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stop people from sniffing data are analyzed,and the principle of anti-sniffer is also analyzed.This paper introduces the principle and the technology of the ethernet monitoring software system,anlayses the speciality of the packet acquisition system Winpcap based on win 32,discusses the methods to improve the efficiency of capturing packet and reduce the lost of packets,and realizes the acquisition of packet on the bottom of the network
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.73mb Publisher : dzq

DL : 0
通讯过程中需要某些重要的命令不丢失,TCP需要首先建立连接,每个包都需要确认。这样发送速度会慢不少-Communication process needs some important orders not lost, TCP need to first establish a connection, each packet will need to confirm. This sent a lot of speed will be slow
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 715kb Publisher : jxb

DL : 0
PING程序设计和实现,系统自带的ping命令当它接送完所有ICMP报文后,会对所有发送和所有接收的ICMP报文进行统计,从而计算ICMP报文丢失的比率。为达此目的,定义两个全局变量:接收计数器和发送计数器,用于记录ICMP报文接受和发送数目。丢失数目=发送总数-接收总数,丢失比率=丢失数目/发送总数-PING program design and realization, the system comes with the ping command when it transfer all the ICMP packet will have all senders and all receivers of the ICMP packet statistics in order to estimate the ICMP packet loss ratio. To this end, define two global variables: the receiving and sending counter counter, used to record the ICMP packet and send the number of accepted. Number lost = sent total- to receive the total number of loss ratio = loss/Send the total number of
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : suddy

TCP友好的多媒体通信仿真,有如下特点: 支持MPEG4文件,支持CBR/VBR UDP流,支持AIMD流媒体控制-The power and connectivity of today s Internet presents the opportunity for interactive multimedia applications across the world. However, today s Internet has been predominantly designed for TCP traffic, wherein the end hosts recognize lost packets as congestion and reduce their transmission rates appropriately. Unfortunately, TCP is not the protocol of choice for multimedia applications, because TCP s lossless transmission is stricter than required by multimedia flows and TCP adds considerable network jitter, greatly decreasing multimedia quality. UDP, the alternate transport protocol to TCP, does not respond to packet loss as a measure of congestion, often resulting in UDP flows that get an unfair share of their network bandwidth. In this work, we demonstrate that a proper network protocol can be built on top of UDP, providing well-behaved performance in the face of congestion. Moreover, we demonstrate such protocols provide far better multimedia performance than does TCP.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 232kb Publisher : 胡胜红

IP数据包的截获与解析,很全的,网上很多类型的都故意丢掉头文件,不给大家,很无语!-IP packet interception and analysis, it is full, and the Internet have intentionally lost many types of header files, not to you, it is silent!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 合身

基于UDP传输协议的包丢失和失序处理。该文 分析了数据包丢失或失序情况下,缓冲区大小时系统性能的影响,给出了缓冲区大小的一十估计值,并对失序或数据包 丢麦情况下教括赴理的策略进行了讨论。-UDP transport protocol based on packet loss and disorder treatment. In this paper, Analysis of packet loss or disorder cases, the buffer size of system performance, given the buffer size of ten estimates, and the disorder or packet Michael lost the case to go to management, including teaching strategies are discussed.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 141kb Publisher :

一个用于测试网络传输性能的程序。程序虽小,但非常有用。我们在实际产品开发中经常用它测试嵌入式设备(基于Linux平台)的网络吞吐性能和丢包测试。可在windows/linux跨平台交叉编译,嵌入式设备与PC之间也可互测互通。包内含有详细的编译和使用说明-A test tool for testing network transfer capability. It s small but powerful. We used it to test our devices network interfaces, such as transfer speed, packet lost, etc. It can be used under Windows/Linux.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 14kb Publisher : 左振宇

thish code for to finding the packet lost.In the sending data from source to destination,important thing is routing..all the problems are solved here programetically
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 627kb Publisher : lrp

wsola算法,时间调整.audio lost packet -wsola adjust lost packet
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 357kb Publisher : sun

aodv demonstration script with mobile nodes and shows graph with packet lost and received
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : Raj

This function simulates damages in the received frame corresponding to the loss of one NALU (i.e. slice) given a slicing mode and the slice to be lost
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 991kb Publisher : MEHEDI

DL : 0
Low-rate video is widely used especially in mobile communications. H.264/AVC (advanced video coding) is well suited for the real-time error resilient transport over packet oriented networks. In real-time communications, lost packets at the receiver cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is essential to design efficient error concealment methods which allow to visually reduce the degradation caused by the missing information. Each method has its own quality of reconstruction. We implemented various efficient error concealment techniques and investigated their performance in different scenarios. As a result, we propose and evaluate an adaptive error concealment mechanism that accomplishes both - good performance and low complexity enabling the deployment for mobile video streaming applications. This mechanism selects suitable error concealment method according to the amount of instantaneous spatial and temporal information of the video sequence.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : zalak

DL : 0
Updates CNG estimate, and applies the CNG when packet was lost.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : suiwuenai

e binary erasure channel (BEC) is perhaps the simplest non-trivial channelmodel imaginable. It was introduced by Elias as a toy example in #$ &. e emergence of the internet promoted the erasure channel into the class of “real world” channels. Indeed, erasure channels can be used to model data networks, where packets either arrive correctly or are lost due to bu er over(ows or excessive delays. (It is somewhat unrealistic, however, to assume that packet losses are independent.)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 979kb Publisher : jiff

openwrt的dl中较容易缺失的包,在没开启代理时,在虚拟机中难以寻找到该gz包(It is difficult to find the GZ packet in the virtual machine when the proxy is not easy to be lost in the openwrt of DL)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 580kb Publisher : bcat1

基于udp文件传输协议,实现udp大文件传输,且稳定(Based on UDP file transfer protocol, UDP large file transmission is realized and no packet is lost)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4.85mb Publisher : xu16
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