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 mysql_fetch_array($result, $link);
 mysqli_fetch_array($result, $link);
 $result->fetch();  //处理单一数据
 $result->fetchAll(); //处理所有数据


Update : 2008-06-16 Size : 11.95kb Publisher :

CAN现场总线 CanOpen源码程序. 包括SDO,PDO等基本功能. 用winrar解压两次即可
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.03mb Publisher : shijiangxiao

PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or \"recipes\" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : awake

DL : 0
hahaCMS是一套网站内容管理程序,仅仅支持PHP5,它具本以下特点: 1、100%开源 2、全部功能都封装成类 3、拥有数据库对象映射类,并理论上支持无限次数据表嵌套操作 4、独有的模板操作引挚,更注重效率 5、全站生成静态HTML 6、全站生成永久性文章存档列表 7、自动生成sitemap,支持GOOGLE,BAIDU等格式 8、细化的权限控制操作,更加自由的设置方法 9、大量运用缓存技术,提高性能 10、自动灵活的换肤功能 11、I18N多语种支持 12、全面的错误捕捉系统 13、PDO原型的数据库对象 14、无缝整合phpwind与Discuz,更多论坛接口正在紧加开发中 15、带有用户插件接口,提供更方便的第三方插件开发
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : 西欧附

CAN现场总线 CanOpen源码程序. 包括SDO,PDO等基本功能. 用winrar解压两次即可-CAN fieldbus CANOpen source procedures. Including the SDO, PDO and other basic functions. Winrar extracting twice with
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.03mb Publisher : shijiangxiao

DL : 0
CANopen is a networking system based on the CAN serial bus. CANopen assumes that the device’s hardware has a CAN transceiver and CAN controller as specified in ISO 11898. CANopen profile family specifies standardized communication mechanisms and device functionality. The profile family is available and maintained by CAN in Automation (CiA), the international users’ and manufacturers’ group and may be implemented license-free.-CANopen is a networking system based on the CAN serial bus.CANopen assumes that the device s hardware has a CAN transceiverand CAN controller as specified in ISO 11898.CANopen profile family specifies standardized communicationmechanisms and device functionality. The profile family is availableand maintained by CAN in Automation (CiA), the international users and manufacturers group and may be implemented license-free.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 664kb Publisher :

PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.-PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples-- or "recipes"-- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : awake

DL : 0
hahaCMS是一套网站内容管理程序,仅仅支持PHP5,它具本以下特点: 1、100%开源 2、全部功能都封装成类 3、拥有数据库对象映射类,并理论上支持无限次数据表嵌套操作 4、独有的模板操作引挚,更注重效率 5、全站生成静态HTML 6、全站生成永久性文章存档列表 7、自动生成sitemap,支持GOOGLE,BAIDU等格式 8、细化的权限控制操作,更加自由的设置方法 9、大量运用缓存技术,提高性能 10、自动灵活的换肤功能 11、I18N多语种支持 12、全面的错误捕捉系统 13、PDO原型的数据库对象 14、无缝整合phpwind与Discuz,更多论坛接口正在紧加开发中 15、带有用户插件接口,提供更方便的第三方插件开发
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : 西欧附

PHP数据库操作类,对PDO进行了非常好的包装,可以简化对数据库的操作。-PHP database operations category, on the PDO had a very good packaging, can be simplified on the database operation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : daemon

本程序主要功能有:“现金管理”、“存款管理”、“债权管理”、“债务管理”这4个功能。 服务器需开启SQLite和SQLite PDO Driver。(PHP5以后的版本都自带了SQLite) 在inc.php中可以修改数据库地址和管理员密码。-The main function of this procedure are as follows: "cash management", "deposit-taking management," "debt management", "debt management" in this function 4. Servers need to open a SQLite and SQLite PDO Driver. (PHP5 own future versions of SQLite) Inc.php can be modified in the database address and an administrator password.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 李文

DL : 0
PHP PDO SOAP综合实例:PDO跨数据库解决方案 SOAP,PHP的webservice-PHP PDO SOAP synthesis examples
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : guogs

DL : 0
用PDO技术实现的一个DAO层的类,主要用于对数据库的增删改查功能-PDO technology with a DAO layer classes, mainly for additions and deletions on the database search function change
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李利

CAN OPEN DS301实现方法,PDO和SDO的设置。-CANopen DS 301 Implementation Guide
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 604kb Publisher : qchwu

PHP5中使用PDO连接数据库Connect to the database using PHP5 PDO-PHP5 PDO connects to the database using Connect to the database using PHP5 PDO
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : qp

pdo增删改查,快速实现对数据库的操作,简单快捷。非常实用-The pdo add and delete, rapid implementation to the operation of the database, simple quick and very practical
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 曹文飞

DL : 0
PDO扩展为PHP访问数据库定义了一个轻量级的、一致性的接口,它提供了一个数据访问抽象层,这样,无论使用什么数据库,都可以通过一致的函数执行查询和获取数据-PDO extension defines a lightweight for PHP access, consistent interface, which provides a data access abstraction layer, so that regardless of what the , you can the query and retrieve data through the same function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : xz

使用PDO底层类,实现对数据的访问和操作。并附有前台和后台可供参考,注意修改Mysql的配置文件-it is php by using pdo.class to connect to mysql
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 李家吉

DL : 0
自定义封装pdo实现增删改查(Custom package PDO, crud additions and deletions)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 37的老头

DL : 0
PDO连接数据库 进行增删该查 如有建议 欢迎提出来(PDO connect to the database for additions and deletions of the search)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : sun_shi_hao

实现登录注册功能基于PHP中的PDO链接数据库。(The login registration function is based on the PDO linked database in PHP.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : cga6688
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