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自己做的掌纹识别小软件,呵呵, 有灰度处理、图象滤波、HARRIS角点检测、小波分解。提取热区,数学生态学等功能-own small palm print recognition software, Oh, gray processing, image filtering, detection angle HARRIS, wavelet decomposition. Heat extraction zone, the function of mathematical ecology
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 129.69kb Publisher : linhao

自己做的掌纹识别小软件,呵呵, 有灰度处理、图象滤波、HARRIS角点检测、小波分解。提取热区,数学生态学等功能-own small palm print recognition software, Oh, gray processing, image filtering, detection angle HARRIS, wavelet decomposition. Heat extraction zone, the function of mathematical ecology
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.29mb Publisher : linhao

Gabor 滤波器工具箱,包括各种Gabor滤波器的函数,可用于图像滤波处理,特征提取,如人脸,掌纹,指纹识别等。-Gabor filter toolbox, including Gabor filter function, can be used for image filtering processing, feature extraction, such as human faces, palm prints, such as fingerprint recognition.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 290kb Publisher : 陈浩

自己做的掌纹识别小软件,能够实现图像的角点提取,确定关键点-Palmprint recognition of their own to do a small software, can realize the image corner extraction, identification of key points
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 131kb Publisher :

掌纹识别palm print recognition software(gray processing, image filtering, detection angle HARRIS, wavelet decomposition. Heat extraction zone, the function of mathematical ecology )-Palmprint identification palm print recognition software (gray processing, image filtering, detection angle HARRIS, wavelet decomposition. Heat extraction zone, the function of mathematical ecology)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 129kb Publisher : 巴乔

此设计为掌型识别系统的设计。人体掌形识别对掌形数据的准确性要求很高,本文的DSP数据采集系统可对CCD获得的人体掌型图像实现快速准确的采集和处理。实验结果表明,系统的可靠性、稳定性好。-The design for the palm-based recognition system design. Identification of the human palm-shaped palm-shaped demanding accuracy of the data, the paper s DSP data acquisition system can be obtained on the CCD image the body in charge of the realization of rapid and accurate collection and processing. The experimental results show that the reliability of the system, good stability.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 428kb Publisher : liaofei

生物识别技术在科研领域取 得了极大的重视和发展。由于生物特征是人的内在属性,具有很强的自身稳定性和个 体差异性,因此是身份验证的最理想依据川。其中,利用人脸特征进行身份验证又是 最自然直接的手段,与指纹、虹膜、掌纹等其他人体生物特征识别系统相比,人脸识 别系统更加友好,方便,易于为用户所接受,有广阔的应用领域。-Biometric technology in the research field of great importance and development. Biological characteristics as a result of the inherent human attribute, has a strong individual differences in their stability and, therefore, is based on authentication of the best Sichuan. Among them, the characteristics of human face authentication is the most natural and direct means, and fingerprint, iris, palm prints and other biometric identification system, the human body as compared to face recognition system more friendly, convenient and easy for users to accept, there are broad fields of application.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 436kb Publisher : 付采

自己做的掌纹识别小软件,呵呵, 有灰度处理、图象滤波、HARRIS角点检测、小波分解。提取热区,数学生态学等功能-own small palm print recognition software, Oh, gray processing, image filtering, detection angle HARRIS, wavelet decomposition. Heat extraction zone, the function of mathematical ecology
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 129kb Publisher : 陈明

DL : 0
本程序基于 BP 神经网络完成了对用户使用鼠标输入的特定手势的识别,并且可以学习 用户创建的新手势。程序中已经存储的手势是 Palm 系列掌上电脑中手写识别专用的 Graffiti 字体的数字 0~9,这种字体的特点是每个字由一个连续笔划构成,适合用一个连贯的鼠标手势表示: -This procedure based on BP neural network was completed using the mouse to the user input of a specific gesture recognition, and users can learn to create new gestures. Procedures have been stored in the Palm series of hand gestures is a computer dedicated Graffiti handwriting recognition digital fonts 0 to 9, the font of each word is characterized by a continuous strokes by the composition, for consistency with a mouse gesture, said:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 290kb Publisher : 郑强

Fusion of Palmprint and Palm Vein Images for Person Recognition Based on Laplacian feature-Fusion of Palmprint and Palm Vein Images for Person Recognition Based on Laplacian feature
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.7mb Publisher : shadow_csm

这是一个指纹识别的源码,较为简单,识别率还可以,仅供大家学习参考。-This is a fingerprint of the source, a relatively simple, the recognition rate can only refer them to learn.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 131kb Publisher : 月影幻梦

DL : 0
基于Gabor变换的图像纹理识别。 提出了一种改进的Gabor变换的图像纹理增强算法,将空域的纹理图像变换到联合空间频率域并将联合空间 频率域的能量分布作为掌纹的特征,Gobar滤波器在频域内对子块其主方向上频率能量分布进行滤波,特征向量进行了匹配 识别,增强特征纹线信息并对核心区域进行多方向空间频率能量滤波合成,同时也对滤波算法进行了优化,有效地减少了运 算量。-Gabor transform based image texture recognition. An improved image of the Gabor transform texture enhancement algorithm, the airspace of the texture image transform frequency domain to the joint space and joint space frequency domain characteristics of the energy distribution as a palm, Gobar filter pair in the frequency domain block its the main direction of the energy distribution of the frequency filtering, feature vectors were matched to identify, enhance the features of ridge information as well as the core region of multi-dimensional spatial frequency energy filter synthesis, but also on the filtering algorithm has been optimized, effective in reducing the computational complexity.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 801kb Publisher : 爱学习

Along with biological features recognition technology s development,the high precision biometric technology is widely used in the identity verification more and more.Such as:fingerprint recognitions,iris scanning,retina scanning,sound ripple,palm prints,facial features recognition and so on.The technologies including fingerprints,retina,iris biometric recognition have relatively high credibility and accuracy.Because fingerprint gathering is relatively convenient and the hardware is easy to be realized,the fingerprint recognition algorithm is more mature than the other biometric recognition technologies.The fingerprint recognition has higher usability and feasibility in terms of the overall performances.-Along with biological features recognition technology' s development, the high precision biometric technology is widely used in the identity verification more and more. Such as: fingerprint recognitions, iris scanning, retina scanning, sound ripple, palm prints, facial features recognition and so on. The technologies including fingerprints, retina, iris biometric recognition have relatively high credibility and accuracy. Because fingerprint gathering is relatively convenient and the hardware is easy to be realized, the fingerprint recognition algorithm is more mature than the other biometric recognition technologies. The fingerprint recognition has higher usability and feasibility in terms of the overall performances.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 528kb Publisher : zhengxinlong

掌纹识别代码,对图像预处理和特征提取及匹配-Palmprint identification code, the image preprocessing and feature extraction and matching
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 210kb Publisher : 刘晶

掌纹识别,对图像进行预处理和特征提取,以及匹配-Recognition, the image preprocessing and feature extraction, and matching
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 130kb Publisher : 刘晶

基于傅里叶变换的掌纹识别!该方法的基本思想是先将掌纹图像应用傅立叶变换转换到频域,然后在频域中进行特征提取和描述-Palmprint recognition based on Fourier transformThe basic idea of this method is the the palmprint first application of Fourier transform into the frequency domain, and then in the frequency domain feature extraction
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 67kb Publisher : kjfd

掌纹识别的matlab程序,包括最大内切圆求法,KL变换,小波变换,欧式距离识别方法-Palmprint recognition matlab program, including the largest inscribed circle Method, KL transform, wavelet transform, Euclidean distance to identify methods
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 162kb Publisher : 简康

指节纹路识别相关资料,开展掌纹识别的朋友可以参考。-papers for palm recognition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.38mb Publisher : 李啸

palm recognition using grap-palm recognition using graphh
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 121kb Publisher : anup

Palm Recognition system matlab code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 435kb Publisher : Assoud
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