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简洁适用的基音周期提取程序,采用自相关和平均幅度差函数相结合的方法-Simple application of the pitch period extraction procedures, the use of auto-correlation and the average magnitude difference function method of combining
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5kb Publisher : powerpl

DL : 1
用matlab实现对语音信号的短时分析,包括清音和浊音的判决,基音周期的估计。-Using matlab to realize short-time speech signal analysis, including the voiceless and voiced the decision, pitch period estimation.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 577kb Publisher :

function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x,1/Fs) :: Information Make your own wav-files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Choose the attributes PCM 8000Hz, 16bit, Mono when saving the wav-file-function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x,1/Fs) :: Information Make your own wav-files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Choose the attributes PCM 8000Hz, 16bit, Mono when saving the wav-file
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 97kb Publisher : michael4u2345

Pitch period of speech watch (MATLAB code)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 97kb Publisher : Cutie Babe

This a code to determine the pitch period of voiced speech.-This is a code to determine the pitch period of voiced speech.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4kb Publisher : arashmokhtari

基音提取程序,对于给定一段语音,按一定时间分帧,并从中提取出基音频率-Pitch extraction process, for a given period of voice, according to a certain time-frame, and extracting the pitch frequency
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.86mb Publisher : 林平塔

线性预测(LPC)是语音信号处理中最有效的分析方法之一,通过LPC谱,LPCC谱的分析,并结合LPC检测方法判断出语音的基音周期或共振峰。我们可以利用Matlab来进行编程实现,具有实现简单,效果良好的特点-The linear predictive (LPC) is one of the most important methods in speech processing. Through the LPC spectrum, the LPCC spectrum analysis, and unifies the LPC examination method to judge the Pitch Period. We may carry on the programming realization using Matlab, has the realization to be simple, effect good characteristic
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 160kb Publisher : lu

语音信号处理中基音周期的提取算法。运用循环的平均幅度差分法实现的。-Speech signal processing algorithm for pitch period extraction. The average rate of use of cyclic difference method realized.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : liujiahui

英文文献,和语音信号处理中基音周期提取算法相关的文章。-English literature, and speech signal processing in the pitch period extraction algorithm related articles.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 133kb Publisher : liujiahui

对给定语料估计其基音周期。 要求用MATLAB或C语言实现有关基音检测算法,并给出检测结果。 -For a given corpus to estimate the pitch period. Required to use MATLAB or C language realization of the pitch detection algorithm, and gives test results.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7kb Publisher : 飞扬

DL : 0
运用低通滤波器,中心削波和自相关技术估计一段男性和女性语音信号的基音周期,画出基音轨迹曲线,给出估计准确率。-The use of low-pass filter, the center clipping and related technologies is estimated from a male and female speech signal pitch period, pitch trajectory drawn curves of estimated accuracy.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 侍建超

DL : 0
清音和浊音的平均幅度,短时过零率,基音周期,对数幅度谱,高低时部分-Voiceless and voiced the average range, short-term zero crossing rate, pitch period, the number of amplitude spectrum, high or low section
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 57kb Publisher : 荣华

DL : 0
清音的对数幅度谱,短时过零率,平均能量,基音周期-Voiceless logarithmic amplitude spectrum, short-term zero crossing rate, average energy, pitch period
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 35kb Publisher : 荣华

DL : 0
浊音的对数幅度谱,短时过零率,平均能量,基音周期-Logarithmic amplitude spectrum voiced, short zero-crossing rate, average energy, pitch period
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 48kb Publisher : 荣华

这是一个简单的语音基音检测方法,通过对语音信号进行滤波、分帧、求自相关函数,可得到浊音的基音周期,从而实现基频检测。-This is a simple voice pitch detection, voice signals by filtering, sub-frame, find the autocorrelation function, voiced the pitch period available to achieve the fundamental frequency testing.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 20kb Publisher : 吴艳花

自相关虽然能够判断清/浊音,并估计浊音的基音周期,但是其运算量很大,用乘法运算所需时间较长。为了避免乘法,采用短时平均幅度差函数(AMDF),验证AMDF与自相关有类似的作用,即平均幅度差函数能够代替自相关函数进行语音分析。-Although autocorrelation can differ from the Voiced/Unvoiced and voiced the pitch period estimate, but the operation is large enough, with the multiplication time was needed. In order to avoid the multiplication using the short time average magnitude difference function (AMDF), verify the AMDF and autocorrelation have a similar effect, that the average magnitude difference function can replace the voice of the autocorrelation function.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 20kb Publisher : 吴艳花

一个可用的基音周期检测算法,可以较准确的检测出基音值,是学习基音周期提取原理的好程序。-A usable pitch detection algorithm, more accurate detection of the pitch value is a good program to learn the pitch period extraction principle.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 297kb Publisher : 刘冰

提取语音信号的基音周期的matlab程序-Extract the pitch period of the voice signal matlab program
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : xiaoheihei

在录制好音源后,通过该程序,可以求解出各自声音信号的基音周期。-Recording audio through the program can solve each pitch period of the voice signal.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 198kb Publisher : 农良

线性预测声码器设计中语音信号的基音周期提取,采集语音信号,对语音信号进行处理,区分清音浊音,并通过对采样值进行滤波、分帧、求短时自相关函数,得到浊音的基音周期。-Linear prediction vocoder design of the speech signal pitch extraction of speech signal acquisition, speech signal processing, discriminate unvoiced voiced, and through the sample data filtering, frame, calculate a short-time autocorrelation function, voiced the pitch period.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 蔡磊
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