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Sitepoint 出版 的PHP + 数据库(mySQL) 开发 (完整版本). 适合初学者.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 482.49kb Publisher : ky lee

DL : 0
本程序是用MySQL+PHP开发的结合Serv-U 实行自动开通FTP及网站。-this procedure is MySQL PHP development of the combination of Serv-U FTP automatically opened and its website.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : 张兵

主要功能: 1、服务器环境探测:CPU、在线时间、内存使用状况、系统平均负载探测(支持LINUX、FreeBSD系统,需系统支持),操作系统、服务器域名、IP地址、解释引擎等 2、PHP基本特征探测:版本、运行方式、安全模式及常规参数 3、PHP组件支持探测:MYSQL、GD、XML、SESSION、SOCKET等组件支持情况 4、服务器性能检测:整数运算能力、浮点数运算能力、数据IO能力 5、自定义探测:MYSQL连接测试、MAIL发信测试、函数支持情况及PHP配置参数 v0.021 更新: 1、修正UNIX系统在无SWAP分区时程序报错的BUG 2、页面改用div+css布局,符合XHTML1.0和CSS2.0标准 -main functions : a server environment detection : CPU, the online time, memory usage, The average load detection system (support Linux, FreeBSD system, the need for systematic support), operating system, server name, IP address, etc. to explain two engines, PHP basic feature detection : Version, mode of operation, Safe Mode and conventional parameters 3, PHP support detection components : MYSQL, GD, XML, SESSION, SOCKET support of the other four components, the server performance test : integer arithmetic, Float computational capabilities, data IO capacity of 500, since the definition of exploration : MYSQL connection test, MAIL written test, and support functions PHP configuration parameters v0.021 update : 1. UNIX system that in the absence of zoning procedures SWAP the BUG two errors, u
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48kb Publisher : asdf

所有基于phpBB搭建的论坛可用这款Phpbb style来美观一下。价值45美元。 参考网址: structures on the phpBB forum Phpbb This style can be used to beautiful about. Value of 45 U.S. dollars. From the web site :
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 354kb Publisher : 刘易

DL : 0
可以显示进度条的上传程序PHP,SOCKET-be able to show the progress of the upload procedures PHP, SOCKET
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : 尔无赖

开源的蜘蛛程序大家块来下载哦外国著名的蜘蛛程序-Open-source block spider to download Oh U.S. foreign well-known spider
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 268kb Publisher : 咸鱼

我写的一套简单的多用户blog代码,不足之处请大家指点-I wrote a simple multi-user blog code, the inadequacies of U.S. guidance, please
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 442kb Publisher : YeeLan

1、上传所有文件至服务器目录。 2、使用 MYSQL 管理工具,导入 ./SQL/music.sql 文件。 举例:mysql 命令行导入方式 进入 mysql/bin 目录下面,输入如下命令: mysql -u 数据库用户名 -p 准备安装音乐程序的数据库名 < 数据库导入文件路径 比如:准备安装在 test_music 数据库下面,用户名为 root 数据库文件路径为 c:\music.sql 则输入: mysql -u root -p test_music < c:\music.sql 输入以上命令后 回车,输入数据库用户名相关密码,即可进行数据库导入! 3、设置 ./admin/config.php 文件中的相关变量。 4、用用户名:星光娱乐 密码 登陆,http://你的网站地址/音乐程序目录/admin/ 此URL为管理地址。 5、进行相关设置,即可使用。-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 797kb Publisher : 刘耿

Sitepoint 出版 的PHP + 数据库(mySQL) 开发 (完整版本). 适合初学者.-Published by SitePoint PHP+ Databases (mySQL) development (full version). Suitable for beginners.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 482kb Publisher : ky lee

PHP验证码,图片生成程序,请大家多指教-Verification Code PHP, image generation process, please advise U.S. multi-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.83mb Publisher : lizi

DL : 0
sonew写的oj系统。前台使用php,数据库为mysql,后台是用qt编写的。不过,后台源码没有给出,而且大家注意使用时,php的默认全局变量必须开启,你也可以自己修改相应代码,就不用开启全局变量了-oj wrote sonew system. Future use of php, database mysql, the background is prepared qt. However, the background did not give a source, but also pay attention to U.S. use, php default global variables must be open, you can also modify the corresponding code, global variables do not need to open the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 340kb Publisher : shujel

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一个OA系统 功能非常齐全 可以适应中小公司内部使用。 大家下载试试看看就知道了-An OA system is completely self-adapt to small and medium-sized companies for internal use. U.S. download try to see that the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17.23mb Publisher : puzhihang

php和c通过socket通信--udp篇-php and c through the socket communication udp articles
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lh

局域网QQ聊天系统,基于网页的模式,请大家支持-LAN QQ chat systems, web-based model, please support the U.S.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : 徐东升

DL : 0
这是一个用PHP来实现的一个权限系统,通用性比较强。用了PHP5的面向对象,值得研究。我就将其献给大家-This is a use PHP to achieve a permissions system, relatively strong commonality. Used the PHP5 object-oriented, is worth studying. I will dedicate its U.S.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : hjc

Flash 建网站源码 要准备软件 1.Flash Media Server 2 [就是大家常说的FMS,以前的版本叫FCM] 2.Macromedia Flash-Flash websites source software to prepare 1.Flash Media Server 2 [U.S. is often said that the FMS, the previous version called FCM] 2.Macromedia Flash
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 175kb Publisher : victor

DL : 0
一个很有意思的网页开场动画的代码!flash内别的!好不容易才到手的!大家不要客气-A very interesting opening animation code page! flash inside the other! Hard-won hand! U.S. do not mention it
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : lenghengli

DL : 0
RPG网页游戏大话西游全部php源码,内有说明,提供大家研究学习用。-RPG Games Westward Journey All the page source, there are shows that used to provide U.S. research study.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 620kb Publisher : hello12

this project is designed for hospital using php.u can benifit from it.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : Masood

DL : 0
1 - base64 decode 2 - url encode 3 - url decode 4 - md5 hash 5 - random str 6 - sha1 hash 7 - DES hash 8 - CRC32 9 - rot13 encode 10 - ASCII -> bin 11 - ASCII -> dec 12 - ASCII -> hex 13 - ASCII -> char() 14 - ASCII -> chr().. 15 - ASCII -> String.fromCharCode() 16 - bin -> ASCII 17 - dec -> ASCII 18 - hex -> ASCII 19 - char() -> ASCII 20 - chr() -> ASCII 21 - String.fromCharCode() -> ASCII 22 - bin -> dec 23 - bin -> hex 24 - dec -> bin 25 - dec -> hex 26 - hex -> bin 27 - hex -> dec 28 - cp1251(&cp1259) -> utf8 29 - /etc/passwd -> login login 30 - PHP crupt 31 - URL -> IFrame 32 - String lower 33 - String UPPER 34 - ASCII -> 0xHEX 35 - Simple html encrypt 36 - htmlspecialchars 37 - Full urlencode 38 - base64 decode && gzinflate 39 - gzdeflate && base64 encode-1- base64 decode 2- url encode 3- url decode 4- md5 hash 5- random str 6- sha1 hash 7- DES hash 8- CRC32 9- rot13 encode 10- ASCII-> bin 11- ASCII-> dec 12- ASCII-> hex 13- ASCII-> char() 14- ASCII-> chr().. 15- ASCII-> String.fromCharCode() 16- bin-> ASCII 17- dec-> ASCII 18- hex-> ASCII 19- char()-> ASCII 20- chr()-> ASCII 21- String.fromCharCode()-> ASCII 22- bin-> dec 23- bin-> hex 24- dec-> bin 25- dec-> hex 26- hex-> bin 27- hex-> dec 28- cp1251(&cp1259)-> utf8 29- /etc/passwd-> login login 30- PHP crupt 31- URL-> IFrame 32- String lower 33- String UPPER 34- ASCII-> 0xHEX 35- Simple html encrypt 36- htmlspecialchars 37- Full urlencode 38- base64 decode && gzinflate 39- gzdeflate && base64 encode
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : Ihar
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