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GPS路径跟踪记录器扩展(通过Web服务在SQL2005中存储路径)-GPS Path tracker recoder
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 296kb Publisher : 亿龙

下载说明 您下载的资源来自TI德州中文网( 使用前请您先阅读以下条款: 1) 本站不保证所提供资源的完整性和安全性; 2) 请在使用前查毒 (这也是您使用其它网络资源所必须注意的) ; 3) 由本站提供的程序对您的网站或计算机造成严重后果的本站概不负责; 4) 转载本站提供的资源请勿删除本说明注释/文档; 5) 本站提供的一部分资源为网上搜集而来,如果该程序涉及或侵害到您的 版权请立即写信通知我们。 -Motion Tracking =============== This tarball contains all code required to run the tracking algorithm on a sequence of images. Run the file run_tracker.m in Matlab and follow the instructions. You will need to have a directory of sequentially numbered images available. After entering the path and file types the tracker will begin processing. The code uses a solver for the linear assignment problem in lap.cpp that must be mex-compiled before the tracker can function. My code is set up to try to automatically compile the file src/lap/lap.cpp using mex should it detect that it has not yet been compiled. This will usually result in an informative message when you run the tracker for the first time on your system, followed by Matlab exiting (this is normal). Should automatic compilation of the file src/lap/lap.cpp fail (i.e. upon restarting Matlab you get the same informative message as before), then your system is probably not set up correctly and you should invest
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : 李岩
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