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来自澳大利亚Qeensland大学的计算机视觉Matlab工具箱。 This Toolbox provides a number of functions that are useful in computer vision, machine vision and related areas. It is a somewhat eclectic collection reflecting the author s personal interest in areas of photometry, photogrammetry, colorimetry. It covers functions such as image file reading and writing, filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, camera calibration, camera exterior orientation, display, color space conversion and blackbody radiators. The Toolbox, combined with MATLAB and a modern workstation computer, is a useful and convenient environment for investigation of machine vision algorithms. It is possible to use MEX files to interface with image acquisition hardware ranging from simple framegrabbers to Datacube servers.-from Australia Qeensland University of Computer Vision Matlab toolbox. This Toolbox provides a number of functions tha t are useful in computer vision, machine vision and related areas. It is a somewh at eclectic collection reflecting the author's personal interest in areas of photometry. photogrammetry, colorimetry. It covers functions such as image file reading and writing, filtering, segmentation and feature extraction. camera calibration. camera exterior orientation, display, color space conversion and blackbody radiator s. The Toolbox. MATLAB and combined with a modern workstation c omputer. is a useful and convenient environment for OAS stigation of machine vision algorithms. It is p ossible to use MEX files to interface with image acquisition hardware ranging from simple fram eg
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.35mb Publisher : 杨愚根

本程序是在遥感图象处理中第一步,服务于内定向,用来确定框标图象中框标的重心位置.-this procedure is in remote sensing image processing first step in the services within orientation, standard used to determine frame image frame target focus position.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 黎明

基于小波的图像多尺度方向特征提取,小波可使用 db4 -Based on wavelet multi-scale orientation of the image feature extraction, wavelet can be used DB4
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Flora

提取指纹图象的 方向场还有ROI。喜欢就下。还可以。-Extraction of fingerprint orientation field there is image ROI. Like on the next. Can also be.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : sundongxiu

Gabor-function convolution masks are increasingly used in image processing and computer vision. This function simply computes the cosine and sine masks for a given width, period and orientation. The masks returned are properly normalised. It is not highly optimised - e.g. the symmetries are not used to reduce the computation. It is recommended that convolutions with these masks are done using CONVOLVE2 (available from Matlab File Exchange) to take advantage of their low rank. -Gabor-function convolution masks are increasingly used in image processing and computer vision. This function simply computes the cosine and sine masks for a given width, period and orientation. The masks returned are properly normalised. It is not highly optimised- e.g. the symmetries are not used to reduce the computation. It is recommended that convolutions with these masks are done using CONVOLVE2 (available from Matlab File Exchange) to take advantage of their low rank.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : li

单个单像素圆形图像定位,从起始点入手按一定的规则顺时针定位 -A single circular single-pixel image positioning, starting from the starting point according to certain rules clockwise orientation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 曹志民

摄影测量影象匹配,前后方交会,求解相机的内外方位元素,相对定位绝对定位-Photogrammetric image matching, the front and the rear intersection, to solve the camera s internal and external orientation elements, the relative positioning absolute positioning
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.73mb Publisher : 王一辉

提出了装配机器人系统中一种基于视觉引导和超声测距的运动目标跟踪和抓取 方法。介绍了运动目标的跟踪原理,采用图像雅可比矩阵进行机器人运动控制,跟踪运动 的目标。利用视觉引导技术,获取目标在图像平面中的位置与方位,进行平面跟踪,然后 引导超声波测距装置测取目标深度信息。实验结果验证了本文提出的这种方法的可行性 和有效性。-A robot assembly system based on visual guidance and Ultrasonic Ranging Moving Target Tracking and crawling methods. Introduce a moving target tracking principle, the use of image Jacobian matrix for robot motion control, track campaign goals. Guide the use of visual technology, access to the target in the image plane position and orientation for flat track, and then guide the ultrasonic ranging device target measured depth information. The experimental results verify the proposed method is feasible and effective.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 244kb Publisher : 高子

跟踪相关论文,《基于彩色图像的机器人视觉跟踪》《基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的主动视觉跟踪技术》《基于视觉和扩展卡尔曼滤波的位姿和运动估计新方法》《一种运动目标检测与跟踪快速算法的研究》-Tracking the relevant papers, based on the color image of the robot visual tracking , Extended Kalman Filter based on active vision tracking technology, Based on the visual and extended Kalman filter and the position and orientation of new motion estimation method , a moving target detection and fast algorithm for tracking of Study
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : 王云

摄像机标定:确定摄像机位置,属性参数和建立成像模型,以确定空间坐标系中物体点同它在图像平面上象点之间的对应关系。包括确定摄像机内部几何和光学特性(内部参数)和确定摄像机在一个世界坐标系中的三维位置和方向(外部参数)。-Camera Calibration: To determine the camera position, attributes the establishment of imaging model parameters and to determine the spatial coordinates of objects in points with it in the image plane as point correspondence between. Including the identification of the internal camera geometric and optical characteristics (internal parameters) and identify video cameras in a world coordinate system in three-dimensional position and orientation (external parameters).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 651kb Publisher : hexiang

本论文主要介绍图像处理系统软件的算法分析、代码实现。以及实现软件开发的程序开发工具Delphi的简单介绍。软件开发的目的是实现对图像的锐化、扭曲、波浪平滑处理等效果。文章的主要内容为该软件的算法分析过程、代码编写、界面设计和系统实现过程。本论文特别对图象的锐化、图象的扭曲和图象的平滑处理算法进行了系统的分析和比较,如锐化功能的差分法与边缘提取算法的分析、比较,平滑功能的平滑滤波法、中值滤波法、自适应滤波法等算法的分析、比较。然后对确定的这几个功能算法的实现编写了Delphi的算法代码,其中心代码在文中将详细介绍。论文最后介绍了本软件的界面设计过程和界面设计结果,并对其中几个主要按钮的代码实现做了介绍。是介绍整个软件开发过程的文章。- This paper mainly introduces the arithmetic analyze and code realization of system software for image processing. It also briefly introduces Delphi, a program exploitation tool that realizes the software exploitation. Software exploitation aims to realize the sharpening and twisting of images as well as the smoothing of waves. The main content of this paper is the process of arithmetic analyze, the compiling of codes, the designing of interface and realization of system for this software.This paper special to Analysis and compare the arithmetic of image sharpening、image twisting、image smoothing. For example,the analyze and comparison of the bad cent method arithmetic and the edge withdraws arithmetic about sharpening function. the analyze and comparison of the smooth wave method、The inside is worth wave method、Nature orientation wave method. Then to plait writes the Delphi Calculate way code to realize the certain of function calculate. The heart code will detailed introduce at the pa
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 135kb Publisher : 朱华

DL : 1
种基于图像质量因子的图像融合客观评价方法。该方法利用熵加权和均方根图像融合质量因子对融合图像与源图像间的相关性、 亮度失真和对比度失真进行综合评价,因而在不同融合方法和不同源图像的条件下,可获得标准的评估统计量。采用加权平均、 拉普拉斯塔形分解及基于小波变换的图像融合法为例,通过对多传感器图像进行融合评价实验,证明了该方法的有效性和鲁棒性。-Factor based on image quality of the image fusion method of objective evaluation. This method is the use of entropy and the weighted root-mean-square image fusion quality factor of the fused image and the source of the correlation between image brightness and contrast distortion of a comprehensive evaluation of distortion, which fusion in different ways and different sources of image conditions, the availability of standards assessment statistics. Using the weighted average, Laplacian pyramid and wavelet transform-based image fusion method as an example of multi-sensor image fusion evaluation experiments show that the method is effective and robust.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 713kb Publisher : storm

中值滤波是常用的降噪算法,它可以保留比较尖锐的边界,但是却容易模糊图象的细节。尽管已经有一些改进 算法,但效果并不十分理想。文章介绍了一种保细节中值滤波算法,采用了多尺度多方向的窗口,根据图象各部分特性自 适应地选择窗口进行中值滤波。实验结果证明,文章的算法优于其他几种常用的中值滤波算法。 -Median filter is commonly used in noise reduction algorithm, which can retain relatively sharp boundary, but the details easy to fuzzy images. Despite some improved algorithm, the effects are not very good. In this paper, the details of a security filtering algorithm using the multi-scale multi-orientation of the window, according to characteristics of the various parts of the image selection window for adaptive median filter. The experimental results proved that the article is better than several other commonly used algorithm of median filtering algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 222kb Publisher : 陈卿

自己在学习C#过程中随手写的代码,主要为了练手. 实现的功能为一个类似医学图像MPR处理的简单浏览器,其中以自制的色块代替了医学影像数据方便测试,实现了鼠标的移动,旋转,缩放以及mpr三方向定位等基本功能,相信能为大家提供一点帮助. 本来做的是个类库,请以另一个项目TestApplication启动-C# in the process of learning to write code easily, the main hands in order to practice. To achieve a similar function for the MPR to deal with medical images of a simple browser, which made the color instead of the medical image data to facilitate testing, the achievement of the movement of the mouse, rotation, scaling and orientation mpr three basic functions, I believe we can provide that help. have to do is a class library, please start another project TestApplication
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 187kb Publisher : 李勇

DL : 0
these codes read input image and generate the 2D gabor filters, with changeable scale, orientation, perform the convolution with input image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : gayatri_mirajkar

立体影像打开、影像灰度存取等基本功能,并拥有实现这些功能的源代码,可以在该源程序的基础上进行开发,实现影像的相对定向或绝对定向-Open the three-dimensional images, image gray-scale access to such basic functions, and possess the source code for these functions, you can proceed on the basis of the source code developed to achieve the relative image orientation or absolute orientation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.5mb Publisher : 杜艺

求RGB 的梯度值以及梯度方向 to obtain gradient magnitude and orientation of an RGB image-to obtain gradient magnitude and orientation of an RGB image
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Jerry

Recognition of visual patterns and characters are independent of position, size, and orientation in the visual field has been the goal of much recent research. The method presented in this paper meets all these condition. An off-line signature matching system which is based on Hu moment invariant method is presented here. Signature matching uses a four - steps process. In first step the scanned or captured color images are initially converted to grey scale. Second step performs normalization and digitization of the original signature. Noise reduction (also called “smoothing” or “noise filtering”) is one of the most important processes in image processing is performed in third step and then moment invariant vectors are obtained in the last step. Signature matching system is implemented using MATLAB and ability of the system can be increased by using additional features in the input data set.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : shivshankar mishra

方向梯度直方图计算,运用了积分图的计算方法,可用于人体检测等-Gradient of orientation, using integral image, for human body detetection.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : tuzhiguo

提出了一种有效用于抽取特征、索引和检索彩色图像的技术途径. 通过提取图像的颜色不变量, 建立相应 的色度直方图(hue h istogram) 来表示图像的颜色分布特征. 为了描述图像中对象的位置及方向特征, 首先计算图像的色度轮廓并对其进行Radon 变换, 然后计算相应的“空间直方图”.-Proposes an effective feature for the extraction, indexing and retrieval of color images of the technical ways. By extracting the image color is not a variable, set up a corresponding color histogram (hue h istogram) to represent the color distribution of the image. In order to describe the image the location and orientation of objects characteristic of the first calculation of the image color profile and gain Radon transform, and then calculates the corresponding " space histogram."
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 607kb Publisher : 史习云
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