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Description: 配对游戏,3*3的格子内找到2个一样的图形,最终配对成功-matching games, 3 * 3, the lattice found two of the same graphics and ultimately successful pairing
Platform: | Size: 318326 | Author: Eric Lee | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developep_pair

Description: demonstrate how to use the bulk endpoint pairing feature of the EZ-USB chip
Platform: | Size: 15667 | Author: 蔡建 | Hits:

[Crack Hackibe-0.7.2

Description: The Stanford IBE library is a C implementation of the Boneh-Franklin identity-based encryption scheme. (See Boneh and Franklin, \"Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing\", CRYPTO 2001.) There are a few modifications and additions. The Boneh-Franklin scheme is used as a Key Encapsulation Mechanism, and off-the-shelf ciphers and HMACs are used for the actual encryption. (See Lynn, \"Authenticated Identity-Based Encryption\", available on eprint.
Platform: | Size: 98261 | Author: 高超 | Hits:

[Other resourcepairing

Description: 是一个以c++写成的配对牌游戏,对初学者很有帮助
Platform: | Size: 634 | Author: Yeung Chi Fung | Hits:


Description: 这是一个unix环境下实现基于身份的PKI系统源码,由stanford大学开发。采用了椭圆曲线密码公钥系统和配对椭圆曲线计算(Tate Pairing),具有非常高的效率.-This is a Unix-based environment PKI identity of the source system, developed by Stanford University. Use of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem matching public key systems and elliptic curve calculation (Tate Pairing), with a very high efficiency.
Platform: | Size: 83508 | Author: 叶润国 | Hits:

[Windows Develop 自动括号匹配器的设计

Description: 假设一个算数表达式中可包含三种括号:圆括号,方括号和花括号且这三种括号可以按任意次序嵌套使用。试利用栈的运算,编写判别表达式中所含括号是否正确配对出现的算法-Suppose an arithmetic expression can contain three brackets: parentheses, brackets and braces and three brackets can be nested in any order. The trial use of the computing stack, the preparation of the algorithm is correct pairing of the discriminant expression contained in parentheses appear
Platform: | Size: 1983 | Author: testsb | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developep_pair

Description: demonstrate how to use the bulk endpoint pairing feature of the EZ-USB chip
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 蔡建 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个unix环境下实现基于身份的PKI系统源码,由stanford大学开发。采用了椭圆曲线密码公钥系统和配对椭圆曲线计算(Tate Pairing),具有非常高的效率.-This is a Unix-based environment PKI identity of the source system, developed by Stanford University. Use of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem matching public key systems and elliptic curve calculation (Tate Pairing), with a very high efficiency.
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: 叶润国 | Hits:

[Other Gamespairing

Description: 是一个以c++写成的配对牌游戏,对初学者很有帮助-Is a c++ Written card matching games, very helpful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Data structscode

Description: 一个效率还可以的配对堆 Fibonacci Heap太难写了 配对堆可以有效替代Fibonacci Heap 附带了用它实现的Dijkstra 复杂度O(nlogn+e) -An efficient matching can also be hard to heap Fibonacci Heap wrote a pairing heap Fibonacci Heap can be an effective alternative to use it comes with the realization of Dijkstra complexity O (nlogn+ E)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 武永基 | Hits:

[Crack Hackibe.tar

Description: IBE加密算法的入门文章Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing-IBE encryption algorithm of the article Introduction to Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing
Platform: | Size: 264192 | Author: pandora | Hits:

[Crack Hackibe-0.7.2-win

Description: 这是一个windows环境下实现基于身份的PKI系统源码,由stanford大学开发。采用了椭圆曲线密码公钥系统和配对椭圆曲线计算(Tate Pairing),具有非常高的效率. -This is a windows environment to achieve identity-based PKI system source code, developed by the University of stanford. Use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography public key pair system and the elliptic curve calculation (Tate Pairing), with very high efficiency.
Platform: | Size: 563200 | Author: alan | Hits:

[File FormatAuto-pairing-of-the-separation-pair-points

Description: 利用基于凹点搜索和最短距离的构造分离线的方法分离串联淋巴细胞时,需要自动实现 相应凹区域的配对。对于两个细胞粘连的情况,由于恰好存在两个凹区域,故不存在自动配对问题 对于三个细胞串联、存在三个凹区域的情况,通过判断分离线是否与核心三角形相交实现自动配对 对于三个细胞串联、存在四个凹区域的情况,先计算各凹区域到核心钝角三角形的最短距离、同时获得四个端点,然后利用其坐标与核心坐标的关系进行自动配对。设计的分离方法能够满足两个细胞粘连和三个细胞串联情况的准确、快速、自动分离.-Auto pairing of the separation pair points in overlapping cells
Platform: | Size: 512000 | Author: yan | Hits:

[Special Effectsranseti1

Description: 染色体配对程序,先通过分割算法分割出单个染色体,在利用染色体的面积、周长、骨架来进行配对。-Chromosome pairing procedure, the first segmentation algorithm segmented by a single chromosome, chromosome in the use of the area, perimeter, skeleton matching.
Platform: | Size: 230400 | Author: shuzhenqiu | Hits:


Description: pairing based cryptography
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: Gautam Anand | Hits:


Description: This the implementation of the weilpairing in c.IBE can be developed using this pairing .Its a bilinear mapping-This is the implementation of the weilpairing in c.IBE can be developed using this pairing .Its a bilinear mapping
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: ely | Hits:

[Crack Hackpbc-0.5

Description: pairing-based cryptography,The Ecc cryptography,now so many people is learn to use pairing-based cryptography,this is used in window
Platform: | Size: 2915328 | Author: 李兵 | Hits:

[Other GamesProm-pairing

Description: 用循环队列模拟舞伴配对问题: 在舞会上,男、女各自排成一队。舞会开始时。依次从男队和女队的队头各出一人配成舞伴。如果两队初始人数不等,则较长的那一队中未配对者等待下一轮舞曲。 假设初始男、女人数及性别已经固定,舞会的轮数从键盘输入。试模拟解决上述舞伴配对问题。-Paired with a partner circular queue simulation problem: at the ball, male and female each lined up. Dance starts. Followed by men' s and women' s team from the first one from each team dubbed partner. If the initial number of teams ranging from the team which is a long wait for the next one unpaired who dance. Assume that the initial M, the number of women and gender have been fixed, the ball rounds from the keyboard. Try pairing partner simulation to solve the above problems.
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: 屠海斌 | Hits:


Description: 中兴捧月 数字婚姻配对尝试 建立一个模型,来模拟推导社会男女择偶过程。-Digital pairing marriage
Platform: | Size: 1426432 | Author: jcm | Hits:


Description: 该代码能够完成数字化婚姻配对,有关数字化婚姻配对的内容可以参考中兴捧月杯2013年上海赛区线下编程挑战赛题目。-This code can complete the pairing of digital marriage,the information about pairing of digital marriage can be seen in Zte Hold on Cup offline competition in 2013.
Platform: | Size: 534528 | Author: 陈贝 | Hits:
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