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[Other resourcest10f166_adc

Description: This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroller: STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the converted value using the serial port. To run this program... Build the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start/Stop Debug Session) View the Serial Window (View Menu, Serial Window #1) View the A/D converter peripheral (Peripheral Menu, A/D Converter) Run the program (Debug Menu, Go) A debug script (debug.ini) creates buttons that set different analog values in A/D channels. As the program runs, you will see the A/D input and output change. Other buttons create signals that generate sine wave or sawtooth patterns as analog inputs. µ Vision3 users may enable the built-in Logic Analyzer to view, measure and compare these input signals graphically.-This example shows how to program configur e and use the A / D Converter of the following MICR ocontroller : STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuri ng the A / D, the program reads the A / D and outputs the result converted value using the serial port. To run th Build program ... is the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start / Stop Debug Session) View the Serial Wind ow (View Menu, Serial Window # 1) View the A / D converter Periph General (Peripheral Menu, A / D Converter) Run the program (Debug Menu, Go) A debug script (debug.ini) creates buttons that set different analog values in A / D channel s. As the program runs, you will see the A / D input and output change. Oth er buttons create signals that generate sine wa ve or sawtooth patterns as anal
Platform: | Size: 19077 | Author: 郭文彬 | Hits:

[Other resourceLinux.Device.Drivers.3rd

Description: Over the years, this bestselling guide has helped countless programmers learn how to support computer peripherals under the Linux operating system, and how to develop new hardware under Linux. Now, with this third edition, it s even more helpful, covering all the significant changes to Version 2.6 of the Linux kernel. Includes full-featured examples that programmers can compile and run without special hardware.-Over the years, this bestselling guide has helped countless pr ogrammers learn how to support computer periph erals under the Linux operating system, and how to develop new hardware under Linux. Now , with this third edition, it's even more helpful. covering all the significant changes to Versio n 2.6 of the Linux kernel. Includes full-featur ed examples that programmers can compile and ru n without special hardware.
Platform: | Size: 1365589 | Author: 丁绍洁 | Hits:

[Other resource12

Description: 第12章(/12/) BasicUSB.SchDoc 电路原理图 FX2Test/FX2Test.Uv2 Keil C51工程 FX2Test/EZUSB.LIB EZ-USB库文件 FX2Test/dscr.a51 USB描述符 FX2Test/USBJmpTb.OBJ USB中断跳转表 FX2Test/syncdly.h 同步延时 FX2Test/lpregs.h 寄存器声明 FX2Test/lp.h EZ-USB头文件 FX2Test/fw.c C51主程序 FX2Test/periph.c 初始化及任务调度 FX2Test/FX2Test.hex 单片机Hex文件 FX2Test/STARTUP.A51 启动代码 程序描述:使用Cypress提供的EZ-USB开发工具包进行基本的固件程序设计。 安装:把源码拷贝到硬盘特定目录下,使用Keil C编译器运行即可。 注意:这里需要添加完整的头文件及库文件才可以编译。
Platform: | Size: 46479 | Author: 熊達達 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3mp3blaster-3.1.3.tar.tar

Description: After the single transaction waveforms are implemented in the GPIF Designer, the next step is to integrate the USB portion of the overlying firmware with the GPIF Designer output to perform write and read operations to and from the external FIFO. To do this a Firmware Frameworks project was copied and the code that performs the external FIFO operations was added to the TD_Poll() function within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c (note that periph.c was renamed to something more meaningful here). Endpoint and GPIF register initialization is performed in the TD_Init() function, which is also within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c. When you open up the Keil uVision2 project for the FIFO example
Platform: | Size: 273688 | Author: 崔卫 | Hits:

[OS programFlashProgramTool

Description: After the single transaction waveforms are implemented in the GPIF Designer, the next step is to integrate the USB portion of the overlying firmware with the GPIF Designer output to perform write and read operations to and from the external FIFO. To do this a Firmware Frameworks project was copied and the code that performs the external FIFO operations was added to the TD_Poll() function within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c (note that periph.c was renamed to something more meaningful here). Endpoint and GPIF register initialization is performed in the TD_Init() function, which is also within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c. When you open up the Keil uVision2 project for the FIFO example
Platform: | Size: 352655 | Author: 崔卫 | Hits:

[Other resourceGoHT[8.0ALL]

Description: File: fw.c Contents: Firmware frameworks task dispatcher and device request parser File: FX2.h Contents: EZ-USB FX2 constants, macros, datatypes, globals, and library function prototypes. File: FX2regs.h Contents: EZ-USB FX2 register declarations and bit mask definitions. File: periph.c Contents: Hooks required to implement USB peripheral function. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables.
Platform: | Size: 1540901 | Author: 秦明月 | Hits:


Description: This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroller: STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the converted value using the serial port. To run this program... Build the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start/Stop Debug Session) View the Serial Window (View Menu, Serial Window #1) View the A/D converter peripheral (Peripheral Menu, A/D Converter) Run the program (Debug Menu, Go) A debug script (debug.ini) creates buttons that set different analog values in A/D channels. As the program runs, you will see the A/D input and output change. Other buttons create signals that generate sine wave or sawtooth patterns as analog inputs. µ Vision3 users may enable the built-in Logic Analyzer to view, measure and compare these input signals graphically.-This example shows how to program configur e and use the A/D Converter of the following MICR ocontroller : STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuri ng the A/D, the program reads the A/D and outputs the result converted value using the serial port. To run th Build program ... is the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start/Stop Debug Session) View the Serial Wind ow (View Menu, Serial Window# 1) View the A/D converter Periph General (Peripheral Menu, A/D Converter) Run the program (Debug Menu, Go) A debug script (debug.ini) creates buttons that set different analog values in A/D channel s. As the program runs, you will see the A/D input and output change. Oth er buttons create signals that generate sine wa ve or sawtooth patterns as anal
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 郭文彬 | Hits:


Description: Over the years, this bestselling guide has helped countless programmers learn how to support computer peripherals under the Linux operating system, and how to develop new hardware under Linux. Now, with this third edition, it s even more helpful, covering all the significant changes to Version 2.6 of the Linux kernel. Includes full-featured examples that programmers can compile and run without special hardware.-Over the years, this bestselling guide has helped countless pr ogrammers learn how to support computer periph erals under the Linux operating system, and how to develop new hardware under Linux. Now , with this third edition, it's even more helpful. covering all the significant changes to Versio n 2.6 of the Linux kernel. Includes full-featur ed examples that programmers can compile and ru n without special hardware.
Platform: | Size: 1364992 | Author: 丁绍洁 | Hits:


Description: 第12章(/12/) BasicUSB.SchDoc 电路原理图 FX2Test/FX2Test.Uv2 Keil C51工程 FX2Test/EZUSB.LIB EZ-USB库文件 FX2Test/dscr.a51 USB描述符 FX2Test/USBJmpTb.OBJ USB中断跳转表 FX2Test/syncdly.h 同步延时 FX2Test/lpregs.h 寄存器声明 FX2Test/lp.h EZ-USB头文件 FX2Test/fw.c C51主程序 FX2Test/periph.c 初始化及任务调度 FX2Test/FX2Test.hex 单片机Hex文件 FX2Test/STARTUP.A51 启动代码 程序描述:使用Cypress提供的EZ-USB开发工具包进行基本的固件程序设计。 安装:把源码拷贝到硬盘特定目录下,使用Keil C编译器运行即可。 注意:这里需要添加完整的头文件及库文件才可以编译。 -Chapter 12 (/ 12 /) BasicUSB.SchDoc circuit schematic FX2Test/FX2Test.Uv2 Keil C51 works FX2Test/EZUSB.LIB EZ-USB library file FX2Test/dscr.a51 USB descriptor FX2Test/USBJmpTb.OBJ USB interrupt jump table FX2Test/syncdly.h sync delay register FX2Test/lpregs.h statement FX2Test/lp.h EZ-USB header files FX2Test/fw.c C51 main program initialization and task scheduling FX2Test/periph.c single FX2Test/FX2Test.hex Hex machine code file to start the procedure FX2Test/STARTUP.A51 Description: Cypress provided the use of EZ-USB Development Kit basic firmware programming. Installation: copy the source to your hard disk under a specific directory, use the Keil C compiler can run. Note: There will need to add the complete header files and library files can be compiled.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 熊達達 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3mp3blaster-3.1.3.tar.tar

Description: After the single transaction waveforms are implemented in the GPIF Designer, the next step is to integrate the USB portion of the overlying firmware with the GPIF Designer output to perform write and read operations to and from the external FIFO. To do this a Firmware Frameworks project was copied and the code that performs the external FIFO operations was added to the TD_Poll() function within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c (note that periph.c was renamed to something more meaningful here). Endpoint and GPIF register initialization is performed in the TD_Init() function, which is also within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c. When you open up the Keil uVision2 project for the FIFO example-After the single transaction waveforms are implemented in the GPIF Designer, the next step is to integrate the USB portion of theoverlying firmware with the GPIF Designer output to perform write and read operations to and from the external FIFO. To do thisa Firmware Frameworks project was copied and the code that performs the external FIFO operations was added to the TD_Poll () function within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c (note that periph.c was renamed to something more meaningful here). Endpoint and GPIFregister initialization is performed in the TD_Init () function, which is also within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c. When you open up theKeil uVision2 project for the FIFO example
Platform: | Size: 273408 | Author: 崔卫 | Hits:

[OS programFlashProgramTool

Description: After the single transaction waveforms are implemented in the GPIF Designer, the next step is to integrate the USB portion of the overlying firmware with the GPIF Designer output to perform write and read operations to and from the external FIFO. To do this a Firmware Frameworks project was copied and the code that performs the external FIFO operations was added to the TD_Poll() function within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c (note that periph.c was renamed to something more meaningful here). Endpoint and GPIF register initialization is performed in the TD_Init() function, which is also within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c. When you open up the Keil uVision2 project for the FIFO example-After the single transaction waveforms are implemented in the GPIF Designer, the next step is to integrate the USB portion of theoverlying firmware with the GPIF Designer output to perform write and read operations to and from the external FIFO. To do thisa Firmware Frameworks project was copied and the code that performs the external FIFO operations was added to the TD_Poll () function within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c (note that periph.c was renamed to something more meaningful here). Endpoint and GPIFregister initialization is performed in the TD_Init () function, which is also within FX2_to_extsyncFIFO.c. When you open up theKeil uVision2 project for the FIFO example
Platform: | Size: 352256 | Author: 崔卫 | Hits:

[Other systemsGoHT[8.0ALL]

Description: File: fw.c Contents: Firmware frameworks task dispatcher and device request parser File: FX2.h Contents: EZ-USB FX2 constants, macros, datatypes, globals, and library function prototypes. File: FX2regs.h Contents: EZ-USB FX2 register declarations and bit mask definitions. File: periph.c Contents: Hooks required to implement USB peripheral function. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51 Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. -File: fw.cContents: Firmware frameworks task dispatcher and device request parserFile: FX2.hContents: EZ-USB FX2 constants, macros, datatypes, globals, and libraryfunction prototypes.File: FX2regs.hContents: EZ-USB FX2 register declarations and bit mask definitions.File: periph.cContents: Hooks required to implement USB peripheral function.File: dscr.a51Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables. File: dscr.a51Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables.File: dscr.a51Contents: This file contains descriptor data tables.
Platform: | Size: 1541120 | Author: | Hits:


Description: a not finished project that concerns a code creator for PIC ASM programmer (mid range). It must calculate all values needed in configuring the periph of the PIC. It uses classic control in Windows Dialog Box program. I m now workin in finishing this program
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: rthcpp | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developspi_master_no_ss_C

Description: spi设置函数,设置SPI主机模式,128分频,不用丛机选择。-This file set up spi in master mode with Fclk Periph/128 as baud rate and without slave select pin
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 习平 | Hits:

[USB developperiph

Description: EZ-USB中固件程序框架文件periph-EZ-USB firmware framework document in the periph
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wangpiao | Hits:


Description: 在keilc中进行EZUSB 的CY7C68013的必不可少的源文件,很重要哦-Keilc in EZUSB in the CY7C68013 indispensable source file, it is very important, oh
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lc | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFX2Test

Description: 程序描述:使用Cypress提供的EZ-USB开发工具包进行基本的固件程序设计。安装时把源码拷贝到硬盘特定目录下,使用Keil C编译器运行即可。但要添加完整的头文件及库文件才可以编译。 BasicUSB.SchDoc 电路原理图 FX2Test/FX2Test.Uv2 Keil C51工程 FX2Test/EZUSB.LIB EZ-USB库文件 FX2Test/dscr.a51 USB描述符 FX2Test/USBJmpTb.OBJ USB中断跳转表 FX2Test/syncdly.h 同步延时 FX2Test/lpregs.h 寄存器声明 FX2Test/lp.h EZ-USB头文件 FX2Test/fw.c C51主程序 FX2Test/periph.c 初始化及任务调度 FX2Test/FX2Test.hex 单片机Hex文件 FX2Test/STARTUP.A51 启动代码-Description: Use to provide Cypress' s EZ-USB development kit for the basic design of the firmware. Copy the installation source to your hard disk under a specific directory, use the Keil C compiler can run. However, the first to add a complete library of documents and files can be compiled. BasicUSB.SchDoc circuit schematic FX2Test/FX2Test.Uv2 Keil C51 works FX2Test/EZUSB.LIB EZ-USB library file descriptor FX2Test/dscr.a51 USB interrupt jump table FX2Test/USBJmpTb.OBJ USB sync delay FX2Test/syncdly.h Register FX2Test/lpregs.h statement FX2Test/lp.h EZ-USB headers FX2Test/periph.c main FX2Test/fw.c C51 initialization and task scheduling Hex file FX2Test/FX2Test.hex single-chip FX2Test/STARTUP. startup code A51
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 刘可 | Hits:


Description: ST Microelectronics STM8 Periph Library
Platform: | Size: 4075520 | Author: zidoune | Hits:


Description: clk periph get parent for Linux v2.13.6.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: berbinfu | Hits:

[Game Programclk-periph

Description: clk periph get parent for Linux v2.13.6.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: dsghhbnrjti | Hits:
« 12 »

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