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**智能监视系统*** 程序运行时需要视频捕捉设备,如果没有,请安装USB_CAMERA目录下的设备驱动程序。 ***停车场收费系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。 ***高校银卡系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。 ***邮件短信系统*** 1.实现邮件检测功能: (1)注册账号,注意正确添写POP3服务器,用户名,密码。 2.实现发送短信功能: (1)在注册账号时要添写正确的手机号码,并选中发送到手机的复选框。 (2)跟据自己购买的GSM模块说明书设置串口参数,一般是“19200,n,8,1”。 (3)添写当地短信中心号码,前面的86可加可不加,如果没有写,系统在按“确定”后会自动加上。 (4)注意:如果短信中含有中文字符,则一定要设成Pdu模式,否则短信可能发送失败-intelligent surveillance systems ** * procedures need video capture equipment, and if not, Install USB_CAMERA directory device driver. *** *** Parking fees system install sql server, which users sa no orders, sql re-use directory of the establishment of a new document sql database. *** *** College CE system install sql server, which users sa no orders, sql re-use directory of the establishment of a new document sql database. *** *** Mail messages a system. Detection mail : (1) registered account, pay attention to the correct Communist cause POP3 server, user name and password. 2. SMS functions to achieve this : (a) registered in your account to the Communist cause the correct phone number, Send and select the check box to the cell phone. (2) According to the purchase of GSM module specif
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.65mb Publisher : 董林林

**智能监视系统*** 程序运行时需要视频捕捉设备,如果没有,请安装USB_CAMERA目录下的设备驱动程序。 ***停车场收费系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。 ***高校银卡系统*** 先安装sql server , 其中sa用户没有口令,再使用sql目录下的sql文件建立新数据库。 ***邮件短信系统*** 1.实现邮件检测功能: (1)注册账号,注意正确添写POP3服务器,用户名,密码。 2.实现发送短信功能: (1)在注册账号时要添写正确的手机号码,并选中发送到手机的复选框。 (2)跟据自己购买的GSM模块说明书设置串口参数,一般是“19200,n,8,1”。 (3)添写当地短信中心号码,前面的86可加可不加,如果没有写,系统在按“确定”后会自动加上。 (4)注意:如果短信中含有中文字符,则一定要设成Pdu模式,否则短信可能发送失败-intelligent surveillance systems*** procedures need video capture equipment, and if not, Install USB_CAMERA directory device driver.****** Parking fees system install sql server, which users sa no orders, sql re-use directory of the establishment of a new document sql database.****** College CE system install sql server, which users sa no orders, sql re-use directory of the establishment of a new document sql database.****** Mail messages a system. Detection mail : (1) registered account, pay attention to the correct Communist cause POP3 server, user name and password. 2. SMS functions to achieve this : (a) registered in your account to the Communist cause the correct phone number, Send and select the check box to the cell phone. (2) According to the purchase of GSM module specif
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.64mb Publisher : 董林林

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列车入轨检测,列车入轨前发出信号,信息处理系统将采集信号处理,判决列车进入相应轨道停车。-Orbit train detection, train orbit before the signal, information processing system will be collected signal processing, the corresponding train sentence parking orbit.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 风云

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智能小车设计: 基本性能指标: 通过红外传感器或金属传感器检测运行轨迹; 0~3秒内完成小车加速,3~6秒匀速运行,7~9秒完成减速、停车功能; 选做部分: 实现小车跟踪功能; 实现小车避障功能。-Smart car design: the basic performance indicators: through the infrared sensors or metal detection sensors running track 0 ~ 3 seconds to complete the car accelerated, uniform 3 ~ 6 seconds to run, 7 ~ 9 seconds to complete deceleration, parking functions election to do parts: the realization of Vehicle tracking realize vehicle obstacle avoidance function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘学良

運動識別 在摄像机监视的场景范围内,对出现的运动目标进行检测、分类及轨迹追踪,可应用于各种监控目的,如周界警戒及入侵检测、绊线检测、非法停车车辆检测等。-Movement Recognition ' scene in the scope of surveillance cameras, the emergence of the moving target detection, classification and tracking, monitoring can be applied to a variety of purposes, such as perimeter security and intrusion detection, tripwire detection, detection of illegal parking of vehicles.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 40kb Publisher : zhangjc

在车载后视摄像头的视频图像中,画汽车倒车轨迹的源代码。包括在后视图像上画车辆向后倒延长线,实时动态估计的倒车轨迹曲线。-failed to translate
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : LP

可用在停车场开发,图像采集,运动检测等功能-Available in the parking lot development, image acquisition, motion detection functions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 155kb Publisher : mick ven

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超声波倒车雷达,在硬件平台上编程实现如下功能: 1.可以语音提示模组探测范围内的0.35m~1.5m范围内的障碍物; 2.语音提示可指明哪一个方向(或区域)有障碍物在探测范围内; 3.利用三个LED发光二极管表示三个传感器探测范围内是否有障碍物,当在探测范围内有障碍物时,发光管以一定频率闪烁,闪烁的频率以距离定,距离越近频率越高。-Ultrasonic parking sensor, programmed in the hardware platform, the following functions: 1. Can voice prompt detection module 0.35m ~ 1.5m within the range of obstacles 2. Voice prompts to indicate which direction (or region) impaired objects in the detection range 3. using three LED light-emitting diode that is within the scope of the three sensors detect obstructions, as in the detection of obstructions within, the LED flashes at certain frequencies, flicker frequency range determined The closer the higher the frequency.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.94mb Publisher : 杨卫华

停车场检测界面,用qt编写,能自动检测车辆是否停在车位上,并统计车位占用率-parking detection system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.97mb Publisher : 陈永锐

智能小车单片机程序及实验报告XX大学:题目:电动车从起跑线出发(车体不得超过起跑线),沿引导线到达B点。在“直道区”铺设的白纸下沿引导线埋有1~3块宽度为15cm、长度不等的薄铁片。电动车检测到薄铁片时需立即发出声光指示信息,并实时存储、显示在“直道区”检测到的薄铁片数目。 (2)电动车到达B点以后进入“弯道区”,沿圆弧引导线到达C点(也可脱离圆弧引导线到达C点)。C点下埋有边长为15cm的正方形薄铁片,要求电动车到达C点检测到薄铁片后在C点处停车5秒,停车期间发出断续的声光信息。 (3)电动车在光源的引导下,通过障碍区进入停车区并到达车库。电动车必须在两个障碍物之间通过且不得与其接触。 (4)电动车完成上述任务后应立即停车,但全程行驶时间不能大于90秒,行驶时间达到90秒时必须立即自动停车。 -Intelligent car microcontroller program and experiment report XX university: title: starting from the starting line electric vehicle (shall not exceed starting line), along the leading lines arrived at B. In "the white paper straights area" laid down along the guide line 1 ~ 3 blocks buried width is 15cm, length ranging from thin iron. Electric vehicle detection to thin iron should be immediately sent acousto-optic indication information, and real-time storage, shown in "straight area" detected thin piece number. (2) electric car to B later enter "corner area", along the arc guide line arrive C points (also can arrive from arc guide line C points). C side for next point encapsulating with 15cm square thin iron, request arrive C point detected electric iron in C thin after parking spot for 5 seconds, parking during issued staccato acousto-optic information. (3) electric light ? in
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 168kb Publisher : 专业资料

停车场检测 用于停车场车辆的检测 上位机 VB程序-Parking detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 世达

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超声波探测器,用于停车场车辆检测或距离检测-Ultrasonic detector for parking vehicle detection or distance detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 356kb Publisher : 流域

车牌识别源代码是专为从事车牌识别软件产品开发的客户而设计的软件开发包。采用国际领先的计算机视觉和图像处理算法,结合国际领先的神经网络算法,我司车牌识别采用模块的方式提供车牌识别功能的软件。具有高速的识别速度和可信识别正确率,以减轻各开发商的开发成本,提高其竞争力。适用于城市交通管理、超速监控、公路收费、停车场管理、被盗车辆侦破、等应用开发。-License plate recognition source code is designed to be engaged in the license plate recognition software product development customer and design software development kit. Using international leader in computer vision and image processing algorithm, combined with the world s leading neural network algorithm, I Division of license plate recognition using module provided in the form of license plate recognition software. High speed recognition speed and credible recognition correct rate, in order to reduce the development costs for developers, improve their competitiveness. Applied to the city traffic management, overspeed monitoring, highway collects fees, parking management, stolen vehicle detection, application development and other.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.67mb Publisher : 王振

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车位检测系统,可以检测出车库车数量,位置等信息-Parking detection system can detect the kuqa a quantity, position information..
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 睿 sir

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智能车位检测系统,上位机程序。实现当车停进来,控件代表车位,会显示已经有车,车来时,textbox控件显示车位信息,提示车主。并在液晶屏上显示。-Intelligent parking detection system, the PC program. When the car in, and controls on behalf of car parking spaces, will have car to car, textbox control displays parking information, suggesting that owners. And displayed on the LCD screen.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.01mb Publisher : 谢冬云

本智能停车管理系统采用AT89C52单片机作为下位机,Visual C++编写上位机软件,通过串口实现上下位机通信,上下位机的共同协作完成对停车场的智能管理。车辆的检测采用了红外接近开关;车辆信息的读取使用RFID射频读卡器,实现全自动远距离车辆信息采集。车场的信息显示屏采用LCD12864实现对相应信息的显示;并能通过红外遥控对本系统实现控制。整个系统实现了对停车场驶入、驶出车辆的信息管理、红外遥控等功能。-This intelligent parking management system USES AT89C52 single chip microcomputer as the next place machine, Visual C++ write PC software, through a serial port realize a machine communication up and down, up and down a machine to the parking lot to cooperation with complete intelligent management. Vehicle detection using infrared close to switch The vehicle information read use RFID reader, realize the automatic distance vehicle information collection. Information display LCD12864 camesintosour the realization to the corresponding information display And through this system realizes the infrared remote control. The whole system of the parking lot, pulled out of the vehicles into the information management, infrared remote control etc. Function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 272kb Publisher : 蝶蝶

基于Arduino的超声波距离检测,温度检测,蜂鸣器报警系统,用于汽车倒车防撞。-Ultrasonic distance detection, temperature detection, buzzer alarm system Arduino-based, for car reversing crash.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.69mb Publisher : 李鸿钧

Parking space Detection papers. very good papers very use full to us-Parking space Detection papers. very good papers very use full to us
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.05mb Publisher : akhil

通过侦测车辆距离侦测设备的距离,点亮发光二极管,而不需要Arduino的支持。-By detecting the distance of the vehicle distance detection device, the light emitting diode is lit, and the support of the Arduino is not needed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 407kb Publisher : zhch53

停车场车位检测,基于485总线和超声波,自动检测当前时刻停车场的总空车位。代码简单易懂。-Parking lot parking detection, based on 485 bus and ultrasonic, automatic detection of the current time parking lot of the total empty parking spaces. The code is easy to understand.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 95kb Publisher : 黄向忠
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