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Update : 2010-12-15 Size : 2.31mb Publisher : harleych

This paper describes a vision based pedestrian detection and tracking system which is able to count people in very crowded situations like escalator entrances in underground stations. The proposed system uses motion to compute regions of interest and prediction of movements, extracts shape information from the video frames to detect individuals, and applies texture features to recognize people. A search strategy creates trajectories and new pedestrian hypotheses and then filters and combines those into accurate counting events. We show that counting accuracies up to 98 % can be achieved.
Update : 2010-12-15 Size : 2.02mb Publisher : harleych

Josephus 排列问题定义如下:假设n 个竞赛者排成一个环形。给定一个正整数m,从某 个指定的第1 个人开始,沿环计数,每遇到第m 个人就让其出列,且计数继续进行下去。这 个过程一直进行到所有的人都出列为止。最后出列者为优胜者。每个人出列的次序定义了整 数1,2,…,n 的一个排列。这个排列称为一个(n,m)Josephus 排列。 例如,(7,3)Josephus 排列为3,6,2,7,5,1,4。-Josephus problem with the definition is as follows : Suppose n race who formed a ring. Given a positive integer m, from a certain section of a designated individual, along the Central Counting that every individual section m let out its out and count continue. This process continues until all the people from far out. Finally out of the winners were shown. Everyone out in the order shown in the definition of integers 1, 2, ..., n an order. With this as a (n, m), with Josephus. For example, (7,3) Josephus, were 3,6,2,7,5,1,4.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李飞飞

The Reading People Tracker is a software for tracking people in camera images for visual surveillance purposes.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 416kb Publisher : 王波

实现对一捆钢筋的自动计数,主要采取了数学形态学的方法对原图像进行处理,在对处理后的图像中的白色区域进行统计,即可得到钢筋数目-Bundle of steel bars to achieve the automatic counting, mainly adopted a method of mathematical morphology to the original image processing, in the treatment of the white image region statistics, the number can be reinforced
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 609kb Publisher : 聂尧

DL : 0
本文介绍一个实时视频对象计数系统的设计原理和实现方法[’]。这个系统目前已经应用十毛主席纪念堂,对每日瞻仰人数进行实时的统计,为纪念堂提供基本的统计数据。 - An image processing system was <levelope<1 to recognize au<l trace video objects to automatically count people. This paper describes the system design principles including the color model transparency, the physical models of the object motion, multi}>bject tracing, counting algorithms, au<l reasonable simplifications. The system detects au<l counts moving objects in a specific area. The counting system error is less than 3%.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : jiajie

目标跟踪,本文围绕人运动的视觉分析中的重要课题——基于模型的行人跟踪——展开研究,它不仅涉及底层视觉的许多问题,还是高层视觉处理的基础。基于模型的跟踪是解决行人跟踪问题的一般性框架。-A Method of Passing People Tracking and Counting Based on Real- Time Image- Sequence
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 761kb Publisher : 练江伟

counting people passing door
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher : eko

这个程序针对的问题是: 17个人为成圈,依次编号为0-16,从第一号开始报数,报到3的倍数的人离开, 一直数下去,直到最后只剩1人,求此人的编号. 程序有点复杂,不过还只能算是初级的水平 -This procedure for the question is: 17 individuals into the circle, followed by numbered 0-16, from the first to begin reported the number of people who report a multiple of three to leave, to keep counting votes until the last only a person seeking this person number. program a bit complicated, but can only be considered the primary level of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 成功

DL : 0
一桌人围着行酒令,酒令如下:先按照顺序顺时针方向从1开始,依次数数,若数到7的倍数或含有7的这个数,则调转方向接着数,模拟此过程,输出数到的这个数的人-Execute Drinking Orders table of people around, Go and buy wine as follows: first, in that order clockwise starting at 1, according to the number of times, if the number to 7 with 7 or multiples of this number, then turned around and then the number of simulation of this process, the output number to this number of people
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : dada

公交车客流量检测系统,MFC版峰值计数(加方向检测)-for people counting on the bus
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.93mb Publisher : 张敦凤

最新顶级杂志TIP2011关于人头计数的文章-Counting People with Low-level Features and Bayesian Regression2011tip_achan
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 975kb Publisher : qyh

real-time people counting
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : yen

counting people in crowds with openCV
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 446kb Publisher : yen

Analog circuit is the master skilled remember the twenty circuit, clear the twenty circuit. As long as the electronic enthusiasts, as long as the learning automation, electronic and electric control of professional people can and should remember these twenty basic analog circuit.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 幻影之风

DL : 0
利用51单片机设计的寝室管理系统,具有多种功能如温度控制、人员计数、密码锁等,具有很高的参考价值!-Dormitory management system of 51 single-chip design, with multiple functions, such as temperature control, people counting, such as locks, with a high reference value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 144kb Publisher : 王毅

Change detection by background subtraction is a common approach to detect moving foreground. The resulting difference image is usually thresholded to obtain objects based on pixel connectedness and resulting blob objects are subsequently tracked
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 639kb Publisher : marco

这是一篇关于人数统计方面的论文,英文的,里面介绍了较好的人数统计方法-This is the one on the statistics of the number of papers in English, which introduced a good number of statistical methods
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : fangli

提出了智能视频监控中基于机器学习的自动人数统计系统。。该系统通过机器学习的方法对视频序列中人的头肩部位进行准确地检测。克服了传统检测方法如连通域分析和简单模板匹配的不足。-Automatic people counting system based on machine learning in intelligent video surveillance. . The system through machine learning methods to accurately detect the parts of the human head-and-shoulders video sequence. Overcome the lack of traditional detection methods such as the connected domain analysis and simple template matching.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 435kb Publisher : 刘伟豪

根据视频场景计算生成人群密度热度图,统计人流分布(Given the video sequnce, this demo counts the people density and return the heat map.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.66mb Publisher : scopion_nov
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