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多参数规划工具箱用来计算约束线性及分段仿射系统控制器的最优显式解。-multi-parametric toolbox(MPT)is a matlab toolbox for computing explicit optimal orsub-optimal feedback control laws for constrained linear and piecewise affine systems.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 13.05mb Publisher : 彭丽媛

整个系统分为数据采集和数据分析两大部分,以友好的图形界面与用户进行交互沟通。 声音数据采集部分实现数据采集功能,根据用户选择的采样频率和预设的采样时间来从声卡获得用户需要的数据。并且将采集到的数据及其频谱图以图形方式很直观的呈现于用户面前。 图像采集分析部分,读入图像后,根据选择,对其进行Linear Conformal、Affine、Projective、Polynomial、Piecewise Linear、Sinusoidal、Barrel、Pin Cushion变换-The whole system is divided into data collection and data analysis of two parts, with a friendly graphical interface to communicate with the user interaction. Sound data collection part of the data collection function, according to user-selected sampling frequency and sampling time to the default user from the sound card to obtain the data needed. And the collected data and the spectrum is very intuitive graphically presented in front of the user. Image acquisition and analysis section, read the image, based on the choice of its Linear Conformal, Affine, Projective, Polynomial, Piecewise Linear, Sinusoidal, Barrel, Pin Cushion Transformation
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 85kb Publisher : tanii

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Piecewise Affine Warper. Simple and fast C++ source code with using OpenCV machine vision library.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : smorodov

分段仿射系统的matlab开发工具箱; 实现PWA系统的建模和稳定性分析;- Matlab development kit of piecewise affine system Modeling and stability analysis of PWA system
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 453kb Publisher : WANGXIAOSHUAI

ASIFT算法就是为了解决SIFT、ORB、SURF等特征描述算子倾斜匹配的问题。上面的这些算法可以很好的应对尺度、旋转情况下的匹配,但是对于倾斜影像的特征点匹配只能提取很少量的特征,所以作者提出ASIFT来解决这个问题。(If a physical object has a smooth or piecewise smooth boundary, its images obtained by cameras in varying positions undergo smooth apparent deformations. These deformations are locally well approximated by affine transforms of the image plane. In consequence the solid object recognition problem has often been led back to the computation of affine invariant image local features. The similarity invariance (invariance to translation, rotation, and zoom) is dealt with rigorously by the SIFT method The method illustrated and demonstrated in this work, AffineSIFT (ASIFT), simulates a set of sample views of the initial images, obtainable by varying the two camera axis orientation parameters, namely the latitude and the longitude angles, which are not treated by the SIFT method. Then it applies the SIFT method itself to all images thus generated. Thus, ASIFT covers effectively all six parameters of the affine transform.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 6.19mb Publisher : 120352820
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