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The purpose of this driver set is to provide easy, direct access to the controls and imagery of compliant cameras on the 1394 serial bus. These cameras are capable of transmitting image data at up to 400 mbps* while also offering the ability to control myriad parameters of the camera from software.- The purpose of this driver set is to provide easy, direct access to the controls and imagery of compliant cameras on the 1394 serial bus. These cameras are capable of transmitting image data at up to 400 mbps* while also offering the ability to control myriad parameters of the camera from software.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : 楊智斐

图像的滤镜处理效果,Canny边缘检测以及对摄像机内外参数的标定源码-image processing filter effects, Canny edge detection, and internal and external parameters of the camera calibration source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : 邝宏武

This paper introduces an affine invariant of trapezia, and the explicit constraint equation between the intrinsic matrix of a camera and the similarity invariants of a trapezium are established using the affine invariant. By this constraint, the inner parameters, motion parameters of the cameras and the similarity invariants of trapezia can be linearly determined using some prior knowledge on the cameras or the trapezia. The proposed algorithms have wide applicability since parallel lines are not rare in many scenes. Experimental results validate the proposed approaches. This work presents a unifying framework based on the parallelism constraint, and the previous methods based on the parallelograms or the parallelepipeds can be integrated into this framework. Key words: invariant parallelism constraint camera calibration 3D reconstruction
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 184kb Publisher : 王峰

在计算机视觉中首先一步是计算每个摄像机的参数(外参和内参),这是重建物体所必须的,这一个过程称为摄像机定标(camera calibration)。这是我自己写的一个简单的采用2维模板(模板是由黑白相间的格子组成,格子大小60cm×60cm)定标的程序,交互性比较好,每个角点通过鼠标点击自动获取。-Computer Vision in the first step is to calculate the parameters of each camera (outside the Senate and internal), which is necessary for the reconstruction of objects, which a process known as camera calibration (camera calibration). This is what I wrote it myself using a simple 2-D template (template is composed of black-and-white lattice, lattice size of 60cm × 60cm) calibration procedures, better interactivity, each corner through the automatic acquisition of mouse clicks.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : 陈墨

在计算机视觉中首先一步是计算每个摄像机的参数(外参和内参),这是重建物体所必须的,这一个过程称为摄像机定标(camera calibration)。这是我自己写的一个简单的采用3维模板(模板是由黑白相间的格子组成,格子大小30cm×30cm,模板必须是三维,否则矩阵奇异)定标的程序,交互性比较好,每个角点通过鼠标点击自动获取。-Computer Vision in the first step is to calculate the parameters of each camera (outside the Senate and internal), which is necessary for the reconstruction of objects, which a process known as camera calibration (camera calibration). This is what I wrote it myself using a simple 3-dimensional template (template is composed of black-and-white lattice, lattice size of 30cm ?30cm, the template must be three-dimensional, or matrix singular) calibration procedures, better interactivity, each Corner automatic access through mouse clicks.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.18mb Publisher : 陈墨

This a camera calibration toolbox for generic lenses. The toolbox can be used to calibrate conventional, wide-angle and fish-eye lens cameras. The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images. This toolbox is a result of research that has been carried out in the Laboratory of Computational Engineering at Helsinki University of Technology and in the Machine Vision Group at University of Oulu.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : abc

基于opencv对摄相机进行内参数标定,很棒而且精度很高.-Opencv based on conduct within the parameters of camera calibration, high accuracy and great.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : 张正涛

用做camera calibration。 camera calibration 是图像处理中很重要的领域,能根据不同的角度的image计算自身的参数-Used for camera calibration. image processing camera calibration is a very important area, based on different perspectives of the image calculated parameters of their own
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Shao Dan

摄象机标定的两步法修改程序代码,标定摄象机内外参数-Two-step camera calibration procedure to amend the code, both within and outside the parameters of camera calibration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : wangfei

非常详细的介绍了计算机视觉基础知识-摄像机模型,内参数,外参数和射影几何的知识,简单易懂-Very detailed introduction of the basic knowledge of computer vision- the camera model, with parameters, outside the parameters and the projective geometry of knowledge, easy-to-read
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 208kb Publisher : besrt

用OpenCV实现对摄像机的标定(获得内参,外参)-Using OpenCV implementation of camera calibration (access to internal and external parameters)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 28kb Publisher : YinXin

开发了CUVT库,可以完成摄像机内外参数的标定,同时得到像素的误差分析-CUVT database developed, you can finish both inside and outside the parameters of the camera calibration, at the same time the error analysis of pixel
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.37mb Publisher : wangtao

针对双目立体视觉系统研制过程中的摄像机标定步骤,分析了计算机视觉函数库OpenCV中的摄像机模型,其 中的非线性畸变考虑到了切向畸变和径向畸变,采用Bouguet角点提取算法,实现了基于OpenCV的摄像机标定.该 算法具有很高的标定精度和计算效率、良好的跨平台移植性,可以满足双目立体视觉系统的需要. -System are directly used in the internal parameters of the camera calibration algorithm, calibration algorithm by means of direct calculation of reference within the parameters of the camera. The entire system is in VC++ environment to design and implementation, and with the help of IPL and OpenCV, as long as the input image calibration objects, the system can be output quickly and accurately the results of camera intrinsic parameters. Through the 3D reconstruction of the experiment proved the effectiveness of the system. MATLAB implementation vis-à-vis the way the system more convenient to use, fast.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41kb Publisher : wangtao

针对双目立体视觉系统研制过程中的摄像机标定步骤,分析了计算机视觉函数库OpenCV中的摄像机模型,其 中的非线性畸变考虑到了切向畸变和径向畸变,采用Bouguet角点提取算法,实现了基于OpenCV的摄像机标定.该 算法具有很高的标定精度和计算效率、良好的跨平台移植性,可以满足双目立体视觉系统的需要. -System are directly used in the internal parameters of the camera calibration algorithm, calibration algorithm by means of direct calculation of reference within the parameters of the camera. The entire system is in VC++ environment to design and implementation, and with the help of IPL and OpenCV, as long as the input image calibration objects, the system can be output quickly and accurately the results of camera intrinsic parameters. Through the 3D reconstruction of the experiment proved the effectiveness of the system. MATLAB implementation vis-à-vis the way the system more convenient to use, fast.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41kb Publisher : wangtao

基于直线的几何不变性标定摄像机参数 Based on a straight-line camera calibration parameters of the geometric invariant-Based on a straight-line camera calibration parameters of the geometric invariant
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 367kb Publisher : lee

主要针对固定的摄像机进行标定,获取其内外部参数,不在其中给出了标定的图片。-Aimed at fixed camera calibration, access to its internal and external parameters, not one of them gives the calibration images.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.56mb Publisher : qwindxf

计算相机镜头参数的代码,可以为镜头选型提供参考-Calculated parameters of the camera lens code, can provide a reference for the lens selection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张益昕

可进行摄像机标定,自动求出一个摄像机的内外参数,也包含程序求两个摄像机的全局标定,两摄像机之间的旋转平移矩阵-Camera calibration can be automatically calculated inside and outside the parameters of a camera, also includes procedures for seeking the global calibration of two cameras, two cameras rotating between the translation matrix
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22mb Publisher : bubu

摄像机双目视觉标定流程及使用方法,包括摄像机内部参数标定,外部参数标定,摄像机与机械臂标定(手眼标定)-Camera calibration process and the use of binocular vision, including the internal parameters of camera calibration, external calibration parameters, camera calibration and robot arm (hand-eye calibration)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 宋鹏

DL : 0
火眼摄像头OV7725的照相功能的STM32实现例子,照片存放在SD中,包含对摄像头的参数设置。-Camera will OV7725 STM32 implementation example of a camera, photo in SD, contains the parameters of camera Settings.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.12mb Publisher : qiubaibi
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