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Description: 《PHP专业项目实例开发》源代码-"PHP examples of professional development project" source code
Platform: | Size: 88728 | Author: 周宋 | Hits:


Description: 个人挑选面板的时候,没有注意,导致整个面板只适合:IE9,Google浏览器,firefox火狐等 IE8及以下浏览器不支持面板内的JQuery,所以体验感觉较差,不建议使用。 本人是PHP新人,业余练写,所以可能很多功能还不完善,当然我会继续下去,继续更新理财网络版或其他应用,此代码供大家学习参考之用,谨此共勉。 源码下载地址:http://code.google.com/p/gerry-project-fucao/downloads/list 附图如下:
Platform: | Size: 410169 | Author: gumian321@gmail.com | Hits:


Description: 《PHP专业项目实例开发》源代码-"PHP examples of professional development project" source code
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: 周宋 | Hits:

[Search EngineThe Search Engine Project

Description: sourceforge的一个开源项目。一个功能强大而且快速的站内搜索引擎,要建大型的多文章系统可以下载来看看。-sourceforge of an open source project. A powerful and fast search engine station to be built in many articles can be downloaded to the system to see.
Platform: | Size: 565248 | Author: 李川 | Hits:

[WEB Codewebcollab-2.01

Description: 一款很不错的项目流程管理软件的源代码 一款很不错的项目流程管理软件的源代码-a pretty good project workflow management software source code is a good one project workflow management software source code
Platform: | Size: 548864 | Author: 蔡胤 | Hits:


Description: 一个关于作业管理系统的毕业设计,中南民族大学2007年电信院毕业设计题目,含开题报告和论文-A job management system on the Graduation Project, Central South University for Nationalities in 2007 graduated from the design house telecommunications topics, including open title reports and papers
Platform: | Size: 8991744 | Author: 符传浩 | Hits:

[WEB Codedotproject-2_1_1

Description: DotProject是一个免费的开源软件,一个基于WEB的PHP软件系统,做为一个项目管理的Framework,它包含了如下模块:公司、项目、任务(带甘特图)、论坛、文档、工作日历、联系人表、投票、帮助和多语言支持、用户/模块权限、主题等等模块,以简洁统一的界面满足了多种复杂的管理需求。-DotProject is a free open source software, a WEB-based software system for PHP, as a Project Management Framework, which includes the following modules: companies, projects, tasks (with Gantt charts), forums, documents, work calendar, Contact form, to vote, help and multi-language support, user/module permissions, themes, etc. modules to simple unified interface to meet a variety of complex management needs.
Platform: | Size: 4087808 | Author: Henry | Hits:

[WEB Codeprojectpier-

Description: ProjectPier 开放源代码的PHP项目管理应用,可帮助你进行团队之间的连接,通过Web界面组织贷款项目和任务等。 它的代码是基于Activecollab ,这是一个热门的免费项目管理中的应用。-ProjectPier open source PHP project management application that helps you to connect between the team, through the Web interface, such as loan projects and tasks. Its code is based on the Activecollab, this is a popular free project management application.
Platform: | Size: 1895424 | Author: Henry | Hits:

[source in ebookTM

Description: php 项目开发全程实录 书本代码 包括了整本书的8个项目的原代码 数据库是mysql5 语言php5-php project development throughout the code book Record
Platform: | Size: 13157376 | Author: htqvitas | Hits:


Description: 提供了450个应用PHP进行网站开发的实例,包括:CSS与JAVA脚本的应用、PHP与MYSQL的数据库技术、网络通信、PHP的高级应用等,绝大多数实例都体现了PHP开发人员在实际项目中总结出的经验技巧。-450 application to provide a PHP example for web site development, including: CSS and JAVA application script, PHP and MYSQL database technology, network communications, PHP and other advanced applications, the vast majority of cases, reflects the PHP developers in the actual project summed up the experience in the techniques.
Platform: | Size: 34485248 | Author: 张丽 | Hits:

[Web ServerProject

Description: 宾馆管理系统 php+mysql xampp集成开发环境-hotel manage system
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: jiankangshiye | Hits:

[WEB Codekis_0.9.7

Description: 项目管理软件 小型公司最好用的项目管理软件-project manager for the small company
Platform: | Size: 3671040 | Author: 薛玉朋 | Hits:

[WEB CodePHP-Project-main

Description: php project main one
Platform: | Size: 290816 | Author: bavda | Hits:

[WEB CodeOnline-Examination-System-PHP-Project-Source-Code

Description: PHP code for online examination system.
Platform: | Size: 367616 | Author: Nishachor | Hits:

[Software Engineeringphp

Description: my php project to make a website
Platform: | Size: 2316288 | Author: Ardhian | Hits:

[Hotel software systemOnline-Hotel-Management-System-PHP-Project

Description: hotel managemnt in php with good outlet
Platform: | Size: 6109184 | Author: Yoshita | Hits:

[WEB CodeTutorialHtml5Tennis.Php.20151231

Description: php html5 sqlite 在线预订功能。-Simple web application that displays tennis court availability and lets the users create a reservation using drag and drop. Includes a PHP project with sample SQLite .
Platform: | Size: 243712 | Author: huohuo | Hits:

[WEB Codenaldoza(html project)

Description: this is a simple example of a php code
Platform: | Size: 1166336 | Author: he123354 | Hits:

[WEB Codephp

Description: 用于学籍信息管理系统的php项目,里面带有sql脚本,根据这里下载的项目改进的 增加了学生信息查看功能。优化了界面的美观程度。(The PHP project for the school information management system, with a SQL script, is improved by the project downloaded here The information view function of the students is added. The beauty of the interface is optimized.)
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: liaobuqian | Hits:

[WEB CodeTutorialHtml5EventCalendar.Php.20180227

Description: Sample HTML5 project with source code. PHP/SQLite backend.
Platform: | Size: 113664 | Author: Owls | Hits:
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