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[Speech/Voice recognition/combine10-2guard

Description: 程序名:Guard.c //该程序是特定人语音识别 //在程序中通过三条语句的训练演示特定人连续音识别,其中第一条语句为触发命令。 //在程序开始首先训练触发命令,然后提示训练两条命令,训练完毕开始语音识别。 //当识别出触发名称后,发布命令则会听到应答-procedures Name : Guard.c / / The procedure is a specific person voice recognition / / procedures adopted by the three phrases of training people for a specific demonstration of the sound recognition, the first of which triggered an order for the statement. / / First in the beginning of the proceedings training trigger orders, and then suggested training two orders completion of the training started to voice recognition. / / Trigger out when name recognition, will be issued an order to hear responses
Platform: | Size: 161483 | Author: 胡珈 | Hits:


Description:   很多ASP代码编写着都会遇到,当提交表单或URL中的信息太多,写Request.Form等语句会很麻烦。有时甚至要写几十个之多。如果可以直接输入变量就自动的写出Rs(),Request.Form(),Request.Querystring()等语句。将大大减轻编写着的负担!   还有时候可能需要这些格式语句中的变量,一个个的选中再复制也同样非常烦人。如果可以自动把这些Rs(),Request.Form(),Request.Querystring()等格式语句中的变量提取出来,那是多么领ASP代码编写着兴奋啊! ASP变量助手 可以满足这些要求,支持 【变量】->『格式』 和 『格式』->【变量】双向转换。不但预设了常用的5种转换格式,还支持自定义转换格式!绿色免费软件,不写注册表,不用安装!-many ASP code will be prepared to encounter when submitting a form or a URL that too much information, write Request.Form such phrases will be very troublesome. Sometimes even write as many as several dozen. If direct input variables can automatically write the Rs (), Request.Form (), Request.Querystring () statement. Be prepared to significantly reduce the burden! There may be times when they need to form statements variables, a further 000 copies of selected also very annoying. If these can be automatically Rs (), Request.Form (), Request.Querystring () formats statements extracted variables, it is how prepared from ASP code with excitement ah! ASP variable aides meet these requirements, support variables -- [-gt; Format] and format Strategy-gt; Variables -- two-way conversion. Not only
Platform: | Size: 18135 | Author: zmop | Hits:


Description: 我收集的网上的英语经典句子的背诵 对学习英语很有好处-online collection of English phrases to memorize classical learning English is very good
Platform: | Size: 310730 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeTextAbstractor3

Description: 能够对文本的内容进行显示功能,并且能够根据客户的需求可以对关键字查找,并显示带有关键字的句子,并且采用句子分割技术进行处理,实现断句功能。即可以把该文章带有此关键字的句子分句显示出来,该软件的使用必须在ODBC中进行相关的设置,详细请看我的说明文档,请大家导入文章时选择txt的文件格式。我目前正在开发更好的文本挖掘工具,如果大家有什么好的建议和想法请发EMAIL给我:andondon-right to the contents of the text for display, and according to the needs of the clients can keyword search, and display with the keyword phrases and sentences using segmentation processing technology to achieve functional Sentences. That can take the article with the keyword this clause of the sentence demonstrated that the software must be used for the ODBC related settings, I Look at the detailed documentation, please choose articles into txt file format. I is currently developing a better text mining tool, if you have any good suggestions and ideas please send email to me : andondon
Platform: | Size: 153587 | Author: 孙明 | Hits:


Description: 第一部分研究了当程序被划分为记号时会发生的问题。第二部分继续研究了当程序的记号被编译器组合为声明、表达式和语句时会出现的问题。第三部分研究了由多个部分组成、分别编译并绑定到一起的C程序。第四部分处理了概念上的误解:当一个程序具体执行时会发生的事情。第五部分研究了我们的程序和它们所使用的常用库之间的关系。在第六部分中,我们注意到了我们所写的程序也不并不是我们所运行的程序;预处理器将首先运行。最后,第七部分讨论了可移植性问题:一个能在一个实现中运行的程序无法在另一个实现中运行的原因。-the first part of the study when the procedure is divided into marks when problems occur. The second part to continue to study the procedure when the mark was compiler combination of statement, expressions and phrases will occur. The third part of a number of components, respectively, compile and bind together the C program. The fourth part of a deal with the concept of a misunderstanding : When a specific implementation procedures will happen. The fifth part of our procedures and their use of commonly used for the relationship between. In the sixth part, we note that our written procedures or not we have a running program; Pre-processor will be the first run. Finally, the seventh part of the portability issues discussed : one can achieve in a running process can not be achieved in another
Platform: | Size: 62836 | Author: 韩文杰 | Hits:

[Other resourcehandb

Description: handb是一个纯Java编写的小型的关系数据库管理系统。 其中的“数据处理核心”由一为MIDP设计的关系数据查询程序更改而来; 数据存储管理在MIDP系统中由系统提供,而在该系统中提供一简单的实现; SQL语句解析部分,采用拆分和取关键字的方式实现,支持SQL-92中常用的一些语句; 用户接口由一简单的Java服务器更改而来,能够应付普通的访问; 请求调度部分的主要原则是以表为中心,保证表的原子访问。-handb is a pure Java prepared by the small relational database management system. The "core data processing" as a design MIDP relational data inquiries from changes in procedures; the data storage management system MIDP provided by the system, the system provides a simple realization; SQL analysis, using keywords to split up and take the realization, support for SQL-92 had used some phrases; the user interface by a simple change from Java server, to cope with the general's visit; Scheduling request of the main principle is to form the center and ensuring that the atomic scale visit.
Platform: | Size: 506990 | Author: 小谭 | Hits:

[Search Engineaspseek

Description: ASPSeek是一个C++编写的互联网搜索引擎,并使用了STL库。它主要包括一个检索机器人,一个搜索守护程序,和一个搜索前端(CGI或者是Apache模块)。它大概可以检索几百万个URLs,来查找给定的短语和单词,并使用通配符,进行布尔搜索。搜索结果可以限定在给定的时间或站点,站点空间,并按照相关性或者时间进行排序(这里面使用了一些非常酷的技术)。ASPSeek可以应用于很多语言和编码中(甚至包括多字节语言如中文)。它为多个站点做了优化。(多线程检索,同步DNS查询, 按站点将结果分组, Web集合等),同时它也可以用于单个站点的搜索。其他特性包括支持stopwords和ispell, 字符集和语言的预测, 搜索结果的HTML模板,引用和查询词高亮度显示。并且它有详细的文档可以利用。-ASPSeek C is prepared in an Internet search engine and the use of the STL library. It mainly includes a retrieval robot, a guardian search procedures and a search front end (CGI or Apache module). It probably can search millions of URLs to the search for phrases and words, and the use of wildcards for Boolean search. Search results can be limited to the time or site, site space in accordance with the relevant time or rank (which is used by some very cool technology). ASPSeek can be used in many languages and coding (including multi-byte languages such as Chinese). It has done a number of site optimization. (Multi-threaded searching, synchronous DNS inquiries, according to results of a site, Web pools, etc.) It also can be used to search a single site. Other features include support stopwor
Platform: | Size: 1157208 | Author: qiu | Hits:


Description: 使用数组存储一个英文句子\"java is an object oriented programming language\"显示该句子,并算出每个单词的平均字母数。-use of a storage array English phrases, "Java is an object oriented p rogramming language "revealed that the phrase, each word and calculated the average number of letters.
Platform: | Size: 2013 | Author: 刘建强 | Hits:

[assembly languageZFC

Description: 程序接收键入的一个关键字和一个句子,若句子中不包含关键字,则显示‘NO MATCH’;若句子包含关键字则显示‘MATCH’,并把该关键字在句子中的位置用十六进制数显示出来。程序以输入CTRL+C退出-procedures of a receiver type a keyword and sentence, if the sentence does not contain the keyword, showed 'NO MATCH'; if the sentence contains the keyword showed 'MATCH' the keywords and phrases in the position of using hexadecimal number is displayed. Procedures to withdraw from the importation of CTRL C
Platform: | Size: 32573 | Author: 周林 | Hits:

[Other resourceWordCount

Description: 关于中文词频统计的Perl源码,是RAR的压缩文件-Chinese phrases on the Perl source is the RAR compressed files
Platform: | Size: 22927 | Author: zhuqi | Hits:

[Other resourceEMallcode

Description: 电子商城源代码,包含项目工程文件! 数据库建表语句 具体功能包括电子购物车,在线购物!-source code projects include documents! Database Table phrases specific functions including e-Cart, online shopping!
Platform: | Size: 1056086 | Author: ygcumt | Hits:

[Windows Develop234156789097

Description: 商业单位需要容易记忆的电话号码,有一些方法可以让电话号码变得更容易记忆。譬如,可以把电话号码写成单词或短语,如 TUT-GLOP 可以代表滑铁卢大学的电话。有时仅仅是把号码的一部分写成单词,如打 310-GINO 便可向 GINO 比萨饼店定购比萨。另一种让电话号码容易记忆的方法是将数字用一种容易记的方式组合起来,譬如 3-10-10-10 也可以代表 GINO 比萨饼店。 电话号码的标准形式是七位十进制数字,在它的第三位和第四位之间用连字符连接(例如:888-1200)。电话的键盘提供了字符于数字之间的映射关系,如下所示: 2 A、B和C 3 D、E和F 4 G、H和I 5 J、K和L 6 M、N和O 7 P、R和S 8 T、U和V 9 W、X和Y Q 和 Z 没有映射到键盘,而连字符不需要被拨打并且可以根据需要添加和删除。TUT-GLOP 的标准形式是 888-4567,310-GINO 的标准形式是310-4466,3-10-10-10的标准形式也是 310-1010。 如果两个电话号码有相同的标准形式,那么这两个电话号码是相同的。-commercial units need easy to remember telephone numbers, there are ways to allow more telephone numbers easy to remember. For example, telephone numbers can be written words or phrases, such as pseudodynamic - GLOP can represent the University of Waterloo calls. Sometimes numbers is only part of the written word. if the fight 310-GINO will be able to GINO pizza shop ordering pizza. Another phone number so easy to remember the method is to use a number of easy to remember the combination. For example 3-10-10-10 can also represent GINO pizza shop. The telephone number is the standard form seven decimal digits. in its third and fourth between connecting with characters (for example 888-320-4234-1200). Telephone keyboard characters in the digital mapping between, as follows : 2 A, B and C, D,
Platform: | Size: 925 | Author: 张日天 | Hits:


Description: 给定带有分词和词性标注信息语料,从中总结单词的词频,并按照出现次数排序输出-given with sub-term and part-of-speech tagging information corpus, it is concluded that the words and phrases, and in accordance with the order of the output frequency
Platform: | Size: 44995 | Author: gloria | Hits:


Description: 我在三做的课程,当时拿到了95分,包括完整的报告,有IF/else/read/for等语句的plo-I do three courses, then get 95 hours, including a full report, IF there / else / read / for such phrases as the plo
Platform: | Size: 573545 | Author: 陈金鹏 | Hits:


Description: 实现将SQLServer中,任意一表中的数据,生成插入语句,以实现脚本式的数据分发-achieve SQLServer, an arbitrary form of data, generate inserted phrases script-to achieve the data distribution
Platform: | Size: 166599 | Author: 方孔人 | Hits:

[Windows Develop郭强

Description: 7个VC++的源代码,可以精通C++的基本语句-seven VC source code can be proficient in the basic phrases C
Platform: | Size: 4397 | Author: 郭强 | Hits:

[Other resourceSams.Java.Phrasebook.Nov.2006

Description: Java Phrasebook gives you the code phrases you need to quickly and effectively complete your programming projects in Java.
Platform: | Size: 234820 | Author: xu xiang | Hits:

[File Operate词频

Description: 自己编写的计算单词词频的程序,主要是考虑一个单词的各种词性中的百分比-own calculations prepared by the words and phrases of the process is mainly a word of a percentage POS
Platform: | Size: 26801 | Author: 彭斯喜 | Hits:


Description: 将一组英文单词或者句子中的小写装换成大写, 除去每个单词的第一个字母要大写。。其它的不要大写-A group of English words or phrases in lower case into upper case mounted
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: dp | Hits:

[Software EngineeringHow-to-Use-Power-Phrases-to-Say-What-You-Mean

Description: How to Use Power Phrases to Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say, and Get What You Want "Meryl Runion"
Platform: | Size: 901120 | Author: Ehsan | Hits:
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