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[ASPPWBlog 多用户博客个人主页系统 v4.3.2 简体版

Description: 网站编程技术专题站,提供大量ASP、PHP、JSP、CGI、.NET源码软件,网站建设工具,服务器常用软件,网页模板和黑客工具常用工具高速下载,还有技术专题论坛等着您的参与及讨论。 -site technical programming stations, a large number of ASP, PHP, JSP, CGI, .NET source software, Web-building tools, server software used, website templates and hacking tools commonly used high-speed download tools, technical forums waiting for your participation and discussion.
Platform: | Size: 1288952 | Author: 洪燕 | Hits:

[Other resourceusemodel

Description: 模板使用教程 ######################################################################### 极品源码www.jpym.com收集整理 ************************************************************************* ====================欢迎访问jpym.com====================== 网站编程技术专题站,提供大量ASP、PHP、JSP、CGI、.NET软件,网页模板和黑客工具 常用工具,还有技术专题论坛等着您的参与及讨论。 访问URL: http://www.jpym.com 说明:要获得更多的程序或最新版本请随时关注本站! =========================================================== 感谢新思维网络http://www.xsww.net为本站提供服务器、带宽。-template directory ############################## ### #### # Acura source www.jpym.com collected Attention duty announcers *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Welcome to *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***** === === === == jpym.com ====================== site technical programming stations, substantial ASP, PHP, JSP, CGI,.NET software. website templates and hacking tools commonly used tool, there is a technical forum waiting for your participation and discussion. Visit URL : http://www.jpym.com : For more procedures or the latest version of concern to the site at any time please! =================== ======================================== thanks to new thinking http://www.xsww.net network server f
Platform: | Size: 1331678 | Author: ytfso | Hits:

[Other resourceAjun全站程序

Description: === ===欢迎访问yuanma8.com====================== 网站编程技术专题站,提供大量ASP、PHP、JSP、CGI、.NET软件,网页模板和黑客工具 常用工具,还有技术专题论坛等着您的参与及讨论。-=== === === visit the website yuanma8.com ====================== thematic programming stations, a large number of ASP, PHP, JSP, CGI,.NET software, web templates and hacking tools commonly used tools, technical forums waiting for your participation and discussion.
Platform: | Size: 1235869 | Author: 杨杨 | Hits:

[SQL ServerAjun全站程序

Description: === ===欢迎访问yuanma8.com====================== 网站编程技术专题站,提供大量ASP、PHP、JSP、CGI、.NET软件,网页模板和黑客工具 常用工具,还有技术专题论坛等着您的参与及讨论。-=== === === visit the website yuanma8.com ====================== thematic programming stations, a large number of ASP, PHP, JSP, CGI,.NET software, web templates and hacking tools commonly used tools, technical forums waiting for your participation and discussion.
Platform: | Size: 1235968 | Author: 杨杨 | Hits:

[WEB CodePWBlog

Description: 网站编程技术专题站,提供大量ASP、PHP、JSP、CGI、.NET源码软件,网站建设工具,服务器常用软件,网页模板和黑客工具常用工具高速下载,还有技术专题论坛等着您的参与及讨论。 -site technical programming stations, a large number of ASP, PHP, JSP, CGI, .NET source software, Web-building tools, server software used, website templates and hacking tools commonly used high-speed download tools, technical forums waiting for your participation and discussion.
Platform: | Size: 1289216 | Author: 洪燕 | Hits:


Description: 模板使用教程 ######################################################################### 极品源码www.jpym.com收集整理 ************************************************************************* ====================欢迎访问jpym.com====================== 网站编程技术专题站,提供大量ASP、PHP、JSP、CGI、.NET软件,网页模板和黑客工具 常用工具,还有技术专题论坛等着您的参与及讨论。 访问URL: http://www.jpym.com 说明:要获得更多的程序或最新版本请随时关注本站! =========================================================== 感谢新思维网络http://www.xsww.net为本站提供服务器、带宽。-template directory###################################### Acura source www.jpym.com collected Attention duty announcers****************************** Welcome to*********************************** === === === == jpym.com ====================== site technical programming stations, substantial ASP, PHP, JSP, CGI,.NET software. website templates and hacking tools commonly used tool, there is a technical forum waiting for your participation and discussion. Visit URL : http://www.jpym.com : For more procedures or the latest version of concern to the site at any time please! =================== ======================================== thanks to new thinking http://www.xsww.net network server f
Platform: | Size: 1331200 | Author: ytfso | Hits:


Description: 词法分析器,用C编的.声明:本源码及资源由超级源码(www.supcode.com)收集整理后提供下载 ************************************************************************* ====================欢迎访问www.supcode.com====================== 网站编程技术专题站,提供大量ASP、PHP、JSP、CGI、.NET软件,网页模板和黑客工具 常用工具,还有技术专题论坛等着您的参与及讨论。 访问URL: http://www.supcode.com 软件发布:http://www.supcode.com/Publish.asp-Lexical analyzer, using C-series. STATEMENT: This source code and resources by the super-source (www.supcode.com) after the collection available for download********************************************************************* Welcome to****==================== www.supcode.com =================== === Web programming technology topics to provide a large number of ASP, PHP, JSP, CGI,. NET software, website templates and hacking tools commonly used tools, as well as technical topics waiting for your participation in forums and discussions. Access URL: http://www.supcode.com software release: http://www.supcode.com/Publish.asp
Platform: | Size: 350208 | Author: danping | Hits:

[Shop supermarket software systemPro_PayPal_E-Commerce

Description: This book is primarily for software developers. I assume you have a basic understanding of Internet technologies and programming techniques. Code samples are scattered throughout the text and are provided in numerous languages, so fluency in languages such as Java and PHP will help you get the most value from the book. All the code samples in this book, as well as additional code that isn’t included in the text, are provided in the Source Code/Download section of the Apress website at www.apress.com. If you are a business owner or entrepreneur with little to no programming experience, however, there is still a significant amount of information you can glean from these pages. While a good portion may be too technical for your interest, this book provides details on almost all PayPal technologies, and as such can give you a better sense of the type of work that would need to be done in order to integrate PayPal into your grand schemes, even if you ultimately won’t be the one hacking out the code.
Platform: | Size: 4067328 | Author: primitive_man | Hits:

[WEB CodePHP_Hacks_0596101392

Description: this tutorial about PHP hacking methods.Good Luck.
Platform: | Size: 4216832 | Author: Umid | Hits:

[Web ServerTiP-0.0.1.tar

Description: TiP is a general purpose framework for quickly build a working Web site in a typical PHP/MySQL environment. It is targeted at developers, experienced Web administrators, and anyone unafraid of hacking and using a text editor.
Platform: | Size: 547840 | Author: weili | Hits:


Description: TiP is a general purpose framework for quickly build a working Web site in a typical PHP/MySQL environment. It is targeted at developers, experienced Web administrators, and anyone unafraid of hacking and using a text editor.-TiP is a general purpose framework for quickly build a working Web site in a typical PHP/MySQL environment. It is targeted at developers, experienced Web administrators, and anyone unafraid of hacking and using a text editor.
Platform: | Size: 782336 | Author: weili | Hits:

[OS programPHP_Firewall_103

Description: Php firewall for php 5.2 and latest against common hacking attacks!
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: Airfi dopli | Hits:


Description: bWAPP,php靶机程序,方便渗透测试(bWAPP, or a buggy web application, is a deliberately insecure web application. bWAPP helps security enthusiasts, developers and students to discover and to prevent web vulnerabilities. It prepares one to conduct successful penetration testing and ethical hacking projects. What makes bWAPP so unique? Well, it has over 100 web bugs! bWAPP covers all major known web vulnerabilities, including all risks from the OWASP Top 10 project! It is for security-testing and educational purposes only.)
Platform: | Size: 15054848 | Author: hahn | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net