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[Audio programsndpeek

Description: sndpeek is just what it sounds (and looks) like: real-time 3D animated display/playback can use mic-input or wav/aiff/snd/raw/mat file (with playback) time-domain waveform FFT magnitude spectrum 3D waterfall plot lissajous! (interchannel correlation) rotatable and scalable display freeze frame! (for didactic purposes) real-time spectral feature extraction (centroid, rms, flux, rolloff) available on MacOS X, Linux, and Windows under GPL part of the sndtools distribution.
Platform: | Size: 282451 | Author: 尉迟雪凝 | Hits:

[Audio programsndpeek

Description: sndpeek is just what it sounds (and looks) like: real-time 3D animated display/playback can use mic-input or wav/aiff/snd/raw/mat file (with playback) time-domain waveform FFT magnitude spectrum 3D waterfall plot lissajous! (interchannel correlation) rotatable and scalable display freeze frame! (for didactic purposes) real-time spectral feature extraction (centroid, rms, flux, rolloff) available on MacOS X, Linux, and Windows under GPL part of the sndtools distribution. -sndpeek is just what it sounds (and looks) like: real-time 3D animated display/playback can use mic-input or wav/aiff/snd/raw/mat file (with playback) time-domain waveform FFT magnitude spectrum 3D waterfall plot lissajous! (interchannel correlation) rotatable and scalable display freeze frame! (for didactic purposes) real-time spectral feature extraction (centroid, rms, flux, rolloff) available on MacOS X, Linux, and Windows under GPL part of the sndtools distribution.
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: 尉迟雪凝 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinepitchwatch

Description: function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x,1/Fs) :: Information Make your own wav-files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Choose the attributes PCM 8000Hz, 16bit, Mono when saving the wav-file-function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x,1/Fs) :: Information Make your own wav-files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Choose the attributes PCM 8000Hz, 16bit, Mono when saving the wav-file
Platform: | Size: 99328 | Author: michael4u2345 | Hits:

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