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Description: 操作系统实验线程同步机制源代码,利用peterson算法手动实现线程的同步机制。
Platform: | Size: 2324119 | Author: 李易学 | Hits:


Description: 银行家算法可以解决计算机操作系统里的互斥。还有peterson等其他算法-bankers algorithm can solve computer's operating system Mutex. There are other algorithms Peterson
Platform: | Size: 1406 | Author: wf | Hits:

[Homepage toolsnetwork experiments manual for peterson davie computer networks 4e

Description: This book about opnet network simulator
Platform: | Size: 5007891 | Author: hamada441983@gmail.com | Hits:

[Network DevelopComputer Networks A Systems Approach

Description: Computer Networks A Systems Approach - L.L. Peterson and B.S. Davie, 3rd Edition. 电脑网络相关,很具参考性的书!适合初学者阅读
Platform: | Size: 3272539 | Author: trymeout | Hits:

[Database system_banker

Description: 银行家算法可以解决计算机操作系统里的互斥。还有peterson等其他算法-bankers algorithm can solve computer's operating system Mutex. There are other algorithms Peterson
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wf | Hits:


Description: 操作系统实验线程同步机制源代码,利用peterson算法手动实现线程的同步机制。-Thread synchronization mechanism for the experimental operating system source code, the use of manual peterson algorithm realize thread synchronization mechanism.
Platform: | Size: 2507776 | Author: 李易学 | Hits:


Description: 实现多线程同步编程: 用软件方法(Peterson算法和Dekker算法)解决临界区问题-兄弟问题。 用同步对象解决临界区问题-兄弟问题。 用互斥量解决生产消费者问题;用信号量解决生产消费者问题。 -Achieve multi-threaded programming Synchronization: Ways to use software [Peterson algorithm and Dekker algorithm] to solve critical questions- questions brothers. Synchronization object used to resolve critical questions- questions brothers. With mutually exclusive production volume of consumer questions use semaphores to solve the production of consumer issues.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: LiChuan | Hits:


Description: 关于线程同步问题。包括制造混乱以及mutex方案、Peterson算法方案两种方案解决问题。可以参考哦。-With regard to the issue of thread synchronization. Including the mutex to create chaos, as well as programs, Peterson algorithm program two options to solve the problem. Oh, can refer to.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 肖宗花 | Hits:


Description: voip for dummies, by Timothy Kelly Foreword by Don Peterson Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,Avaya Inc.-voip for dummies
Platform: | Size: 6619136 | Author: Yong Deng | Hits:

[Other systemsfrt280303[1].tar

Description: 对所使用的算法的一些细节,可参阅文件 尼尔森,T.和彼得森,美国,1991。阿森林冠层反射模型 和测试案例。远程参议员环境。 37:131-142。 Kuusk,A.和尼尔森,吨,2000年。定向多光谱森林 反射模式。远程参议员环境。,72:244-252。 尼尔森,T.和彼得森,美国,1994。年龄依赖森林 反射:主要驱动因素的分析。远程参议员 环境。,48:319-331。 两公约与层模型(MCRM2)用于地面植被 反射。 Kuusk,答:2层冠层反射模型,JQSRT,2001年, 71(1):1-9。 的气氛6S辐射传输代码是用于 计算弥漫天空的辐射。 Vermote,大肠杆菌,Tanr? d.在道依茨? J.L.,赫尔曼,M.和莫尔克雷特,J.J., 1994。第二次模拟卫星信号的太阳光谱 的(6s)。用户指南版本0。戈达德航天中心,美国航天局,183页。-Some details about the algorithms used may be found in the papers Nilson, T. and Peterson, U., 1991. A forest canopy reflectance model and a test case. Remote Sens. Environ. 37:131-142. Kuusk, A. and Nilson, T., 2000. A directional multispectral forest reflectance model. Remote Sens. Environ., 72:244-252. Nilson, T. and Peterson, U., 1994. Age dependence of forest reflectance: analysis of main driving factors. Remote Sens. Environ., 48: 319-331. The two-layer CR model (MCRM2) is used for the ground vegetation reflectance. Kuusk, A. A two-layer canopy reflectance model, J.Q.S.R.T., 2001, 71(1): 1-9. The 6S code of atmosphere radiative transfer is used for the calculation of diffuse sky radiation. Vermote, E., Tanr? D., Deuz? J.L., Herman, M., and Morcrette, J.J., 1994. Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum (6S). User Guide Version 0. GSFC, NASA, 183 pp.
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: fisherfree | Hits:


Description: computer networks a system approach larry L.peterson
Platform: | Size: 3273728 | Author: hamidagha | Hits:

[OS DevelopPeterson_algorithm_proof

Description: 进程同步临界区问题Peterson算法证明。通过模拟各种可能的操作序列来正明Peterson算法的正确性。详见:http://blog.csdn.net/zha_1525515/archive/2009/10/27/4733056.aspx-Critical zone in the process of synchronization algorithm for proof of Peterson. By simulating every possible sequence of actions to prove the correctness of Peterson algorithm. See: http://blog.csdn.net/zha_1525515/archive/2009/10/27/4733056.aspx
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: hotloofah | Hits:

[Windows DevelopEX2

Description: 用软件方法解决临界区问题,用软件方法(Peterson算法或Dekker算法等)解决临界区问题-兄弟问题-Critical software solutions to the problem, using the software method (Peterson algorithm or Dekker algorithm) to solve critical problems- the problem brother
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Nancy | Hits:


Description: This the Networks book very important for networking by peterson-This is the Networks book very important for networking by peterson
Platform: | Size: 3271680 | Author: justharoon | Hits:


Description: 有限元程序源程序,sap iv, 其后续版本已发展为商业软件sap2-Program: SAP IV Title: Static and Dynamic Response of Linear Systems Developer: K-J. Bathe, E.L. Wilson and F. E. Peterson, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley 1973 Modified: B.F. Maison, Structural Engineer, El Cerrito, California 1992.
Platform: | Size: 624640 | Author: zhenhe song | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxHomwork2

Description: peterson algarithm for lunix operating system
Platform: | Size: 1954816 | Author: murat | Hits:


Description: This book is about network simulator opnet
Platform: | Size: 5008384 | Author: ahmed ali | Hits:


Description: computer network:A Systems Approach, 3e Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie
Platform: | Size: 3296256 | Author: ebi | Hits:


Description: 用Peterson算法实现两个传送带互斥,保证工场的分拣器正常工作的小算法。可以看做一个并发系统的基础理解-Peterson algorithm with two conveyor belts mutually exclusive, guaranteed workshops sorting algorithm to work properly small. Can be seen as a basis for understanding concurrent systems
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: zhang Lin | Hits:


Description: Leader election for the MPI the Peterson algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: clau | Hits:
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