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This program demonstrates a procedurally generated 3D wood texture lit with per-pixel correct lighting.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.47kb Publisher : fallsp

This program demonstrates a procedurally generated 3D wood texture lit with per-pixel correct lighting.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : fallsp

角色动画在d3d的顶点向量的实现方法,下面的英文描述是文章内的,就不做中文描述了。-With the introduction of vertex shaders to modern graphics hardware, we are able to move a large portion of the character animation processing from the CPU to the graphics hardware. Two common character animation techniques are tweening (also known as morphing) and skinning (also called skeletal animation). This chapter describes how both of these techniques and some related variations can be performed using vertex shaders. We will also talk about how to combine animation with the per-pixel lighting techniques described in the introductory chapter [Engel]. We will conclude with a discussion of some geometry decompression techniques, which allow an application to minimize memory usage and memory bandwidth.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 433kb Publisher : lph

本文中,我们提出了检测速度标志探测器的径向对称性。我们评估一个内道路车载系统探测器本身。我们也评估其性能,并在我们的道路车辆运行线上证明。-Algorithms for classifying road signs have a high computational cost per pixel processed. A detection stage that has a lower computational cost can facilitate real-time process- ing. Various authors have used shape and color-based detectors. Shape-based detectors have an advantage under variable lighting conditions and sign deterioration that, although the apparent color may change, the shape is preserved.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 921kb Publisher : huyaling

Advanced Per-Pixel Lighting and Shadowing\ 高级基于点光照绘制方法-Advanced Per-Pixel Lighting and Shadowing \ advanced rendering method based on the point light
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.15mb Publisher : 里拨

directX使用HLSL实现每像素光照和每顶点光照,包含FX文件以及程序加载使用-The implement of per-pixel lighting and per-vertex light in DirectX with HLSL.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.07mb Publisher : 极地

Per_Pixel_Lighting Per-pixel lighting is commonly used with other computer graphics techniques to help improve render quality, including bump mapping, specularity, phong shading, and shadow volumes.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 707kb Publisher : jepf76

DL : 0
Software rasterizer with openGL style interface. Implements bilinear, trilinear, and anisotropic filtering. Filtered image scaling, mipmap generation. Polygon/triangle/quad/strip type input. Smooth shaded directional/positional, constant/linear/quadratic attenuated lighting. Linear/exp/exp2 fog. Alpha blending. Colored vertex and materials. User clipping planes. Automatic texture coordinate generation, object/eye linear, spherical, reflection, normal. Math library, including vector and matrix operations, various utilities. Update (6/11/2013): Internal bitmode may now be specified at compile time and is 32 bits per pixel by default (up from 16bpp).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 979kb Publisher : 李强

计算机图形学设计作业。一项能够实时地在任意多边形 模型上应用浮雕贴图映射的技术, 这个能够被到任意曲面多边形模型上,并产生正确的自闭塞、透明贯穿阴影及逐像素光照特效。-A can be applied in real time on any relief texture mapping polygon model technology, this can be on any surface polygonal models, and generates the correct self-occlusion, per-pixel transparency through the shadows and lighting effects.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.19mb Publisher : strike
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