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PHP是最流行的Web脚本语言之一,它运行在Web服务器端,根据用户请求或服务器端的数据产生动态网页;它功能强大,和HTML脚本融合在一起,并内建访问数据库的能力;它能够作为Apache Web 服务器的模块执行,也使得其执行效率要高于普通的CGI程序。本书作者是一位经验丰富的程序员,在书中使用了大量的、有一定使用价值的例子来深入浅出地讲解PHP语言及Web编程需要了解的方方面面。尤其值得注意的是,书中使用了多个“中场”章节,以便在学习过一定知识之后,通过实际例子来对所学的知识进行巩固,这些章节介绍的内容具有很强的实用价值。因此不仅对Web编程的入门者,即使对于有一定经验的Web程序员来讲,也是非常有用的。 -PHP is the most popular Web scripting language, it is running on the Web server, According to user requests or server-side data to generate dynamic Web pages; It has powerful functions and HTML script together. Built-in database and the ability to visit; It can be used as the Apache Web server module implementation, also makes its efficiency is higher than that of ordinary CGI program. The author is an experienced programmer, in the book he used a lot, a certain value of examples to explain in layman's language PHP Web programming language and the need to understand all aspects. Particularly noteworthy is the use of a number of the book "intermission" section, in order to learn to live a certain knowledge, through practical examples of the knowledge acquired to consolidate, w
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.78mb Publisher : 郝华

With the release of PHP 5 web developers need a guide to developing with PHP 5 to both learn its complex new features and more fully implement the long-standing features on which PHP s success is built. PHP 5 in Practice is a reference guide that provides developers with easy-to-use and easily extensible code to solve common PHP problems. It focuses on providing real code solutions to problems, allowing the reader to learn by seeing exactly what is happening behind the scenes to get your solution. Because a real-life situation will rarely match the book s example problems precisely, PHP 5 in Practice explains the solution well enough that you will understand it and can learn how to truly solve your own problem. -With the release of PHP 5 web developers nee d a guide to developing with PHP 5 to both learn it 's complex new features and more fully implement the long-standing features on which PHP's succe ss is built. PHP 5 in Practice is a reference guid e that provides developers with easy-to-use an d easily extensible code to solve common PHP pro blems. It focuses on providing real code soluti ons to problems. allowing the reader to learn by seeing exactly w hat is happening behind the scenes to get your so lution. Because a real-life situation will rar ely match the book's example problems precisely , PHP 5 in Practice explains the solution well e nough that you will understand it and can learn ho w to truly solve your own problem.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 729.12kb Publisher : li ming

Discuz! Board(是一个通用的论坛软件系统,用户可以在不需要任何编程的基础上,通过简单的设置和安装,在互联网上搭建起具备完善功能、很强负载能力和可高度定制的论坛服务。 Discuz! 的基础架构采用世界上最流行的 web 编程组合 PHP+MySQL/PgSQL 实现,是一个经过完善设计,适用于各种服务器环境的高效论坛系统解决方案。 -Discuz! Board (which is a common forum for software system users without the need for any programming on the basis of simple configuration and installation, on the Internet, built with perfect function, strong load capacity and can be highly customized forum services. Discuz! The basic framework adopts the world's most popular w eb combination of PHP MySQL Programming / PgSQL achieved perfection is a design, apply to all server environment and efficient forum system solutions.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 654.02kb Publisher : sunyi

第一步: 修改config.php,设置您的数据库,及初始管理帐号。 第二步: 上传所有文件到您的空间,并设置data/ html/ templates/ config.php所有文件夹及文件属性为0777(可写入) 第三步: 如果您需要自带的1W条数据,请运行 您的网址/install_2.php,完成安装。 如果您仅需要系统,请运行 您的网址/install_1.php,完成安装。 最后: 删除install_*.php 及sql/。 您可以通过 您的网址/admin/访问后台,admin目录名可以更改。-first step : Amending config.php set up your database, and initial management account. The second step : Upload all files to your space, and provide data / html / templates / config.php all folders and text 0,777 pieces of property (writable) STEP 3 : If you need a built-in W of the data, Please run your website / install_2.php, to complete the installation. If you need only system, run your website / install_1.php, to complete the installation. Finally : delete install_ *. php and sql /. You can use your website / admin / interviews background, admin name of the directory can change.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 471.13kb Publisher : bobo

Mounting Network Drives源代码 VC++编写 引自:
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 17.95kb Publisher : sany

不只是一个PHP论坛,w-agora 是一个可定制的WEB发布和交流软件。特点:多数据库支持,多站点和论坛支持,用户管理,基于WEB的站点管理-PHP is not just a forum, w-agora is a custom Web publishing and sharing software. Features : multiple database support, and multi-site support forum, user management, Web-based site management
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 687.84kb Publisher : 侯为

wapEQ独立自主的wap手机建站程序的出现可以说是wap手机建站行业的一个里程碑,本系统采用PHP+MYSQL为解决方案, PHP与MySQL的紧密结合使PHP更加优越,速度快、安全性高,也是业内第一款php+mysql的wap整站建站系统。   Wapeq建站系统是目前业内领先的独立手机wap建站系统,具有智能建站及智能管理的双重功能,采用国际领先的所见即所得的可视化建站技术, 一个稍有上网经验、会打字的人,使用我们的"wap手机建站系统"就可以在短时间内建立一个设计精美,功能齐全的wap网站(包括新闻资讯、论坛、下载、图片、小说、游戏软件下载、分类信息、商城等众多功能)。   您使用wapeq的wap手机建站系统建立起来的wap网站,可以做到非常轻松的管理自己的网站,一般的编辑兼着做就可以。最主要的不用再花费高薪专门去聘请专业的网络技术人员来维护网站。这样一年来就可以省去几万元的网站维护成本。 升级内容简介: 一、可以自定义头像 在用户专区的形象管理里可以上传图片,然后可将上传的图片设置为个人头像 二、等级的图片上传即可理解勋章 在等级管理里 每一等级可以传一个图片,ubb调用。 三、站长可以自后台对所有用户群发站内信息 四、博客 公开、好友可见、私密、精华、置顶、分类、收藏、博主加广告 五、图片模块 频道修改中 可选择文字标题列表或者图片列表页展示图片大小自定义设置,内容页显示图片自定义大小 评论:允许游客评论 注册用户评论 关闭评论 自定义尺寸: =常见尺寸下载= 480x640|320x240 240x248|240x320 128x160|215x176 208x208|176x220 176x208|176x144 480x640|162x216 160x216|160x218 160x120|132x176 128x128|128x96 96x55 六、音乐下载模块 按歌手首字母查找(下页是歌手列表) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (下一页是 歌手罗列 然后点歌手出现该歌手 的歌曲) 按所属地区查找 大陆 港台 欧美 按歌曲音乐风格查找 流行 爵士 古典 舞曲 评论:允许游客评论 注册用户评论 关闭评论 七、商城发布内容更丰富更灵活 商品介绍 支持ubb插入 (即支持连接 图片 标签代码)上传图片获取链接 金币支付 允许游客评论 注册用户评论 关闭评论 八、软件下载模块 1、恢复映射功能(修改部分也修复),映射的那个 修复图片不显示问题 2、修复部分手机不能下载问题 3、软件列表页 底插ubb 顶插ubb登录状态参数传递修复 4、修复“设置手机型号快速下载”里面存在问题 九、充值卡功能 说明及应用可看以下链接中站长的帖子
Update : 2010-12-21 Size : 6.18mb Publisher :

php和wml制作的汇率转换代码-php and wml produced by the conversion rate code
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 徐剑锋

不只是一个PHP论坛,w-agora 是一个可定制的WEB发布和交流软件。特点:多数据库支持,多站点和论坛支持,用户管理,基于WEB的站点管理-PHP is not just a forum, w-agora is a custom Web publishing and sharing software. Features : multiple database support, and multi-site support forum, user management, Web-based site management
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 688kb Publisher : 侯为

PHP是最流行的Web脚本语言之一,它运行在Web服务器端,根据用户请求或服务器端的数据产生动态网页;它功能强大,和HTML脚本融合在一起,并内建访问数据库的能力;它能够作为Apache Web 服务器的模块执行,也使得其执行效率要高于普通的CGI程序。本书作者是一位经验丰富的程序员,在书中使用了大量的、有一定使用价值的例子来深入浅出地讲解PHP语言及Web编程需要了解的方方面面。尤其值得注意的是,书中使用了多个“中场”章节,以便在学习过一定知识之后,通过实际例子来对所学的知识进行巩固,这些章节介绍的内容具有很强的实用价值。因此不仅对Web编程的入门者,即使对于有一定经验的Web程序员来讲,也是非常有用的。 -PHP is the most popular Web scripting language, it is running on the Web server, According to user requests or server-side data to generate dynamic Web pages; It has powerful functions and HTML script together. Built-in database and the ability to visit; It can be used as the Apache Web server module implementation, also makes its efficiency is higher than that of ordinary CGI program. The author is an experienced programmer, in the book he used a lot, a certain value of examples to explain in layman's language PHP Web programming language and the need to understand all aspects. Particularly noteworthy is the use of a number of the book "intermission" section, in order to learn to live a certain knowledge, through practical examples of the knowledge acquired to consolidate, w
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 9.78mb Publisher : 郝华

With the release of PHP 5 web developers need a guide to developing with PHP 5 to both learn its complex new features and more fully implement the long-standing features on which PHP s success is built. PHP 5 in Practice is a reference guide that provides developers with easy-to-use and easily extensible code to solve common PHP problems. It focuses on providing real code solutions to problems, allowing the reader to learn by seeing exactly what is happening behind the scenes to get your solution. Because a real-life situation will rarely match the book s example problems precisely, PHP 5 in Practice explains the solution well enough that you will understand it and can learn how to truly solve your own problem. -With the release of PHP 5 web developers nee d a guide to developing with PHP 5 to both learn it 's complex new features and more fully implement the long-standing features on which PHP's succe ss is built. PHP 5 in Practice is a reference guid e that provides developers with easy-to-use an d easily extensible code to solve common PHP pro blems. It focuses on providing real code soluti ons to problems. allowing the reader to learn by seeing exactly w hat is happening behind the scenes to get your so lution. Because a real-life situation will rar ely match the book's example problems precisely , PHP 5 in Practice explains the solution well e nough that you will understand it and can learn ho w to truly solve your own problem.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 729kb Publisher : li ming

天地网络--二手市场 《天地网络--二手市场》使用MySQL数据库,请你先在你的数据库服务器上建立一个数据库,然后将你下载的程序解压缩后上传到你的网站空间下,接下来请将sql目录下的secondhand.sql文件导入你刚建立好的MySQL数据库中。 注意:成功导入数据文件后,请修改lib目录下的config.php文件,该文件里包含了你的数据库连接信息,请进行相应的修改。你可以将该文件的访问权限设置为700以提高安全性。 本程序开发环境:Windows2000 Advanced Server Apache2.0.47 PHP4.3.3 MySQL4.0.14-nt -World network of second-hand market
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 69kb Publisher : 林敬

DL : 0

Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 88kb Publisher : 虎成

Cacti是一套基于PHP,MySQL,SNMP及RRDTool开发的网络流量监测图形分析工具。 它通过snmpget来获取数据,使用RRDtool绘画图形,而且你完全可以不需要了解RRDtool复杂的参数。 它提供了非常强大的数据和用户管理功能,可以指定每一个用户能查看树状结构、host以及任何一张图,还可以与LDAP结合进行用户验证,同时也能自己增加模板,功能非常强大完善,界面友好。 -Cacti is a set based on PHP, MySQL, SNMP and RRDTool developed graphical analysis of network traffic monitoring tool. Snmpget to obtain it through the data, the use of RRDtool graph painting, and you do not need to fully understand the complexity of the parameters of RRDtool. It provides a very powerful data and user management capabilities, you can specify each user can view the tree structure, host as well as any one map can also be combined with LDAP user authentication, but also to increase their own templates, very powerful sound friendly interface.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.19mb Publisher :

web版飞信客户端 使用php实现的飞信客户端,稍加改造后可以集成在oa里-fetion web editon
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : benz

php 开发的wap bbs 简单的实例,不过对于初学者来说很有用-php development wap bbs
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 93kb Publisher : lemon

一个ftp搜索引擎的源代码,正在运行中的校内实用的引擎-source code of a on-line ftp search engine
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 906kb Publisher : 萧雨

微软提供的学习WWF的例子,功能较全。 是很好的学学WWF的资料。-Microsoft provides examples of the WWF study, over the whole function. Is a very good information to learn WWF.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : 许小平

windows下的php软件包w indows下的php软件包-php under windows windows packages under the package php php packages under windows
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 14.44mb Publisher : 黄力

This is an open source software, and the author authorizes you to make any changes to it. 1. first extract the HadSkyInstaller and put the install folder to your PHP program root directory; 2. add code to the head of your program's entry script (for example, index.php): If (... File_exists (dirname (__FILE__). /install/install.locked)) {header ("Location:install"); exit ();} 3. configuration installer: (1) modify the install/phpscript/install.php file as follows: The 19 line: fill in the MySQL configuration file path for your program; $configflie=fopen (dirname (__FILE__), /../config.php, w.); The 25-32 line: fill in the contents of the MySQL configuration file for your program;
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 166kb Publisher : hidoublet
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