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PIC KS0108 圖型液晶驅動C源碼,編譯器為PICC18
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 117.58kb Publisher : keith

介绍了PIC系列单片机的分类,硬件结构,引脚定义和指令系统,以C18,PICC(包括PICC18)编译器语法和应用为重点并通过应用实验方式详细地说明了C语言编译器的使用 然后阐述PIC10F,PIC12F系列单片机编程以及PIC16F,PIC18F系列单片机中断,内核和外围
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.23mb Publisher : kj

DL : 6
、 先在microchip网站上找到,这个包中有 can18xx8.h,can18xx8.c,将其复制到一个你要编写程度的子目录中,例如C:\testcan下,这个时候这个东东是不能直接用的。 2、 下载一个MPLAB 7.10,直接安装(要求直接下载) 3、 再下载一个PICC18 (HI-TECH的),要正版哦(支持正版,买不起的想其它办法吧) 4、在你的头文件上写上如下的样式: #include "stdio.h" #include "can18xx8.h" #include "pic18fxx8.h"//可能是“pic.h”不太好包含,因此常会报错,直接包含克服之 5、然后设置好PICC和MPLAB,如果MPLAB上没有PICC18,则到PICC的网上下一个安装软件,可以直接运行安装就有了。 6、按照工程的基本要求把你的源代码、添加上两个库(不加也可以) 然后就可以写如下代码了:下面是一个完整版,可以直接使用microchip的库函数,本程序只是仿真调试过,未在多个芯片通信过,仍在制作中。 #include "stdio.h" #include "can18xx8.h" #include "pic18fxx8.h" unsigned long NewMessage; BYTE NewMessageData[8]; BYTE MessageData[8]; BYTE NewMessageLen; enum CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS NewMessageFlags=1; BYTE RxFilterMatch; void main() { //int a; //int b; CANInitialize(1, 5, 7, 6, 2, CAN_CONFIG_VALID_XTD_MSG); while(1) { // Application specific logic here // Check for CAN message if ( CANIsRxReady() ) { CANReceiveMessage(&NewMessage,NewMessageData,&NewMessageLen,&NewMessageFlags); if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_OVERFLOW ) { // Rx overflow occurred; handle it } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_INVALID_MSG ) { // Invalid message received; handle it } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_XTD_FRAME ) { // Extended Identifier received; handle it } else { // Standard Identifier received. } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_RTR_FRAME ) { // RTR frame received } else { // Regular frame received. } // Extract receiver filter match, if it is to be used RxFilterMatch = NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_FILTER_BITS; } // Process received message // Transmit a message due to previously received message or // due to application logic itself. if ( CANIsTxReady() ) { MessageData[0] = 0x01; CANSendMessage( 0x02,MessageData,1,CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0 &CAN_TX_STD_FRAME & CAN_TX_NO_RTR_FRAME); } // Other application specific logic } // Do this forever // End of program } 以上均是参考文档并进行了修正,由于中间总是报错,为了大家让CAN更容易,谢谢大家!
Update : 2009-05-25 Size : 10.43kb Publisher :

picc_18v 8.35pl35 PIC18系列单片机开发C编译器,去除限制。-picc_18v 8.35pl35 PIC18 MCU Development Series C compiler to remove restrictions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.9mb Publisher : 亚克

介绍了PIC系列单片机的分类,硬件结构,引脚定义和指令系统,以C18,PICC(包括PICC18)编译器语法和应用为重点并通过应用实验方式详细地说明了C语言编译器的使用 然后阐述PIC10F,PIC12F系列单片机编程以及PIC16F,PIC18F系列单片机中断,内核和外围-Introduction of the PIC series of single-chip classification, the hardware structure, pin definition and instruction to C18, PICC (including PICC18) compiler and application of grammar and focus on the way through the application of experimental detail C language compiler use and then expounded PIC10F, PIC12F MCU programming and PIC16F, PIC18F MCU interruption, core and peripheral
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.23mb Publisher : kj

英文版 HI-TECH PICC18 STD 最详细最权威的开发手册-The English version of HI-TECH PICC18 STD most detailed development of the most authoritative manual
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.4mb Publisher : 陈培国

DL : 0
采用PICC18编写的单片机源代码,编译环境MPLABv7.62;编译器PICC18pro9.60,程序中虽然未采用RTOS,但采用了任务段处理的方式,即每个运行周期只运行一个任务。并将面向对象的思想引入C中,一个文件相当于一个类。对初学者有一定的参考意义。有些代码考虑到易读性和通用性牺牲了代码的效率。-Singlechip PICC18 prepared using the source code, the compiler environment MPLABv7.62 compiler PICC18pro9.60, although the process did not use RTOS, but the paragraph dealing with the use of the task which means that each operation cycle of a task to run only. Object-oriented thinking and the introduction of C, a document equivalent to a class. For beginners there is a certain reference value. Some code to take into account accessibility and universal code of the expense of efficiency.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 560kb Publisher : lxb

PICC9.60PL5 PRO版,很新的了。-PICC9.60PL5 PRO version of the very new.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.69mb Publisher : yanxinming

picC语言开发环境,用于pic单片机c语言开发-pic mcu pic mcu pic mcu pic mcu pic mcu pic mcu pic mcu pic mcu pic mcu
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.38mb Publisher : 李芳

This a C compiler for the Microchip PIC18 microcontollers-This is a C compiler for the Microchip PIC18 microcontollers
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16.86mb Publisher : Sergey

HI-TICH-picc9.60编译器,最新的编译器和破解文件,保证能用-HI-TICH-picc9.60 compiler, the latest compiler and crack files, can be used to ensure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.73mb Publisher : hxn

DL : 0
PIC18F2520与时钟芯片PCF8563的I2C例程序。此为测试版,有好多无用的参数/函数,根据自己情况修改。RB0:SDA RB1: SCL ,单片机:PIC18F2520,编译环境:MPlab+PICC18. I2C芯片: PCF8563 ,软件模拟I2C总线设置和读取时钟芯片。工程包括5个文件:delay.h delay.c I2c.h I2c.c I2c_demo.c 是用PICC18提供的I2C例程,用的内部时钟,仅供参考,好多参数没优化,特别是延时和内部时钟。 -PIC18F2520 and the clock chip PCF8563 I2C-amendment process. This is a test version, there are a lot of useless parameters/functions, according to its own changes. RB0: SDA RB1: SCL, MCU: PIC18F2520, build environment: MPlab+ PICC18. I2C chips: PCF8563, software simulation set-up and read the I2C-bus clock chip. The works include five files: delay.h delay.c I2c.h I2c.c I2c_demo.c is PICC18 provided I2C routines, using the internal clock, only for reference, not a lot of parameters optimization, in particular the delay and internal clock.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 174kb Publisher : 吴明

malloc () for hitech-c For picc18 or other compilers, where the library malloc crooked and bad. Memory size is determined (and the memory is allocated to) an array of HEAP. To debug a useful function: malloc_debug called when the gathering of the program (for example, the handler abort () or assert ()) and malloc_check that can be called when nothing else is done to check the integrity of the heap. Yes, there s magic codes in place to detect deterioration of memory over the selected. free () works correctly with the bug related to NULL (large model of memory), realloc more or less live with narrowing of the allocated memory in a memory deficit. The rest is not HI-FI, but in general working.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : Kirill Frolov

软件安装C语言MPLAB 6.XX及PICC18安装使用简介 -software installation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1002kb Publisher : 张研究
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