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This demonstration illustrates the application of adaptive filters to signal separation using a structure called an adaptive line enhancer (ALE). In adaptive line enhancement, a measured signal x(n) contains two signals, an unknown signal of interest v(n), and a nearly-periodic noise signal eta(n). The goal is to remove the noise signal from the measured signal to obtain the signal of interest.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 114.46kb Publisher : zqq

DL : 0
局部放电试验所采集的信号中往往混有白噪声、周期干扰信号去除。此处采用常用db系列小波中的db6小波进行9尺度的多分辨分解后,根据白噪声能量特性,估算各尺度的阈值大小,采用硬值进行处理,后进行重构。-Partial discharge test of the signal collected is often mixed with white noise, periodic interference signal removal. Here the use of commonly used wavelet db Series DB6 wavelet carried out in the 9-scale multiresolution decomposition, based on the energy characteristics of white noise to estimate the scale threshold size, the use of hard-value deal, after the remodeling.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33kb Publisher : rex

This demonstration illustrates the application of adaptive filters to signal separation using a structure called an adaptive line enhancer (ALE). In adaptive line enhancement, a measured signal x(n) contains two signals, an unknown signal of interest v(n), and a nearly-periodic noise signal eta(n). The goal is to remove the noise signal from the measured signal to obtain the signal of interest.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 114kb Publisher : zqq

程序用来消除周期性噪声干扰信号。要求在图像频域中设计一Butterworth陷波器,其阶数n和陷波器半径D0由理论知识通过自己的探索得出,理解二者对滤波器性能的影响。-Procedures used to eliminate the periodic noise signal. Request images to design a Butterworth frequency domain notch filter, and its order n and the radius of notch filter D0 by the theoretical knowledge obtained through their own exploration, understanding both the impact on filter performance.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 赵少敏

DL : 1
两个噪声信号及噪声信号和含噪声周期信号的互功率谱。 采用多窗口法估计含有周期信号的功率谱。-The two noise signal and noise signal and noise periodic signal containing the cross-power spectrum. Multi-window method is estimated to contain periodic signal power spectrum.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : ladan

这是一个matlab语言编写的噪声功能函数.实现周期性电子噪声,并用滤波器实现去噪。-It is written in a matlab noise performance function.To achieve periodic electronic noise,and use filters to achieve de-noising.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 605kb Publisher : eric

基于混沌理论构建的信号检测系统具有敏感微弱周期信号和对噪声有强免疫力的特点,用于微弱信号检测领 域优势明显。实验室内研究需要产生包括混沌噪声在内的各种噪声,并叠加微弱周期信号作为微弱信号检测系统的信号 源。介绍一种基于LabVIEW平台并结合Matlab计算模块的混沌噪声发生器,可产生典型的3种混沌噪声:Logistic,Duff2 ing,Lorenz形式。该发生器将LabV IEW易于接口实现和Matlab计算精度高、编程简捷的特点相结合,具有结构清晰、通用 性强、易于实现、使用方便的特点。 -Built based on chaos theory, sensitive signal detection system with weak periodic signal and has a strong immunity to noise characteristics of the area for weak signal detection have obvious advantages. Laboratory studies need to generate, including noise, chaos, including a variety of noise and superimposed weak periodic signal as a weak signal detection system, signal source. Introduction of a platform based on LabVIEW and Matlab calculation module with the chaotic noise generator can produce the typical three kinds of chaotic noise: Logistic, Duff2 ing, Lorenz form. The generator will be LabV IEW easy interface, and Matlab calculation of high accuracy, simple programming features combined with a clear structure and versatility, easy to implement, easy to use features.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 484kb Publisher : xlmm

1.设计自适应信号分离器,用以从白噪声中提取周期信号。其中选取正弦信号s=sin(2*pi*t/10)为周期信号,宽带噪声信号为高斯白噪声,设置参考通道延迟为50。 2.宽带信号中的窄带干扰抑制实际上是自适应信号分离的一种应用,借助自适应信号分离器可以方便的实现窄带干扰的对消。-1. Design of adaptive signal separator, used to extract from the white noise periodic signal. The extraction of sinusoidal signals s = sin (2* pi* t/10) for periodic signals, broadband noise signal is Gaussian white noise, set the reference channel delay of 50. 2. Wideband signals in the narrow-band interference suppression is actually an application of adaptive signal separation, using adaptive signal separator can be easily achieved narrowband interference cancellation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : wanchun

做傅立葉轉換並SHIFT 2階巴特沃斯 做週期性雜訊的處理-Fourier transform and SHIFT 2 do Butterworth deal to do periodic noise
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 272kb Publisher : Cathy

虚拟信号发生器是一个GUI产生(1)周期函数(包括正弦,三角,锯齿,和方波)不同振幅,频率和阶段 (2)不同振幅平方脉冲序列,频率,分期及职责循环 (3)双参数指数函数 (4)高斯曲线之间的范围不同,标准偏差和手段,以及(5)不同幅度的高斯噪声。你也可以添加一个偏移或高斯噪声的前四个以上任何职能。图形用户界面还能使用户可以添加指定的信号(或者乘以它的)一个先前定义的信号。 -Virtual Signal Generator is a GUI that produces (1) periodic functions (including sinusoidal, triangle, sawtooth, and square waves) of varying amplitudes, frequencies, and phases (2) square pulse trains of varying amplitudes, frequencies, phases, and duty cycles (3) two-parameter exponential functions (4) Gaussian curves of varying bounded areas, standard deviations, and means and (5) Gaussian noise of varying amplitude. One can also add an offset or Gaussian noise to any of the first four functions above. The GUI also enables the user to add the designated signal to (or multiply it by) a previously defined signal.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15kb Publisher : young

DL : 0
自适应信号 利用自适应信号分离器,可以有效的从白噪声中提取周期信号。现选取信号为正弦信号 ,宽带噪声信号为高斯白噪声,延迟D=50;收敛因子为 和 时的滤波效果。-Adaptive signal using adaptive signal separator, white noise can be effectively extracted from the periodic signal. Select the signal is sinusoidal signal, broadband noise signal is Gaussian white noise, the delay D = 50 convergence factor, and when the filtering effect.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 叶赫

交换两幅图像的相位谱,利用频域滤波消除周期噪声!-Exchange of two images of the phase spectrum, using frequency domain filtering periodic noise elimination!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 91kb Publisher : 王岚

产生一个周期噪声, 用法:[r,R,S]=imnoise3[M,N,C,A,B]-generate periodic noise
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Alex

用于生成周期噪声的模型,其傅里叶变换以及谱函数-The model used to generate periodic noise, and its Fourier transform and spectral function
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 叶旭

频率低通滤波器,用来处理图像的周期噪声,具有很好的效果,可以直接运行-Frequency low-pass filter for periodic noise image processing, has a good effect, can be directly run
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 于洋

对具有椒盐噪声的图像进行中值滤波 对具有周期噪声的图像进行低通滤波-Image with salt and pepper noise median filter to the image with periodic noise low-pass filtering
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.43mb Publisher : 王奇特

采用matlab编写,对图像椒盐噪声与周期性噪声的进行滤除-Using matlab, image noise and periodic noise salt and pepper to filter out
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.59mb Publisher : 王奇特

图像频域滤波,用matlab实现了在图像频域中通过Butterworth陷波器消除周期性噪声干扰信号。-Image frequency domain filtering using matlab achieved in the frequency domain image by Butterworth notch filter to eliminate periodic noise signal.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 190kb Publisher : sxw

Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain Filtering
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Nombi

利用labvie图形化编程方式产生周期性噪声信号-use labview to produce Periodic noise signal
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15kb Publisher : shierbing
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