filtering, special functions, the selection of random numbers, and even fracti
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 225kb Publisher : 姚志良

COOOL:CWP面向对象最优化库(CWP Object Oriented Optimization Library) COOOL是C++类的一个集合,使用这些类可实现许多最优化算法,还包含一个测试函数集合,可用于评估新的最优化算法。-COOOL: CWP object-oriented optimization library (CWP Object Oriented Optimization Library) COOOL is C++ Type of a collection, the use of these classes can realize many of the optimization algorithm, but also contains a collection of test functions that can be used to assess the most new optimization algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 520kb Publisher : Cheng bing

遗传算法源程序,用来优化复杂函数,多次迭代求解最大值。-Genetic algorithm source code for the optimization of complex functions, many times the maximum iteration.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : liuhua

JSP+Servlet标准的MVC框架实现的一个新闻发布系统。JSP->Servlet->Service->DAO->DBMS分层实现。使用SmartUpload上传文件,实现了多数据分页功能和大数据缓存优化技巧。 项目里有完整的代码和详细的文档说明以及系统移植说明书,帮助大家学习和理解。-JSP+ Servlet standard MVC framework of realization of a press release system. JSP-> Servlet-> Service-> DAO-> DBMS stratified realize. Upload files using SmartUpload achieved many data paging functions and large data cache optimization techniques. Projects have a complete code and detailed documentation and system specification transplantation to help the U.S. study and understanding.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.39mb Publisher : Sherry

完美的ASP版政府网站,后台功能非常强大,并参考目前众多流行的国内政府网站重新做了美化,适用于各政府、单位网站的建设, 中极速设计政府网管理系统,Asp+ACCESS的完美结合,高效的页面执行效率,特别优化系统安全性能,可令你在茫茫网海中一支独秀。-ASP version of the perfect government web sites, a very powerful back-office functions, and many popular reference to the current national government web sites to re-do the landscaping for the Government, the construction unit site, the design speed of the government management system, Asp+ ACCESS perfect combination of efficient implementation of the efficiency of the page, especially the optimization of system safety performance, can you sea in a vast network of independent show.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.45mb Publisher : coldmoon

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Lingo是最优化问题的一种建模语言,包括许多常用的函数可供使用者建立优化模型时调用,并提供与其他数据文件(如文本文件、Excel电子表格文件、数据库文件等)的接口,易于方便地输入、求解和分析大规模最优化问题。   由于这些特点,Lindo系统公司的线性、非线性和整数规划求解程序已经被全世界数千万的公司用来做最大化利润和最小化成本的分析。应用的范围包含生产线规划、运输、财务金融、投资分配、资本预算、混合排程、库存管理、资源配置等等... -Lingo is a kind of optimization problem modeling language, including many commonly used functions available for users to create optimized model call, and provide other data files (such as a text file, Excel spreadsheet files, database files, etc.) interface, easy easy to enter, solving and analyzing large-scale optimization problem. As a result of these characteristics, Lindo Systems, Inc. linear, nonlinear and integer programming solver has been the company tens of millions around the world used to maximize profit and minimize the cost of analysis. The scope of application include production line planning, transport, finance finance, investment allocation, capital budgeting, mixed scheduling, inventory management, resource allocation and so on ...
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 310kb Publisher : huierqing

This a demonstration of how to find a minimum of a non-smooth objective function using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) function in the Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox. Traditional derivative-based optimization methods, like those found in the Optimization Toolbox, are fast and accurate for many types of optimization problems. These methods are designed to solve smooth , i.e., continuous and differentiable, minimization problems, as they use derivatives to determine the direction of descent. While using derivatives makes these methods fast and accurate, they often are not effective when problems lack smoothness, e.g., problems with discontinuous, non-differentiable, or stochastic objective functions. When faced with solving such non-smooth problems, methods like the genetic algorithm or the more recently developed pattern search methods, both found in the Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox, are effective alternatives. -This is a demonstration of how to find a minimum of a non-smooth objective function using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) function in the Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox. Traditional derivative-based optimization methods, like those found in the Optimization Toolbox, are fast and accurate for many types of optimization problems. These methods are designed to solve smooth , i.e., continuous and differentiable, minimization problems, as they use derivatives to determine the direction of descent. While using derivatives makes these methods fast and accurate, they often are not effective when problems lack smoothness, e.g., problems with discontinuous, non-differentiable, or stochastic objective functions. When faced with solving such non-smooth problems, methods like the genetic algorithm or the more recently developed pattern search methods, both found in the Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox, are effective alternatives.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18kb Publisher : gao

。本书首先讲述了MATLAB语言程序设计基础,然后分别介绍了符号计算在微积分和复变函数两门大学数学基础课程中的应用,接着系统的介绍了线性方程组、非线性方程与最优化方法、特征值与特征向量、插值与函数逼近、估计方法和数据拟合、积分计算、常微分方程的数值方法。从实用角度考虑,本书许多章节都给出了一些数值分析的应用范例,并在最后一章单独介绍了一些综合性较强的数学建模问题-This book starts by describing the basis of MATLAB programming language, and then introduced the symbolic computation in calculus and complex functions based on two college courses in applied mathematics, and then introduced the system of linear equations, nonlinear equations with the most optimization method, eigenvalue and eigenvector, Interpolation and function approximation, estimation and data fitting, integral calculation, numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. From a practical point of view, many of the chapters the book gives some numerical analysis are examples of the application, and separate in the final chapter describes some of the more integrated mathematical modeling
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.17mb Publisher : 刘良勇

PHPOK3是一套针对企业网站建设的系统!具备多种特性及功能,能绝大多数满足用户需求. PHPOK3Full-20101005 版本更新说明 版本 PHPOK3Full-20101005 版本更新说明 01、修正数据库备份BUG 02、修正注册提示BUG 03、增加Tools工具箱,可用此工具箱初始化管理员密码 04、修正内容页SEO优化标题错误 -PHPOK3 is a system for building corporate Web site! Has many features and functions that can most meet the needs of users. PHPOK3Full-20101005 Release Notes Version PHPOK3Full-20101005 Release Notes 01, revised database backup BUG 02, revised up tips BUG 03, increasing Tools toolbox, this tool can be used initialize the administrator password box 04, amended heading Error page SEO optimization
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : 陆飞

Notepad++ 是在微软视窗环境之下的一个免费的代码编辑器. 为了产生小巧且有效率的代码编辑器,这个在 GPL 许可证下的自由软体开发专案采用 win32 api 和 STL 以 C++ 程式语言撰写成,并且选用功能强大的编辑模组 Scintilla. 藉由加强与优化许多函数及演算法,Notepad++ 致力於减少世界二氧化碳的排放.当使用较少的 CPU 功 率, 降低电脑系统能源消耗, Notepad++ 间接造就了绿化的环境. 多亏它的轻巧与执行效率, Notepad++ 可 完美地取代微软视窗的记事本.-Notepad++ is a Microsoft Windows environment under a free code editor. In order to generate compact and efficient code editor, that the GPL license of the free software development project using win32 api and STL in C++ programming language written into, and use powerful editing module Scintilla. by strengthening and optimization of many functions and algorithms, Notepad++ is committed to reducing the world' s carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, reducing computer system power consumption, Notepad++ indirectly created a green environment. Thanks to its lightweight efficiency and execution, Notepad++ can be a perfect alternative to Microsoft Windows Notepad.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : zzg

DL : 0
Particle swarm optimization has been used to solve many optimization problems since it was proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 [4]. After that, they published one book [9] and several papers on this topic [5][7][13][15], one of which did a study on its performance using four nonlinear functions adopted as a benchmark by many researchers in this area. In PSO, each particle moves in the search space with a velocity according to its own previous best solution and its group’s previous best solution. The dimension of the search space can be any positive integer.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : ezuezaimie

DL : 0
Particle swarm optimization has been used to solve many optimization problems since it was proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 [4]. After that, they published one book [9] and several papers on this topic [5][7][13][15], one of which did a study on its performance using four nonlinear functions adopted as a benchmark by many researchers in this area [14]. In PSO, each particle moves in the search space with a velocity according to its own previous best solution and its group’s previous best solution. The dimension of the search space can be any positive integer.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : ezuezaimie

DL : 0
Particle swarm optimization has been used to solve many optimization problems since it was proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 [4]. After that, they published one book [9] and several papers on this topic [5][7][13][15], one of which did a study on its performance using four nonlinear functions adopted as a benchmark by many researchers in this area [14]. In PSO, each particle moves in the search space with a velocity according to its own previous best solution and its group’s previous best solution. The dimension of the search space can be any positive integer.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : ezuezaimie

Particle swarm optimization has been used to solve many optimization problems since it was proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 [4]. After that, they published one book [9] and several papers on this topic [5][7][13][15], one of which did a study on its performance using four nonlinear functions adopted as a benchmark by many researchers in this area [14]. In PSO, each particle moves in the search space with a velocity according to its own previous best solution and its group’s previous best solution. The dimension of the search space can be any positive integer.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : ezuezaimie

DL : 0
这个是我的毕业设计,能实现如下功能:播放MP3、上下一曲、暂停、音量调节、显示当前的文件大小、播放进度。此外,支持txt格式的电子书、电子相册、实时时钟等功能。 不过还存在很多问题,比如现在只能播放164的歌曲,超过164比特率的就会开始卡(优化读写函数以及换更高的晶振应该可以播放高码率的MP3)。显示电子书时个别文字不对应,还未找到原因。 主控芯片是STC12C5A60S2、VS1003。 -This is my graduation design, can realize the following functions: MP3, up and down a piece, pause, sound volume, show the current file size, played progress. In addition, the format support TXT e-books, photo album, real time clock etc. Function. But there are still many problems, such as now can only play 164 songs, more than 164 bitrate will begin to card (optimization read and write functions and change higher crystals should play a higher bit rate MP3). Show individual words don t correspond when ebook, has yet to find out why. Master control chip is STC12C5A60S2, VS1003.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 543kb Publisher : 雾以沉

skymvc是一款轻量、简单的、开源的php mvc框架,借鉴了各大框架的设计,采纳了很多优秀的函数及类,skymvc不鼓励傻瓜式的开发,更注重给予开发者更多的思考空间。 skyMVC 1.2 主要更改: 1优化了模板类 使之更好支持多风格模板。 2.去掉smarty模板 使用 康盛模板类 3.增加 自动处理 添加更新数据的功能-The skymvc is a lightweight, simple, open source php mvc framework, drawing on the design of major framework, the adoption of the many excellent functions and class the the skymvc does not encourage the development of the dim-witted, pay more attention to give developers more space to think. skyMVC 1.2 major changes: an optimization of the template class to better support multi-style template. (2) remove the smarty template using the the Sing template class. Increase in processed automatically add the functionality of the update data
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 735kb Publisher : robine

This paper presents an overview of our most recent results concerning the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. Techniques for the alleviation of local minima, and for detecting multiple minimizers are described. Moreover, results on the ability of the PSO in tackling Multiobjective, Minimax, Integer Programming and 1 errors-in-variables problems, as well as problems in noisy and continuously changing environments, are reported. Finally, a Composite PSO, in which the heuristic parameters of PSO are controlled by a Differential Evolution algorithm during the optimization, is described, and results for many well-known and widely used test functions are given.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 423kb Publisher : yangs

Optimization problems can generally be classifi ed as continuous and discrete, based on the nature of the solution space. A recently developed chemical-reaction-inspired metaheuristic, called chemical reaction optimization (CRO), has been shown to perform well in many optimization problems in the discrete domain. This paper is dedicated to proposing a real-coded version of CRO, namely, RCCRO, to solve continuous optimization problems. We compare the performance of RCCRO with a large number of optimization techniques on a large set of standard continuous benchmark functions. We fi nd that RCCRO outperforms all the others on the average. We also propose an adaptive scheme for RCCRO which can improve the performance effectively. This shows that CRO is suitable for solving problems in the continuous domain
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 825kb Publisher : Le Anh Duc
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