DL : 0
这是一个类似于 PQ PartitionMagic 的磁盘分区工具集,是一套磁盘管理软件,PartitionMagic 的最佳替代品!有着直觉的图形使用介面和支持鼠标操作。主要功能包括:能够不损失硬盘资料下对硬盘分区做大小调整、能够将 NTFS 文件系统转换成 FAT、FAT32 或 FAT32 文件系统转换成 FAT 文件系统、支持制作、格式化、删除、复制、隐藏、移动分区、可复制整个硬盘资料到其它分区、支持长文件名、支持 FAT、FAT32、NTFS、HPFS、Ext2FS 分区和大于 8GB 大容量硬盘。本软件的特色在于,可以自由选择语言代码页来进行分区转换,从而可以在任何语言的分区上进行操作。而 PQ PartitionMagic 在简体中文环境下进行 FAT32<->NTFS 的转换时会有乱码产生,而 Paragon Partition Manager 却不会有乱码问题。
此版本为服务器版,能够运行于 Windows 2000 Server 和 Windows Server 2003 环境中,可弥补原来标准版无法运行于服务器操作系统的缺陷。
出于缩小体积、够用、好用即可的目的,去掉了不常用到的 ImageExplorer 组件,只保留 Partition Manager,并且只保留了简体中文的语言代码。非简体中文的操作系统用户请自行安装相应的语言代码,否则在转换分区的时候可能会造成文件、目录名称的混乱。
Update : 2009-01-23
Size : 882.96kb
Publisher : hackf.com
DL : 0
Smart FDISK是一个管理硬盘的实用工具软件,它可以帮助您方便地管理您的计算机硬盘。能在硬盘上建立基本分区、逻辑分区,并且可以格式化分区。通过内建的启动管理器,可以方便地在一个或多个硬盘上的不同分区中独立地安装多个不同的操作系统-Smart FDISK the hard drive is a management utility software, it can help you easily manage your computer s hard drive. Able to establish a basic hard disk partition, logical partition, and can format the partition. Through the built-in boot manager can easily in one or more different partition on your hard disk installed in a variety of independent operating system
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 688kb
Publisher : 黄珉伟
DL : 0
文件夹卫士,保护你的文件夹不被非法操作, 可以任意添加文件夹,或取掉不需保护的文件夹.-folder guard, protect your folder is not illegal operation, you can add arbitrary folder, profusely without protection or the folder.
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 580kb
Publisher : 2386869
DL : 0
PC BIOS Boot Manager _within_ the Master Boot Record (MBR) Displays list of partitions and let user choose the booting partition.
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 50kb
Publisher : beersoccer
DL : 0
SQL 分区管理的一个好的设计方案
对oracle 分区进行全面的剖析-SQL Partition Manager, a good design program on oracle partition to conduct a comprehensive analysis of
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 6kb
Publisher : yongfeng
DL : 0
windows 下 g格式化cf卡为 ext3的工具软件,在linux和windows下用到cf卡的开发者和使用者都有用-windows under the g format cf card for ext3 tools software under linux and windows use cf card developers and users have to use
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 24.28mb
Publisher : yf133
DL : 0
Smart FDISK v2.05 简体中文版
SmartFDISK是一个管理硬盘的实用工具软件,它可以方便地管理您的计算机硬盘。能在硬盘上建立基本分区、逻辑分区,并且可以格式化分区。通过内建的启动管理器,可以方便地在一个或多个硬盘上的不同分区中独立地安装多个不同的操作系统,如DOS、Windows9X、WindowsNT、Linux、FreeBSD、OS/2等,在您启动计算机时,起动管理器可以通过菜单让您选择需要进入的系统。-Smart FDISK v2.05 simplified Chinese version is a management SmartFDISK disk utility software, it can easily manage your computer' s hard drive. In the basic set up on the hard disk partition, logical partition, and can format the partition. Through the built-in Startup Manager, can be easily at one or more of the hard disk on different partitions independently to install a number of different operating systems, such as DOS, Windows9X, WindowsNT, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2 and so on, at you start your computer, start-up manager can select the menu allows you to enter the required system.
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 458kb
Publisher : jon
DL : 0
Smart FDISK是一个管理硬盘的实用工具软件,它可以方便地管理您的计算机硬盘。能在硬盘上建立基本分区、逻辑分区,并且可以格式化分区。通过内建的启动管理器,可以方便地在一个或多个硬盘上的不同分区中独立地安装多个不同的操作系统,如 DOS、Windows 9X、Windows NT、Linux、Free BSD、OS/2 等,在您启动计算机时,起动管理器可以通过菜单让您选择需要进入的系统。-Smart FDISK the hard drive is a management utility software, it can easily manage your computer' s hard drive. Able to establish a basic hard disk partition, logical partition, and can format the partition. Through the built-in Startup Manager, can be easily in one or more of the different partition on your hard disk installed in a variety of independent operating system, such as DOS, Windows 9X, Windows NT, Linux, Free BSD, OS/2 and so on, when you start your computer, start-up manager through the menu lets you choose to enter the system.
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 459kb
Publisher : jiane
DL : 0
内存管理模拟器,利用MFC模拟实现了内存的管理操作--内存分配和释放;不同内存分区利用不同颜色区分;采用首次适应算法实现。-Memory management simulator, the use of MFC to achieve a simulated memory management operations- memory allocation and release different memory partition to use to distinguish between different colors algorithm used to adapt the first time.
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 3.51mb
Publisher : Jim
DL : 0
编制动态分区分配算法和回收算法模拟程序,并讨论不同分配算法的特点-Partition Manager is the application of a broader storage management techniques. In this study, requested in a structured high-level language construct partition descriptors, the preparation and recovery of dynamic partitioning algorithms allocation algorithm for simulation program, and discuss the characteristics of the different allocation algorithm for
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 2kb
Publisher : 王洪礼
DL : 0
在设备管理器中-----磁盘驱动器- 列表里有硬盘和你的读卡器。(每人的不同。一般是XXXUSB。)找到读卡器的那个,单击右键,更新驱动程序。下一步----选择从列表或者指定位置安装,------下一步------选择不要搜索,我要自己选择安装的驱动程序。(一定注意)下一步---选择从磁盘安装-----浏览找到我给你的驱动。(帖子下载)就是cfadisk.inf。下一步,windows会提示不推荐,不管他,点是。然后windows又提示签名,点仍然继续。
在左侧选择SD卡磁盘(一般是最后一个)----右键删除(把SD卡变成最原始的样子)----然后建立3个分区(4G.2.9G.1G)----留下几十M的空闲(传说中要这么做)----依次格式化3个分区(4G-FAT32 2.9G-EXT3 1G-EXT3)----选择第一个分区为活动分区(默认)----最后点击应用
-Partition SD cards identify the driver
SD card using a card reader connected to your computer
This time are still unable to partition the operation, because the SD card or a removable disk
Then we need to turn it into a local disk.
In the Device Manager----- disk drive- the list, there are hard drives and your readers. (Per person different. Generally XXXUSB.) Reader to find that, right-click, update driver. The next step---- select from a list or specific location ,------ Next------ Select Do not search, I will choose the driver to install. (Some attention) Next, select Have Disk-------- I ll give you browse to find the driver. (Post downloading) is cfadisk.inf. Next, windows will prompt not recommended, regardless of whether the point is. Then windows again prompts signatures, points, continue.
windows copy the files.
End. Require a restart, do not have to restart.
Open My Computer, sd card is a local disks.
3. Backup of Data, just in case
4. Ope
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 7kb
Publisher : 胡延富
DL : 0
本文深入研讨 了在 D e l p h i 中通过调用 A P I 函数,读取或修改存放在硬盘q - 的数据,并提供了备份和恢复硬盘有关分区信息的功能,保护硬盘中系统数据的安全。-This in-depth discussion in the D elphi by calling API functions to read or modify stored in the hard drive q- the data, and provides backup and restore hard disk partition information related to the functions of the system to protect the hard disk data security.
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 788kb
Publisher : 张鱼
DL : 0
分区取整数计算器是一个专门用于磁盘分区取整数的计算工具,让您在资源管理器里查看磁盘的时候会舒服一些,呈现在眼前的全是整数,不用担心出现99.99GB这样的情况-Partition is rounded calculator is a specially used for disk partition is rounded computational tool, let you be in resource manager when viewing disk will feel comfortable, appear in sight is full of integer, need not worry appear such circumstance. GB 99.99
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 262kb
Publisher : 发发
DL : 0
TCP / IP协议应用于嵌入式系统的研究与实现,文章介绍了一种TCP / IP协议在有限存储空间的嵌入式系统中实现的具体方案。通过合理的任务划分, 构造模块, 由模块完成网络任务, 并通过任务管理器来管理网络任务、应用程序。整个软件代码量小、结构简单、易于移植和扩充-The TCP/IP protocol applied in embedded system research and implementation, this paper introduces a kind of TCP/IP protocol in the limited storage space in the embedded system to achieve the specific scheme. Through the reasonable task partition, module by module structure, completed network task, and through the task manager to network management tasks, application. The small amount of software code, has the advantages of simple structure, easy to transplant and expansion
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 140kb
Publisher : 曹瑞翠
DL : 0
Not-for-profit organization developing commercial, world-wide RFID standards
Joint venture between EAN International and the Uniform Code Council (UCC).
UCC standardized Universal Product Code (UPC) barcodes in US
EAN standardized barcodes in Europe
Technology already in used by organizations such as Walmart stores and US Department of Defense (DOD)
The EPCglobal protocols assume the tag carries a unique identifier, the electronic product code (EPC). [13]
EPC s can be either 64 or 96 bits long
Divided into:
Header: defines data type, indicates code partitions, used to partition sub-domains
Manager: indicates originator of EPC
Type of Object: as needed by the segment/application
Serial Number: as determined by the segment application [4]
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 323kb
Publisher : JK
DL : 0
LVM是 Logical Volume Manager(逻辑卷管理)的简写,它由Heinz Mauelshagen在Linux 2.4内核上实现。LVM将一个或多个硬盘的分区在逻辑上集合,相当于一个大硬盘来使用,当硬盘的空间不够使用的时候,可以继续将其它的硬盘的分区加入其中,这样可以实现磁盘空间的动态管理,相对于普通的磁盘分区有很大的灵活性。(LVM is shorthand for Logical Volume Manager (logical volume management), which is implemented by Heinz Mauelshagen on the Linux 2.4 kernel. LVM one or more disk partitions in logic set, the equivalent of a large hard disk to use when using the hard disk space is not enough, can continue to other disk partitions to join them, so you can achieve the dynamic management of disk space, compared with the ordinary disk partition has great flexibility.)
Update : 2025-03-15
Size : 187kb
Publisher : 沫水123
DL : 1
This program is partition manager for TWRP used devices.
- Read
- Write
- Backup
Update : 2021-09-23
Size : 5.53mb
Publisher : zenlty
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