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一个开放源码的免费的P2P客户端软件,用于文件交流,支持中文搜索。它和Neo-Modus公司的Direct Connect使用同一个通讯协议,但比它功能更加强大,可以同时登陆很多服务器。开放源码,绿色软件,也没有广告条。DC是分散服务器型的,服务器端也是免费的,因此适合同一个地域内的用户飞速交换文件。目前全世界有上万个服务器,通过DC共享的资料超过5,000,000GB。-a free open-source peer-to-peer client software for document exchange, support Chinese search. It Neo-Modus Direct Connect companies use the same communication protocol, but higher than its more powerful, while landing many servers. Open source software green, nor of the advertising. DC is decentralized server-based, server-side is also free, making it suitable to the region with a rapid exchange of user documentation. There are now more than 10,000 items of servers, DC by sharing information over 5,000,000 GB.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 837kb Publisher : 范卫华

一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、eMule、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具! Raza为完全免费的软件,并且官方承诺保证不含有任何间谍软件和广告软件,如果您发现任何可疑问题,请向官方报告。其官方网址为 Shareaza的目标是让用户使用一款软件即可在所有P2P网络中畅游,所以任何喜欢P2P的朋友都不应该错过这款优秀的软件!-one abroad highly evaluated and the most popular peer-to-peer software (Raza), which brings together the eDonkey, laptops, Guntella (1 and 2) and BT four types of popular peer-to-peer network, and can be used Http download, in the future version will support FTP downloads, because of its excellent interface (Eurocargo support), simple operation and the development of strong, in widely circulated abroad, has leapt to its evaluation of all peer-to-peer software in the top five list, and many P2P download site has been designated as the official BT download tool! Raza for a completely free software, and the official commitment to guarantee does not contain any spyware and adware, if you find anything suspicious, please report to the government. Its official website Sh
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : shizhen

一个开放源码的免费的P2P客户端软件,用于文件交流,支持中文搜索。它和Neo-Modus公司的Direct Connect使用同一个通讯协议,但比它功能更加强大,可以同时登陆很多服务器。开放源码,绿色软件,也没有广告条。DC是分散服务器型的,服务器端也是免费的,因此适合同一个地域内的用户飞速交换文件。目前全世界有上万个服务器,通过DC共享的资料超过5,000,000GB。-a free open-source peer-to-peer client software for document exchange, support Chinese search. It Neo-Modus Direct Connect companies use the same communication protocol, but higher than its more powerful, while landing many servers. Open source software green, nor of the advertising. DC is decentralized server-based, server-side is also free, making it suitable to the region with a rapid exchange of user documentation. There are now more than 10,000 items of servers, DC by sharing information over 5,000,000 GB.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.9mb Publisher :

一个免费的p2p即时通讯开发平台控件,支持VB、VC,含有VB、VC的客户端、服务端的示例程序-a free peer-to-peer instant messaging platform controls, support VB, VC, containing VB, VC client services side of the sample program
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.47mb Publisher : 李某

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open-source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client of free software, you can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. With LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus Gnutella and other P2P software compatibility version 0.7.3 provides a new automated shielding useless information functions. Phex is a P2P Filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-Plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.64mb Publisher :

Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软件。它拥有搜寻与下载档案速度飞快、自设代理服务器、自订聊天社群、内建多媒体播放器、内建浏览器以及自订媒体柜等等功能。它支持的档案格式非常众多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等都下载得到。 Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc. You may now easily publish your files through the Ares decentralized network. As a member of the virtual community, you can search and download just about any file shared by other users. With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new friends.-Ares Galaxy is a very good free peer-to-peer file-sharing software. It has search and download files fast, self-imposed proxy server, set the chat groups, built-in multimedia player, built-in browser and the media set the counters and so on. It supports very large file format, almost all of the music, film, photographs, documents, software downloads to be so. Ares is a free open source file sharing program t hat enables users to share any digital file incl uding images, audio, video, software, documents, etc. You may now easily publish your files throu gh the Ares decentralized network. As a member o f the virtual community. you can search and download just about any file s hared by other users. With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new 77.25 nds.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.47mb Publisher : 杨阳

Galaxy Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软体,虽然目前在网络上分享与下载档案最热门的方式是BT,但是BT种子并不是马上找就会有,而且若是种子太旧也下载不了;所以目前还是有不少的使用者选择P2P传输软件。不过综观市面上的P2P下载软件,不是需要付费就是功能限制太多,是否有完全免费的呢?有,Ares Galaxy就是一值得推荐的一套。它不但免费,而且支持格式很多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等它都下载得到。除了基本的分享与搜寻下载功能之外,它还拥有以下功能特色:1. 开放原始码,若有程序设计上的缺失,很快就会被发现并立即修正。2. 没有服务器,不怕被封锁,也可自设代理服务器。3. 搜寻与下载不用透过服务器,所以速度很快。 4. 可以架设自己的聊天室或是加入别人的,成为一个社群。 5. 内建拨放器,可以预览播放,不怕下载到假档。 6. 内建媒体柜,方便整理个人收藏。 7. 内建浏览器,可以边搜寻边浏览网页。Ares Galaxy的接口简单清楚,还支持了繁体中文语系:只要在开启软件后点选「Control Panel」选项,然后将「Preferred Language」中的设定改成「chinese_tw」,就可以变成繁体中文接口了。只要使用Ares Galaxy的人越多,那么可以搜寻下载的档案就越多喔!-cf Galaxy Galaxy is a very good free P2P file-sharing software, While on the network to share and download the most popular form of BT, But BT is not immediately find seeds will be, but if the seed is too old can also download; Therefore, at present, a lot of P2P users to choose the transmission software. But on the whole the market P2P downloading software is not required to pay is a functional too restrictive, with completely free? A, cf Galaxy is a recommendable one. It not only free, but support many formats, and almost all music, film, photographs, documents, software, etc. It has been downloaded. In addition to the basic sharing and downloading the search function, it also has the following functional characteristics : 1. Open source, If the program design deficiencies will be found
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : 杰克逊

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client free software, You can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. It LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus, and other P2P software Gnutella-compatible, 0 .7.3 version of a new automatic shield useless information functions. Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

P2P模拟器P2Psim的程序源码,来自 simulator P2Psim procedures source from http :// page = download.php
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 64kb Publisher : 李雯

DL : 0
PeerCast is a simple, free way to listen to radio and watch video on the Internet. It uses P2P technology to let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of traditional streaming. This means you get to hear and watch stations not normally found on commercially funded sites. -PeerCast is a simple, free way to listen to radio and watch video on the Internet. It uses P2P technology to let anyone b ecome a broadcaster without the costs of tradit ional streaming. This means you get to hear and w atch stations not normally found on commercial ly funded sites.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 889kb Publisher :

DL : 0
P2P电视频道(V1.5_060930) 本程序为免费程序,您可以用来做单独的网站或者是网站的频道。-P2P television channels (V1.5_060930) the procedure for free procedure, You can do individually to the website or web site channels.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 308kb Publisher : xxxxxxxx

DL : 0
本程序基本于BOBO P2P插件制作,只支持插件方式观看电影,只支持Real电影格式! ASP+ACCESS架构,页面HTML生成,播放页面按电影拼音首字母生成,有利于搜索引擎,并且播放页面针对BOBO的菠萝搜作了优化!自带采集规则.!模版自由设计!-This procedure basically BOBO P2P plug-in production, only supports plug-ins to watch movies the way, only to support the Real format movies! ASP+ ACCESS architecture, generate HTML pages, play movies page by the first letter of alphabet generation, is conducive to search engine, and player pages for pineapple BOBO search optimization made! Acquisition own rules. ! Free design templates!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.02mb Publisher : gengbin

DL : 0
一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具! Raza为完全免费的软件,并且官方承诺保证不含有任何间谍软件和广告软件,如果您发现任何可疑问题,请向官方报告-A very high rating in foreign countries and has been reasonably popular P2P software (Raza), it combines the eDonkey, Guntella (1 and 2) and BT four popular P2P network type, and can be used to Http download, in a future version will will support FTP downloads, because of its excellent interface (skin support), simple operation and can develop very strong, so popular in foreign countries, and its evaluation of all the P2P software has leapt to the Top 5 list, and many P2P download sites have been designated as the official BT download tool! Raza is a completely free software, and official commitment to ensure that do not contain any spyware and adware, if you find anything suspicious, please report to the official
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 365kb Publisher : liuyan

DL : 0
P2P网络实现程序,可以实现文件共享。The OpenSource P2P Network is a filesharing network made up of free open source clients only. Patches, mods and code will be available here. It s a true P2P sharing network with no greed or 3rd parties involved! -The OpenSource P2P Network is a filesharing network made up of free open source clients only. Patches, mods and code will be available here. It' s a true P2P sharing network with no greed or 3rd parties involved!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 233kb Publisher : iy.i

Myseelite2是mysee公司的Myseelite1升级版本,是Mysee公司开源项目Myseelite的第二个发行版。自从Myseelite1宣布开源以来,获得国内外广大P2P研究人员和开源爱好者的强烈关注。由于Myseelite1是用纯C语言写成,对于大部分有意开发人员来说阅读程序存在一些困难,而且整体架构和协议有些地方需要改进。因此为促进开源项目Myseelite的更好发展,Mysee公司对Myseelite进行较大改进,从而推出Myseelite2。-Myseelite2 is a free software of P2P
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.4mb Publisher : 王伟诶

点对点P2P文件共享客户端源码 更加完善的KaZaA/Morpheus点对点P2P文件共享客户端源码 --=- Read Me-=-... VERY IMPORTANT... kinda ok there are 2 zip files here. This contains the main code for searching and scanning for users. This contains the separate downloading function which is built separate so your download doesn t freeze if the program freezes. Contains file called "DownloadFile.KMD" -This file is made by compiling the source code located in the "" file. After compiling it, simply rename it to "DownloadFile.KMD". Or you can simply keep the one i have provided (Its bug free i promise) -Uses Downloader.ocx (submitted by sean gallardy, you can search for his name and find the source code for the downloader on Extract both of these zip files to the same directory. Any questions/comments/tips/bugs, email me at or add me to msn or w/e... doesn t matter to me.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 67kb Publisher : 李小姐

PEER TO PEER P2P 点到点 多线程断点续传的实现。 珍贵资料啊~~ 如果不能下载 请到 免费下载-PEER TO PEER P2P point-to-multi-threaded HTTP implementation. Valuable information ah ~ ~ If you can not download the free download go to
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 61kb Publisher : 张红静

P2P peer to peer 点到点论文 从学校内部数据库下载 相当有用。 如果这里不能下载请到 免费下载-P2P peer to peer point-to-internal database downloaded from the school paper quite useful. If you can not download here, please free download
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4.56mb Publisher : 张红静

是一款非常优秀的局域网和互联网P2P点播软件系统, 采用最先进P2P内核, 完美实现P2P视频点播功能,P2P流媒体技术节省大量服务器带宽. Nat Traversal技术, 穿透90%以上内网, 并支持RMVB/RM/ASF/WMV/FLV/MP3格式流媒体实现无缓冲播放, 拖拽延时在秒级范围内. 将极速托拽和P2P算法完美的结合了起来. 为了支持电信级别的视频服务, 还提供了负载均衡服务器和(CDN)缓存服务器, 视频广告发布接口等专业功能. 大型商业客户可以利用WebPlayer9 P2P视频播放系统实现低成本、 高可靠性、 可伸缩性、易管理的视频服务网络软件架构-Is a very good LAN and the Internet P2P on-demand software system, using the most advanced P2P core, the perfect realization of P2P video-on-demand capabilities, P2P streaming media technology to save a lot of server bandwidth. Nat Traversal Technology, more than 90 penetration within the network, and support RMVB/RM/ASF/WMV/FLV/MP3 buffer-free streaming media format, playback, drag-second delay in the range. will speed drag, and a perfect combination of P2P algorithms up. In order to support the telecommunications level of video services It also provides load-balancing servers, and (CDN) cache server, video advertising and other professional functions interface. large commercial customers can take advantage of WebPlayer9 P2P video playback system to achieve low cost, high reliability, scalability, easy management of networks for video services Software Architecture
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : 王辉

P2P视频技术源码.详细的说明文档.欢迎联系我一起交流学习.-P2P video source. A detailed documentation. Feel free to contact me with exchange study.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.01mb Publisher : 338
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