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这是一个好的建模学习资料,赶快下载吧, 数学建模十大算法 ( 包含:蒙特卡罗算法、数据拟合、参数估计、 插值等数据处理算法、线性规划、整数规划、多元规划、二次规划等规划类问题、 图论算法、动态规划、回溯搜索、分治算法、分支定界等计算机算法、 最优化理论的三大非经典算法:模拟退火法、神经网络、遗传算法、 网格算法和穷举法、一些连续离散化方法、数值分析算法、图象处理算法)-This a good model to study the information, download it quickly, mathematical modeling algorithm 10 (includes : Monte Carlo algorithm, data fitting, parameter estimation, interpolation of data-processing algorithms, linear programming, integer programming, diversity planning, Quadratic Programming category of zoning, graph-theoretical algorithms, dynamic programming, retroactive search, the partition algorithm, branch-and-bound algorithm computer, most optimization theory of the three non-classical algorithm : simulated annealing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, mesh algorithms and exhaustive, some consecutive discrete method, numerical analysis algorithms, image processing algorithm)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.65mb Publisher : zhxj

图像分析和识别中一个关键的内容就是图像参数的量测,本程序可实现一些参数的量测。- In the image analysis and the recognition an essential content is the picture parameter 閲忔祴, this procedure may realize some parameters 閲忔祴.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 李强

这是一个好的建模学习资料,赶快下载吧, 数学建模十大算法 ( 包含:蒙特卡罗算法、数据拟合、参数估计、 插值等数据处理算法、线性规划、整数规划、多元规划、二次规划等规划类问题、 图论算法、动态规划、回溯搜索、分治算法、分支定界等计算机算法、 最优化理论的三大非经典算法:模拟退火法、神经网络、遗传算法、 网格算法和穷举法、一些连续离散化方法、数值分析算法、图象处理算法)-This a good model to study the information, download it quickly, mathematical modeling algorithm 10 (includes : Monte Carlo algorithm, data fitting, parameter estimation, interpolation of data-processing algorithms, linear programming, integer programming, diversity planning, Quadratic Programming category of zoning, graph-theoretical algorithms, dynamic programming, retroactive search, the partition algorithm, branch-and-bound algorithm computer, most optimization theory of the three non-classical algorithm : simulated annealing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, mesh algorithms and exhaustive, some consecutive discrete method, numerical analysis algorithms, image processing algorithm)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.65mb Publisher : zhxj

如何在图像中加入某一固定snr的噪声?分类:matlab与图像处理 在利用matlab做一些自己算法的抗噪分析中,常常会遇到这个问题,matlab中的加噪函数是imnoise,里面的参数是噪声的均值,方差(高斯噪声)或者是感染概率(椒盐噪声),参数不能是snr值,但是很多国外的文章的噪声分析中都是用snr值来衡量加入噪声的程度的-how the image to a fixed snr noise? Categories : Matlab and image processing using Matlab to do some of his own anti-noise algorithm analysis, will often encounter this problem, which Matlab the noise function is imnoise. inside the parameters of the noise mean and variance (Gaussian noise) or the probability of infection (Impulse Noise) Parameter values can not be snr, But many foreign article noise analysis is used to measure the value snr joined the extent of noise
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 顶替

用于产生gamma分布的噪声序列,以及分析gaussian噪声的各参数。-Gamma distribution used to generate the noise sequence, as well as the analysis of Gaussian noise in each parameter.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : zzw19831114

图像数字水印的应用及基准测试软件:在讨论图像数字水印的各种应用及影响图像数字水印系统的重要参数的基础上,对数字水印的各种典型 的攻击方式进行了较完整的分析,最后对现有的典型基准测试程序进行了探讨,指出了它们的局限性.-Application of Digital Watermarking and the benchmarking software: Image Watermarking in the discussion of a wide range of applications and the impact of image watermarking system, an important parameter based on a variety of digital watermarking typical way to attack a more complete analysis, the final typical of the existing benchmarks are discussed, pointing out their limitations.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 273kb Publisher : xinyi

当前论文主要考虑的是非信号依赖的高斯噪声下的图像恢复,本程序实现了泊松噪声下的图像恢复,泊松噪声为信号依赖噪声,能够更加有效逼近实际成像系统噪声。- This is the code that was used in the papers "A Nonnnegatively Constrained Convex Programming Method for Image Reconstruction", "Total Variation-Penalized Poisson Likelihood Estimation for Ill-Posed Problems", "Tikhonov Regularized Poisson Likelihood Estimation: Theoretical Justification and a Computational Method", "An Efficient Computational Method for Total Variation with Poisson Negative-Log Likelihood", "An Analysis of Regularization by Diffusion for Ill-Posed Poisson Likelihood Estimation," "An Iterative Method for Edge-Preserving MAP Estimation when Data-Noise is Poisson", and finally, "Regularization Parameter Selection Methods for Ill-Posed Poisson Maximum Likelihood Estimation". See my publications page for more details. The main algorithm is for nonnegatively constrained, regularized Poisson likelihood estimation. At this point you can choose Tikhonov, total variation regularization, and diffusion regularization. A number of other methods are also implemented. Regularizatio
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 422kb Publisher : sun

一种车牌图像校正新方法 【摘要】因摄像机角度而造成的机动车牌图像倾斜会对其后继的字符分割与识别带来不利的影响。本文在分析了车牌倾斜模式的基础上,提出了一种基于最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)的车牌图像倾斜校正新方法。通过LS-SVM线性回归算法求取坐标变换矩阵并对畸变图像进行旋转校正。主要方法:首先,将二值倾斜车牌图像中的像素转换为二维坐标样本,并构造图像数据集 再通过LS-SVM线性回归算法对该数据集进行回归,求取主要参数 最后,再由该参数转换为能反映图像倾斜方向的2维坐标变换矩阵。实验结果表明,该方法简便实用,对光照、污迹等不敏感,抗干扰能力强。-New Method of a license plate image correction Abstract caused due to camera angles, the image tilt motor vehicle license will have on its subsequent recognition of characters segmentation and adverse effects. Based on the analysis of the inclined plate model based on proposed based on least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) of the license plate Skew new approach. By LS-SVM linear regression algorithm to strike a coordinate transformation matrix and rotate the image distortion correction. Main methods: First, the value of the two inclined plate in the image pixel is converted to two-dimensional coordinates of the sample, and construct the image data sets then the linear regression through the LS-SVM regression algorithm for the data set to strike a key parameter final , and then by the parameter is converted to reflect the tilt direction of two-dimensional image coordinate transformation matrix. The experimental results show that the method is simple and practical, to light,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 294kb Publisher : Leo

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Landsat5图像的增益_偏置取值及其对行星反射率计算分析,文章中对陆地卫星5号数据行星反射率等遥感参数定标计算做了详尽描述,可操作性强-Gain _ Landsat5 image bias values ​ ​ of the calculation and analysis of planetary reflectance article detailed description Landsat 5 data planetary reflectance, such as remote sensing parameter scaling operability
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 327kb Publisher : liangzi

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《ENVI遥感影像处理专题与实践》本书主要以专题介绍的形式对遥感影像处理过程中的主要操作步骤在ENVI 中的实现方法进行描述,以多种遥感数据源为例,详细地介绍了所用遥感数据源的特点、每专题要实现的主要目标、算法的背景和参考文献、参数的分析选择等内容。本书共分 34 个专题,涵盖了 ENVI入门和基本操作介绍、全色影像和矢量叠合、多光谱影像分类、决策树分类、几何校正和配准、各种影像的正射校正、影像镶嵌、光学数据与雷达数据的融合、矢量叠合和 GIS 分析、地图制图、高光谱数据分析及其在地质学、考古学、植被分析和海洋学中的应用、MASTER影像数据处理、各种SAR 数据分析、地形工具、三维浏览以及使用 IDL 扩展ENVI 功能等方面的内容。本书所附带的多种遥感数据及书中对操作步骤的详细介绍,可以指导 ENVI 初学者快速掌握ENVI,并可以使 ENVI 高级用户了解ENVI 最新版本在高光谱数据分析、目标探测识别及 IDL 二次开发等方面的应用实例。同时本书也可以作为从事遥感科研和工程的专业人员的参考书目。 -ENVI remote sensing image processing thematic and Practice "book presentations in the form of the realization of the main steps in the ENVI remote sensing image processing method described in a variety of remote sensing data source, for example, usedcharacteristics of remote sensing data sources, to achieve the main goal of each topic, the background of the algorithm and the reference parameter analysis selection.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13.62mb Publisher : jimye

这是一个好的建模学习资料,赶快下载吧, 数学建模十大算法 ( 包含:蒙特卡罗算法、数据拟合、参数估计、 插值等数据处理算法、线性规划、整数规划、多元规划、二次规划等规划类问题、 图论算法、动态规划、回溯搜索、分治算法、分支定界等计算机算法、 最优化理论的三大非经典算法:模拟退火法、神经网络、遗传算法、 网格算法和穷举法、一些连续离散化方法、数值分析算法、图象处理算法)-This is a good model to study the information, download it quickly, mathematical modeling algorithm 10 (includes: Monte Carlo algorithm, data fitting, parameter estimation, interpolation of data processing algorithms, linear programming, integer programming, diversity planning, Quadratic Programming Programming category of zoning, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, backtracking search, divide and conquer algorithm, branch and bound algorithm computer, optimization theory of the three non-classical algorithm: simulated annealing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, network lattice algorithms and exhaustive, some consecutive discrete method, numerical analysis algorithms, image processing algorithm)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.76mb Publisher : 高雄飞

利用MATLAB制作统计报告或报表;从文件中读取数据到MATLAB;从MATLAB中导出数据到文件;数据的平滑处理、标准化变换和极差归一化变换;生成一元和多元分布随机数;蒙特卡洛方法;参数估计与假设检验;Copula理论及应用实例;方差分析;基于回归分析的数据拟合;聚类分析;判别分析;主成分分析;因子分析;图像处理中的统计应用等。 -Making statistical reports or reports by MATLAB to read data from the file to the MATLAB derived from the data to a file in MATLAB data smooth processing, standardization transformation and range normalization transformation generation of univariate and multivariate distribution random number Monte Carlo method parameter estimation and hypothesis testing Copula theory and examples of application analysis of variance data fitting based on regression analysis cluster analysis discriminant analysis principal components analysis factor analysis image processing in the application of statistics.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16.89mb Publisher : yaonan

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是机器学习的例程,JkPxsTj参数实现了对10个数字音的识别程序使用混沌与分形分析的例程,验证可用,mfNLVbr条件通过matlab代码,粒子图像分割及匹配均为自行编制的子例程。- Machine learning routines, JkPxsTj parameter Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines, Verification is available, mfNLVbr condition By matlab code, Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : juhzfj

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包含位置式PID算法、积分分离式PID,rDvWNHs参数实现了对10个数字音的识别程序使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序,QzAdARd条件使用混沌与分形分析的例程,粒子图像分割及匹配均为自行编制的子例程。- It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID, rDvWNHs parameter Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, Contains two clients receive link-level communications program, QzAdARd condition Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines, Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : prtkyw

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单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,AHbYvFo参数实现了对10个数字音的识别程序包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,计算多重分形非趋势波动分析,SPQYExA条件是小学期课程设计的题目,粒子图像分割及匹配均为自行编制的子例程。- Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, AHbYvFo parameter Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Calculate the multifractal trend fluctuation analysis, SPQYExA condition Is the topic of the elementary school stage curriculum design, Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12kb Publisher : gjdfyi

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包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序,qlRhgYX参数感应双馈发电机系统的仿真,使用混沌与分形分析的例程,外文资料里面的源代码,OzlHhwT条件包含位置式PID算法、积分分离式PID,粒子图像分割及匹配均为自行编制的子例程。- Contains two clients receive link-level communications program, qlRhgYX parameter Simulation of doubly fed induction generator system, Use Chaos and fractal analysis routines, Foreign materials inside the source code, OzlHhwT condition It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID, Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : iigrnp

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外文资料里面的源代码,buGCRXK参数对HARQ系统的吞吐量分析,包括面积、周长、矩形度、伸长度,供做算法研究人员参考,VdcvhHI条件在MATLAB中求图像纹理特征,快速扩展随机生成树算法。- Foreign materials inside the source code, buGCRXK parameter HARQ throughput analysis of the system, Including the area, perimeter, rectangular, elongation, Algorithm for researchers to do reference, VdcvhHI condition In the MATLAB image texture feature, Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : srukfj

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单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,zxfoMmc参数仿真效果非常好,包括主成分分析、因子分析、贝叶斯分析,利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子,XRUPbGT条件有循环检测,周期性检测,仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像。- Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, zxfoMmc parameter Simulation of the effect is very good, Including principal component analysis, factor analysis, Bayesian analysis, Use serial programming examples matlab GUI implementation, XRUPbGT condition There are cycle detection, periodic testing, FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : vhizay

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预报误差法参数辨识-松弛的思想,用于图像处理的独立分量分析,主要为数据分析和统计,包括脚本文件和函数文件形式,重要参数的提取。-Prediction Error Method for Parameter Identification- the idea of relaxation, Independent component analysis for image processing, Mainly for data analysis and statistics, Including script files and function files in the form, Extract important parameters.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : mryhbma

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多元数据分析的主分量分析投影,matlab程序运行时导入数据文件作为输入参数,利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数,在MATLAB中求图像纹理特征,解耦,恢复原信号。-Principal component analysis of multivariate data analysis projection, Import data files as input parameters matlab program is running, Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, In the MATLAB image texture feature, Decoupling, restore the original signal.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : ywwgnh
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