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Galaxy Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软体,虽然目前在网络上分享与下载档案最热门的方式是BT,但是BT种子并不是马上找就会有,而且若是种子太旧也下载不了;所以目前还是有不少的使用者选择P2P传输软件。不过综观市面上的P2P下载软件,不是需要付费就是功能限制太多,是否有完全免费的呢?有,Ares Galaxy就是一值得推荐的一套。它不但免费,而且支持格式很多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等它都下载得到。除了基本的分享与搜寻下载功能之外,它还拥有以下功能特色:1. 开放原始码,若有程序设计上的缺失,很快就会被发现并立即修正。2. 没有服务器,不怕被封锁,也可自设代理服务器。3. 搜寻与下载不用透过服务器,所以速度很快。 4. 可以架设自己的聊天室或是加入别人的,成为一个社群。 5. 内建拨放器,可以预览播放,不怕下载到假档。 6. 内建媒体柜,方便整理个人收藏。 7. 内建浏览器,可以边搜寻边浏览网页。Ares Galaxy的接口简单清楚,还支持了繁体中文语系:只要在开启软件后点选「Control Panel」选项,然后将「Preferred Language」中的设定改成「chinese_tw」,就可以变成繁体中文接口了。只要使用Ares Galaxy的人越多,那么可以搜寻下载的档案就越多喔!-cf Galaxy Galaxy is a very good free P2P file-sharing software, While on the network to share and download the most popular form of BT, But BT is not immediately find seeds will be, but if the seed is too old can also download; Therefore, at present, a lot of P2P users to choose the transmission software. But on the whole the market P2P downloading software is not required to pay is a functional too restrictive, with completely free? A, cf Galaxy is a recommendable one. It not only free, but support many formats, and almost all music, film, photographs, documents, software, etc. It has been downloaded. In addition to the basic sharing and downloading the search function, it also has the following functional characteristics : 1. Open source, If the program design deficiencies will be found
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : 杰克逊

p2p软件,利用p2p技术进行文件共享,搜索等-p2p software, the use of peer-to-peer file-sharing technologies, such as search
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.2mb Publisher : 叶兵茹

点对点文件上传下载软件,带ICQ功能,带搜索引擎功能。 成品简介:朋友就是你最丰富最忠实的资源,这套软件会帮你搜索他共享出来的资源。 功能包括:1、聊天室,透视网上邻居正在做什么;2、交朋友,跟你喜欢的网上邻居结盟做朋友;3、发送文字信息;4、查看他共享的资源:文件夹、收藏夹、朋友名单;5、互联浏览:和朋友连接浏览器,他看到的网站,你同时也看到;6、语音通话:和朋友用话筒及音箱来对话;7、网页量温:安排电脑跟踪你喜爱的网站的最新更新情况。系统优点:1、不用登录服务器和注注册;2、发送的文字信息及文件都经过加密,安全性好;3、对于盟友可分组管理,每人都可以设置不同的共享权限;4、适应大部分防火墙;5、传输语音时清楚连贯。 新版增加了我的资源之信箱警卫,可杀灭邮件病毒。 关键字:点对点 我的资源 QQ PP BT P2P ICQ GOOGLE BAIDU 编辑器:DELPHI7 平  台:Win9x,Win2k/XP/NT,Win2003-peer-to-peer file uploading and downloading software, with features ICQ, with search engines. Product description : your friend is the most abundant resources of the most faithful, the software will help you search out his share of resources. Features include : a, chat rooms, online Perspective neighbors are doing; Two, make friends, with your favorite online friends neighbors alliance; three, send text messages; 4, checking his share of resources : File folders, favorites, friends list; 5, the Internet here : and friends connected browser, he saw the website, you also see; 6. voice : Using a microphone and friends and speakers to dialogue; 7, the temperature website : arrangements computer tracking your favorite site of the latest updates. System advantages : one, and do not have to log s
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.84mb Publisher : 激活帐号

Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软件。它拥有搜寻与下载档案速度飞快、自设代理服务器、自订聊天社群、内建多媒体播放器、内建浏览器以及自订媒体柜等等功能。它支持的档案格式非常众多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等都下载得到。 Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc. You may now easily publish your files through the Ares decentralized network. As a member of the virtual community, you can search and download just about any file shared by other users. With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new friends.-Ares Galaxy is a very good free peer-to-peer file-sharing software. It has search and download files fast, self-imposed proxy server, set the chat groups, built-in multimedia player, built-in browser and the media set the counters and so on. It supports very large file format, almost all of the music, film, photographs, documents, software downloads to be so. Ares is a free open source file sharing program t hat enables users to share any digital file incl uding images, audio, video, software, documents, etc. You may now easily publish your files throu gh the Ares decentralized network. As a member o f the virtual community. you can search and download just about any file s hared by other users. With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new 77.25 nds.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.47mb Publisher : 杨阳

Galaxy Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软体,虽然目前在网络上分享与下载档案最热门的方式是BT,但是BT种子并不是马上找就会有,而且若是种子太旧也下载不了;所以目前还是有不少的使用者选择P2P传输软件。不过综观市面上的P2P下载软件,不是需要付费就是功能限制太多,是否有完全免费的呢?有,Ares Galaxy就是一值得推荐的一套。它不但免费,而且支持格式很多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等它都下载得到。除了基本的分享与搜寻下载功能之外,它还拥有以下功能特色:1. 开放原始码,若有程序设计上的缺失,很快就会被发现并立即修正。2. 没有服务器,不怕被封锁,也可自设代理服务器。3. 搜寻与下载不用透过服务器,所以速度很快。 4. 可以架设自己的聊天室或是加入别人的,成为一个社群。 5. 内建拨放器,可以预览播放,不怕下载到假档。 6. 内建媒体柜,方便整理个人收藏。 7. 内建浏览器,可以边搜寻边浏览网页。Ares Galaxy的接口简单清楚,还支持了繁体中文语系:只要在开启软件后点选「Control Panel」选项,然后将「Preferred Language」中的设定改成「chinese_tw」,就可以变成繁体中文接口了。只要使用Ares Galaxy的人越多,那么可以搜寻下载的档案就越多喔!-cf Galaxy Galaxy is a very good free P2P file-sharing software, While on the network to share and download the most popular form of BT, But BT is not immediately find seeds will be, but if the seed is too old can also download; Therefore, at present, a lot of P2P users to choose the transmission software. But on the whole the market P2P downloading software is not required to pay is a functional too restrictive, with completely free? A, cf Galaxy is a recommendable one. It not only free, but support many formats, and almost all music, film, photographs, documents, software, etc. It has been downloaded. In addition to the basic sharing and downloading the search function, it also has the following functional characteristics : 1. Open source, If the program design deficiencies will be found
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : 杰克逊

DL : 0
一个很好的对等搜索,下载,文件传输的源代码 ,相信对那些需要P2P搜索方面的同志很有用 。-a good pair of such search, download, file transfer of source code, I believe that those in need of P2P search of comrades useful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 68kb Publisher : wei zi xi

一个生成HTML的网络电视网站完整源码 程序经过搜索引擎忧化。主要来路各大引擎。最高时可日达4万。是赚广告费用的好程序。 一切操作均在后台执行。可批量生成整站。支持P2P。支持多种播放格式。 是目前完下功能较强的电视源码整站。所有广告调用简单均在JS文件中更换。 该程序为完整版本,已测试,请各位放心使用。 后台的用户名:admin 密码:-A generation of HTML Web site of the Network TV process after a complete search engine source of worry. Main Rd major engines. Tatsu date when the maximum 40,000. Cost of advertising is to make a good program. All operations are performed in the background. Available in volume quantities to generate the entire station. Support P2P. Supports a wide range of broadcast formats. END function is now under strong television stations throughout the source. All ads are called a simple JS file replacement. For the full version of the program, have been tested, please rest assured that use. Background of the user name: admin Password:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 666kb Publisher : seamcker

使用JXTA平台的CMS开发一个简单的文件共享系统,要求完成的基本功能包括: P2P网络中搜索功能的实现; 下载功能的实现; 实现文件共享功能的实现; P2P文件共享系统的主界面-JXTA platform to use CMS to develop a simple file-sharing systems, required to complete the basic features include: P2P network search function realization download realization to achieve the realization of file-sharing features P2P file-sharing system, the main interface
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 158kb Publisher : steve

1.现有P2P文件共享系统的简介 2.P2P文件共享系统的三个主要问题:搜索与定位,数据传输,信誉、激励及安全相关问题 3.现在研究问题的总结 4.P2P文件共享系统测量的相关工作-1. Existing P2P file-sharing system profile file-sharing system 2.P2P three main issues: the search and location, data transmission, reputation, motivate and security-related issues 3. Now the problem 4.P2P document summing up a total of entitlement system, measuring the relevant work of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 443kb Publisher : xxx

jxta实现的p2p聊天,文件传输,共享,文件搜索-JXTA p2p achieved chat, file transfer, sharing, file search
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 203kb Publisher : 小虫子

DL : 0
计算机对等联网P2P技术是目前新一代网络技术研究的活跃领域,它在网络资源利用率、消除服务器瓶颈等多方面都有明显的优势。而Gnutella协议就是一个基于P2P网络的文件搜索,数据交换协议。-P2P peer-to-peer computer networking technology is a new generation of network technology is currently an active area of research, which the network resource utilization, eliminate server bottlenecks and so have an obvious advantage. The Gnutella protocol is a network based on P2P file search, data exchange agreements.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1014kb Publisher : sss

点对点P2P文件共享客户端源码 更加完善的KaZaA/Morpheus点对点P2P文件共享客户端源码 --=- Read Me-=-... VERY IMPORTANT... kinda ok there are 2 zip files here. This contains the main code for searching and scanning for users. This contains the separate downloading function which is built separate so your download doesn t freeze if the program freezes. Contains file called "DownloadFile.KMD" -This file is made by compiling the source code located in the "" file. After compiling it, simply rename it to "DownloadFile.KMD". Or you can simply keep the one i have provided (Its bug free i promise) -Uses Downloader.ocx (submitted by sean gallardy, you can search for his name and find the source code for the downloader on Extract both of these zip files to the same directory. Any questions/comments/tips/bugs, email me at or add me to msn or w/e... doesn t matter to me.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 67kb Publisher : 李小姐

DL : 0
Networking P2P, where one client sent request to share a file data while the other peers search the file, if found then send the file to the 1st peer-Networking P2P, where one client sent request to share a file data while the other peers search the file, if found then send the file to the 1st peer..
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 68kb Publisher : Ghazanfar

p2p文件传输中网络资源搜索策略的改进,~PDF格式,是一个很好的参考资料~-p2p file transfer in the improvement of network resources, search strategy, ~ PDF format, is a good reference ~
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 348kb Publisher : 张明晨

DL : 0
描述BT文件共享方式,p2p传输模式,节点寻找算法以及分块传输原则-Description BT file-sharing, p2p transfer mode, the node search algorithm and the principle of sub-block transfer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : 姜治宇

一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软件。它拥有搜寻与下载档案速度飞快、自设代理服务器、自订聊天社群、内建多媒体播放器、内建浏览器以及自订媒体柜等等功能。它支持的档案格式非常众多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等都下载得到。值得大家学习研究。-A very good free P2P file-sharing software. It has a speed of search and download files fast, since the set up a proxy server, custom chat community, built-in multimedia player, built-in browser, and custom media cabinets and more. It supports very large file format, almost all of the music, videos, pictures, documents, software and so on for download. Worthy of our study and research.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.18mb Publisher : 张梅

DL : 0
精通jXta 的使用方法,对于p2p的文件共享,及搜索下载,很有帮助-Proficient jXta to use for p2p file sharing, and search for download, helpful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.68mb Publisher : joeyuhuaer

DL : 0
众所周知,P2P技术现在非常流行。我们的作品实现了一个纯P2P的,用户之间对等的视频共享平台。作品在下层开发了基于非结构化的P2P查找协议(我们命名为Plam-P2P协议),上层实现了P2P结点之间的文件传输与视频实时播放。在这个平台中,所有在线用户分享自己的视频文件或其他文件,其他在线用户可以通过查找协议找到资源进行下载或实时播放。目前,我们已经开发出第一版应用软件(我们命名为Clover),该软件基本完成了设计目标,可进行文件的查找、下载和视频文件的实时播放。-As we all know, P2P technology is now very popular. We work to achieve a pure P2P, users and other video sharing platforms. Works based on unstructured P2P lookup protocol developed in the lower (named for the current palmtops-P2P protocol), the upper P2P node file transfer and video real-time playback. In this platform, all users share their own video files or other documents, and other online users can find the agreement to find resources to download or real-time playback. At present, we have developed the first version of application software (named Clover), the software has basically completed its design goals, file search, download and video files real-time playback.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.61mb Publisher : 李健

p2p文件传输中网络资源搜索策略的改进进,~PDF格式,是一个很好的参考资料-p2p file transfer, network resources, the improvement of the search strategy into ~~ PDF format, is a good reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 348kb Publisher : aixiaoxix

P2P java file transfer, sharing, file search
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.18mb Publisher : Remondas
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