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squirrelmail-1.2.10源代码,基于web的php电子邮件系统-squirrelmail - 1.2.10 source code, php web-based e-mail system
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.49mb Publisher : smith

PHP开发的web邮件系统 能实现邮件系统的基本功能,有需要的快。-PHP development of the web mail system can achieve mail system the basic functions that are needed soon.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 274.49kb Publisher : 写林

Pro PHP Security is arguably the most comprehensive PHP security book available, and is highly recommended to any developer or administrator of a PHP-based Web site. — Michael J. Ross, Web developer/Slashdot contributor Pro PHP Security is one of the first books devoted solely to PHP security. It will serve as your complete guide for taking defensive and proactive security measures within your PHP applications. (And the methods discussed are compatible with PHP versions 3, 4, and 5.) The knowledge you’ll gain from this comprehensive guide will help you prevent attackers from potentially disrupting site operation or destroying data. And you’ll learn about various security measures, for example, creating and deploying “captchas,” validating e-mail, fending off SQL injection attacks, and preventing cross-site scripting attempts. About the Author Chris Snyder is a software engineer at Fund for the City of New York, where he helps develop next-generation websites and services for nonprofit organizations. He is a member of the Executive Board of New York PHP, and has been looking for new ways to build scriptable, linked, multimedia content since he saw his first Hypercard stack in 1988. Michael Southwell is a retired English professor who has been developing websites for more than 10 years in the small business, nonprofit, and educational areas, with special interest in problems of accessibility. He has authored and co-authored 8 books and numerous articles about writing, writing and computers, and writing education. He is a member of the Executive Board of New York PHP, and a Zend Certified Engineer.
Update : 2012-05-17 Size : 3.54mb Publisher : sunshine1988

使用Maildir信箱的基于浏览器的email程序-Web based email app using Maildir mail box
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 722kb Publisher : 站长

PHP开发的web邮件系统 能实现邮件系统的基本功能,有需要的快。-PHP development of the web mail system can achieve mail system the basic functions that are needed soon.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 274kb Publisher : 写林

squirrelmail-1.2.10源代码,基于web的php电子邮件系统-squirrelmail- 1.2.10 source code, php web-based e-mail system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.49mb Publisher : smith

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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher : maqian

PHP网络开发实用工程案例电子邮件收发系统,PHP网络开发实用工程案例电子邮件收发系统-PHP web development project Case e-mail to send and receive practical system, PHP web development project Case Utility System to send and receive e-mail
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher : 陈宇

用php写的收发邮件的客户端,可以在任何地方使用,-web mail client,good,please down
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45kb Publisher : 李江

电子邮件客户端程序,用PHP写的,支持mysql数据库,非常好用-web mail client manager
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 157kb Publisher : 李江

电子邮件客户端程序,用PHP写的,支持mysql数据库,非常好用-web mail client manager
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 李江

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PHP code to route all web user form submit to your email
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lodozi

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script send mail on web in PHP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : bew

Source Code Send E-Mail on Web you
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : bew

PHP是一种新型的CGI程序编写语言,易学易用,运行速度快,可以方便快捷地编写出功能强大,运行速度快,并可同时运行于 Windows、Unix、Linux平台的Web后台程序,内置了对文件上传、密码认证、Cookies操作、邮件收发、动态GIF生成等功能,PHP 直接为很多数据库提供原本的连接,包括Oracle、Sybase、Postgres、Mysql、Informix、Dbase、Solid、 Access等,完全支持ODBC接口,用户更换平台时,无需变换PHP代码,可即拿即用. -PHP is a new type of CGI programming language, easy to learn and easy to use, run fast, you can quickly and easily write a powerful, fast, and can run on Windows, Unix, Linux platforms, Web daemon, built-in for file upload, password authentication, Cookies operations, send and receive e-mail, dynamic GIF generation features, PHP directly to many of the original database connectivity, including Oracle, Sybase, Postgres, Mysql, Informix, Dbase, Solid, Access and so on, completely support ODBC interface, user replacement of platform, without changing the PHP code, you can get that instant.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.69mb Publisher : 小妮子

一种新型的CGI程序编写语言,易学易用,运行速度快,可以方便快捷地编写出功能强大,运行速度快,并可同时运行于Windows、Unix、Linux 平台的Web后台程序,内置了对文件上传、密码认证、Cookies 操作、邮件收发、 动态GIF生成等功能,PHP3直接为很多数据库提供原本的连接,包括Oracle,Sybase,Postgres,Mysql,Informix,Dbase,Solid, Access 等 ,完全支持ODBC接口,用户更换平台时,无需变换PHP3代码,可即拿即用。Php3 Server 完全免费。PHP4.0提供了更多web server的支持,例如Zeus, Netscape, Enterprise, Apache Win32 module,并增加了很多性能,并修正了很多bug。 PHP 除了 source 之外,也提供了各种不同平台的执行文件版本。另外 PHP 也提供了许多的 Extensions (跟别套软件的沟通介面),例如 Berkeley DB2, SNMP, mSQL, MySQL, IMAP, Sybase-CT, mhash, ZLib, FreeType 等等。-A new type of CGI programming language, easy to learn and easy to use, run fast, you can quickly and easily write a powerful, fast, and can run on Windows, Unix, Linux platforms, Web daemon, built on the file upload, password authentication, Cookies operations, send and receive e-mail, dynamic GIF generation features, PHP3 direct connection to the original number of databases, including Oracle, Sybase, Postgres, Mysql, Informix, Dbase, Solid, Access and so on, full support for ODBC interface, user replacement of platform, without changing the PHP3 code, you can get that instant. Php3 Server is completely free. PHP4.0 provided more support for web server, for example, Zeus, Netscape, Enterprise, Apache Win32 module, and adds a lot of performance, and fixes a lot of bug. PHP In addition to source, but also offers a variety of different platforms of the implementation of file version. Another PHP also provides many of the Extensions (with the other sets of software, communication interf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.23mb Publisher : 涂涂

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《Web.2.0动态网站开发——PHP技术与应用-随书光盘》。其中包含丰富的PHP实用项目,如博客系统,Ajax留言板,RSS阅读器,wiki网站系统,网络论坛系统,网络校友录系统,网络邮件系统,网络访问统计等源码。在WIMP平台下可直接实用。-"Web.2.0 Dynamic Website Development- PHP Technology and Application- CD with the book." PHP contains a wealth of practical projects, such as the blog system, Ajax message boards, RSS reader, wiki site systems, network forums, network alumni system, web mail systems, network access statistics source. In the WIMP platform can be directly useful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.89mb Publisher : canyue

php-5.3.6-nts-Win32-VC9-x86PHP是一种新型的CGI程序编写语言,易学易用,运行速度快,可以方便快捷地编写出功能强大,运行速度快,并可同时运行于 Windows、Unix、 Linux平台的Web后台程序, 内置了对文件上传、密码认证、Cookies操作、邮件收发、动态GIF生成等功能,PHP 直接为很多数据库提供原本的连接,包括Oracle、Sybase、Postgres、Mysql、Informix、Dbase、Solid、 Access等,完全支持 ODBC接口,用户更换平台时,无需变换PHP代码,可即拿即用-php-5.3.6-nts-Win32-VC9-x86PHP CGI is a new programming language, easy to use, fast, can quickly and easily write a powerful, fast and can run on Windows , Unix, Linux platform, the Web daemon, built-in file upload, password authentication, Cookies operation, mail, dynamic GIF generation and other functions, PHP databases directly to many of the original connections, including Oracle, Sybase, Postgres, Mysql, Informix, Dbase, Solid, Access, etc., fully support the ODBC interface, the user replace the platform, without changing the PHP code, you can use that to get that
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15mb Publisher :

使用MySQL的web email程序,用PHP和Perl写的-Web mail app using MySQL, writed by PHP and Perl
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 141kb Publisher : 站长

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php web收发邮件 php web收发邮件-php web mail php web mail
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 88kb Publisher : qxc
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