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Description: 汉字转拼音的东东, 有时候用得着的-Chinese Pinyin turn the page, sometimes it needs the
Platform: | Size: 73412 | Author: 秦赵真 | Hits:

[Other resourcecolin

Description: CoLIN 人工语言模拟 汉化版 2002年8月9日 原作者 布朗 alan j. brown 15 Kinloch Road Renfrew Scotland PA4 0RJ alan@barc0de.demon.co.uk http://www.barc0de.demon.co.uk/ 汉化者 陈辉 主页: http://go2debug.yeah.net 邮件: go2debug@hotmail.com ICQ: 149054569 简介 通过菜单可以清空数据库。 程序会从你的输入中学习,如果你不想这样,就请关闭学习功能。 原作者声明 This program is giftware. If you like it send me something nice. Copyright is fully reserved by Alan J. Brown, any program developed from the CoLIN source code must give Alan J. Brown appropriate credit. 更多问题 请到我的主页 http://go2debug.yeah.net 或者给我发信 go2debug@hotmail.com 另外在布朗的主页上有留言板-CoLIN artificial language simulation Chinese Version August 9, 2002 Author Brown alan j. br own 15 Kinloch Road Renfrew Scotland mouse 0RJ ala n@barc0de.demon.co.uk http : / / www.barc0de.demon.co.uk/ sanctioned Hui Home : http : / / go2debug.yeah.net mail : go2debug@hotmail.com ICQ : 149054569 brief menu can be cleared through the database. Procedures will be imported from your studies, if you do not want to do, turn off the learning function. Authorship Statement This program is giftware. If you like it se nd me something nice. Copyright is fully eser ed by Alan J. Brown, any program developed from the source cod CoLIN e must give Alan J. Brown, appropriate credit. more I question the free home page http : / / go2debug.yeah.net or write to me go2debug @ hotmai in addition l.com Brown'
Platform: | Size: 50574 | Author: 陈雯 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopResizableProperties_1_1

Description: The user will have the ability to resize the dialog, with consequent rearrangement of child windows. You can control the minimum and maximum size allowed, as well as the maximized size and position of the dialog. The size grip is displayed by default, but you may turn it off. Automatic Save/Restore the dialog s size and position, along with the active page, is also supported
Platform: | Size: 78387 | Author: 张澜 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopResizableWizard97_1_1

Description: The user will have the ability to resize the dialog, with consequent rearrangement of child windows. You can control the minimum and maximum size allowed, as well as the maximized size and position of the dialog. The size grip is displayed by default, but you may turn it off. Automatic Save/Restore the dialog s size and position, along with the active page, is also supported
Platform: | Size: 244734 | Author: 张澜 | Hits:


Description: 汉字转拼音的东东, 有时候用得着的-Chinese Pinyin turn the page, sometimes it needs the
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: 秦赵真 | Hits:


Description: CoLIN 人工语言模拟 汉化版 2002年8月9日 原作者 布朗 alan j. brown 15 Kinloch Road Renfrew Scotland PA4 0RJ alan@barc0de.demon.co.uk http://www.barc0de.demon.co.uk/ 汉化者 陈辉 主页: http://go2debug.yeah.net 邮件: go2debug@hotmail.com ICQ: 149054569 简介 通过菜单可以清空数据库。 程序会从你的输入中学习,如果你不想这样,就请关闭学习功能。 原作者声明 This program is giftware. If you like it send me something nice. Copyright is fully reserved by Alan J. Brown, any program developed from the CoLIN source code must give Alan J. Brown appropriate credit. 更多问题 请到我的主页 http://go2debug.yeah.net 或者给我发信 go2debug@hotmail.com 另外在布朗的主页上有留言板-CoLIN artificial language simulation Chinese Version August 9, 2002 Author Brown alan j. br own 15 Kinloch Road Renfrew Scotland mouse 0RJ ala n@barc0de.demon.co.uk http :// www.barc0de.demon.co.uk/ sanctioned Hui Home : http :// go2debug.yeah.net mail : go2debug@hotmail.com ICQ : 149054569 brief menu can be cleared through the database. Procedures will be imported from your studies, if you do not want to do, turn off the learning function. Authorship Statement This program is giftware. If you like it se nd me something nice. Copyright is fully eser ed by Alan J. Brown, any program developed from the source cod CoLIN e must give Alan J. Brown, appropriate credit. more I question the free home page http :// go2debug.yeah.net or write to me go2debug @ hotmai in addition l.com Brown'
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 陈雯 | Hits:


Description: 该软件可以方便的把HTML网页解析成一棵Tree,方便的获得各个节点的名称和属性,一款很好的解析HTML的软件。-The software can easily turn into an HTML page analysis Tree, convenient access to each node name and attributes of a good HTML analytic software.
Platform: | Size: 123904 | Author: 李铭岳 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopResizableProperties_1_1

Description: The user will have the ability to resize the dialog, with consequent rearrangement of child windows. You can control the minimum and maximum size allowed, as well as the maximized size and position of the dialog. The size grip is displayed by default, but you may turn it off. Automatic Save/Restore the dialog s size and position, along with the active page, is also supported
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 张澜 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopResizableWizard97_1_1

Description: The user will have the ability to resize the dialog, with consequent rearrangement of child windows. You can control the minimum and maximum size allowed, as well as the maximized size and position of the dialog. The size grip is displayed by default, but you may turn it off. Automatic Save/Restore the dialog s size and position, along with the active page, is also supported
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: 张澜 | Hits:


Description: JavaScript一些很实用的操作: 页面载入时最大化显示、打开一个新的页面、弹出窗口定时关闭、实现返回历史上一页等-JavaScript some very practical steps: to maximize the display when the page loads, open a new page, turn off pop-up windows from time to time to achieve the return of history, etc. Back
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 林凯生 | Hits:


Description: presents a method for creating a page turn effect that could be useful when displaying bitmaps side by side as if they are pages in a book or photo album
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: zsg | Hits:

[File OperateTestReader

Description: 实现一个文件阅读器,用于显示文本文件,文件的内容以ASCII字符格式和十六进制格式显示。显示屏幕规格为24*80,实现翻页翻行功能等功能-Implement a file reader, used to display text files, the file contents to ASCII character format and hexadecimal format. Display screen size is 24* 80 next page turn to achieve functions such as line features
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Linf0o98 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPageTurnPdf

Description: silverlight page turn pdf
Platform: | Size: 2202624 | Author: maycon | Hits:

[WEB CodePage

Description: HTML中左右翻图片的方法,点击图片翻到上一张,下一张-HTML images turned around the middle of the method, click on the picture turn on one, the next one
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: tao | Hits:


Description: Turn.min.js 是一个轻量级的 (15kb) jQuery/html5 插件用来创建类似书本和杂志翻页效果,支持触摸屏设备。 Turn.min.js 支持硬件加速来让翻页效果更加平滑。 可通过 API 来获取当前显示的页号,并提供选项来定制默认页号、加速器、阴影和延时。 -Turn.js is a lightweight (15kb) jQuery/html5 of plug-in used to create similar books and magazines flip effect, support for touch screen devices. Turn.js support hardware acceleration for smoother flip effect. API to get the currently displayed page number, and provides the option to customize the default page number, accelerator, shadows and delay.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: | Hits:


Description: html页面转pdf,不支持中文。欢迎大家下载-html page turn pdf, do not support Chinese. Welcome to download
Platform: | Size: 865280 | Author: sunyibin | Hits:


Description: cocos2d-x 2.x版本,实现翻页效果-cocos2d-x 2.x version Page turn effect
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: huangmali | Hits:


Description: 实现网页跳转,对于简单的页面的跳转实现实现 网页跳转,对于简单的页面的跳转实现实现网页跳转,对于简单的页面的跳转实现-Jump achieve pages for simple web page to achieve the realization jump jump, jump for the simple realization realization web page jump, jump for a simple page Achieved page jump, jump for a simple page turn achieve
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张三 | Hits:


Description: 安卓PDF阅读器精简版应用启动后直接加载SD卡目录,列出文件夹和文件信息。点击PDF文件就可以直接打开,不过PDF的加载速度跟上一个项目不是一个数量级。可以明显的感觉到加载的卡顿。加载效果类似与分块加载,包括pdf的缩放也有明显的卡顿,项目还有一个PDF页码转跳和一个全屏阅读功能,项目比较小,不支持多点触控缩放,只能使用下方缩放条缩放pdf。 -Android PDF reader simplified version of the application is loaded directly after the start of the SD card catalog, list folders and file information. Click on the PDF file can be opened directly, but the PDF loading speed to keep up with a project is not an order of magnitude. Can obviously feel the load of Caton. Loading effect similar to block loading, including PDF scaling also have obvious Caton, project and a PDF page turn jump in and out of a full screen reading function, the project is relatively small, does not support multi touch zoom, can only use the lower zoom zoom bar PDF.
Platform: | Size: 4379648 | Author: tanyingliu | Hits:

[Other Embeded program1970_nokia_5110_pcd8544_advanced_graphics_library

Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: drm | Hits:
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