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shapeletsurf.m :通过表面法向量重建三维表面; frankotchellappa.m:用Frankot and Chellappa的算法重建可积性三维表面; grad2slanttilt.m:根据梯度值求取slant 和tilt角; slanttilt2grad.m :根据slant 和tilt角度求三维表面的梯度。 详尽的可见压缩文件中的说明-shapeletsurf.m : France Vector surface reconstruction of 3D surface; frankotchellappa.m : Chellappa with Frankot and reconstruction algorithms can plot three-dimensional surface; grad2slanttilt.m : gradient values strike slant and tilt angle; slanttilt2grad.m : slant and the tilt angle for 3D surface gradient. Detailed Visibility compressed files of note
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : 陈亨利

vectline "vector field line plotter" Depending on the dimension of coordinate axis, vectline can plot both 3D and 2D vector field line.-vectline "vector field line plotter" Depe nding on the dimension of coordinate axis, vectline can plot both 3D and 2D vector field lin e.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 左贤君

3d球坐标 球坐标绘图 直角转极坐标 画三维图- SPHERE3D(Zin,theta_min,theta_max,phi_min,phi_max,Rho,meshscale) plots the 3D profile Zin as a mesh plot on a spherical surface of radius Rho, between horizontal sweep angles theta_min and theta_max and vertical phi_min and phi_max, with mesh size determined by meshscale.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 凌子

DL : 1
交互式的matlab plot绘图工具,绘制二维三维图形.-QPLOT interactive ploting program Qplot opens a standadr MATLAB figure with three options added to the menu bar: Qfile, Qoptions and Qgraph. Under Qfile you can read data files (text or Excel). Under Qoptions you can set the options of the graph: what columns are the X, the Y and the Z, axis labels, etc. Under Qgraph are the graph types that can be plotted under three categories: 2D, 3D and Stats. By default graphs are typically made with the X or X-Y columns. Any number of subplots can be opened within the figure. The full list of graphs is: 2D: XY Scatter, XY Line, XY Line with error bar, Horizontal Bar (grouped), Horizontal Bar (stacked), Vertical Bar (grouped), Vertical Bar (stacked), Vertical Bar with error bars, Histogram, stem, Stairs, Rose, Polar, Compass, Pie 3D: Scatter 3D, Stem 3D, Bar 3D, Waterfall, Ribbon, Grid, surface, Lighted Surface, Contour Stats: Histogram (yes is repeated), Histogram 3D, Correlation X-Y, Correlation All, QQplot, Normplot. Correl
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 149kb Publisher : frankcy

DL : 0
Generate a 3D point plot of L=(x,y,z) using the values in the vector c to determine the color of each point. If c is empty, then z (column 3 of L) is used to color the plot. The data points are sorted so that plot3 is only called once for each group of points that map to the same color. The upper and lower limits of the color range (and the z axis) can be defined with crange. This is useful for creating a series of plots with the same coloring. The colormap (but not the colorbar) is flipped upside down if crange is given as [max min] instead of [min max]. The figure handle is returned if an output argument is given.-Generate a 3D point plot of L=(x,y,z) using the values in the vector c to determine the color of each point. If c is empty, then z (column 3 of L) is used to color the plot. The data points are sorted so that plot3 is only called once for each group of points that map to the same color. The upper and lower limits of the color range (and the z axis) can be defined with crange. This is useful for creating a series of plots with the same coloring. The colormap (but not the colorbar) is flipped upside down if crange is given as [max min] instead of [min max]. The figure handle is returned if an output argument is given.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : Jeff

DL : 0
POLAR3D Plots a 3D polar surface. POLAR3D(Zin,theta_m ax,Rho_min,Rho_max,meshscale) plots the profiles a mesh plot for Zin between radii Rho_min and Rho_max for polar angles equally spaced between theta_min and theta_max. POLAR3D(Zin,theta_min,theta_max,Rho_min,Rho_max,meshscale,plotspec) plots the profiles Zin between radii Rho_min and Rho_max for polar angles between theta_min and theta_max with a plot type specification. If plotspec = surf a standard Matlab surface is plotted,whereas mesh , surfc or meshc will plot mesh, surface with countour, or mesh with contour, respectively. The size of the squares on the mesh or surf plots is determined by meshscale. The default plot is a mesh plot. - POLAR3D Plots a 3D polar surface. POLAR3D(Zin,theta_min,theta_max,Rho_min,Rho_max,meshscale) plots the profiles as a mesh plot for Zin between radii Rho_min and Rho_max for polar angles equally spaced between theta_min and theta_max. POLAR3D(Zin,theta_min,theta_max,Rho_min,Rho_max,meshscale,plotspec) plots the profiles Zin between radii Rho_min and Rho_max for polar angles between theta_min and theta_max with a plot type specification. If plotspec = surf a standard Matlab surface is plotted,whereas mesh , surfc or meshc will plot mesh, surface with countour, or mesh with contour, respectively. The size of the squares on the mesh or surf plots is determined by meshscale. The default plot is a mesh plot.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : Rati

MATLAB作为成熟的科学计算软件,其绘制三维实体模型的功能已经非常完善,要实现三维实体模型间的运算也比较容易,然而Scilab 的绘制三维形体模型的功能还不够强大,三维形体模型之间的布尔运算也比较困难,因此有必要开发一个绘制三维形体模型并实现并、交、叉运算的工具箱,来强化Scilab的绘图功能。 本项目组开发的《基于CSG的三维形体建模工具箱》实现了三维形体建模和绘制功能,用户不仅能依据给定的参数直接绘制简单的三维形体,还可以对三维形体进行平移、旋转和比例缩放操作。多个形体之间可以通过正则布尔运算(并、交、差运算)得到新的三维形体,方便用户利用多个简单形体构建复杂的三维形体。 -As a mature scientific computing software, MATLAB s function of rendering three-dimensional models is very good, and it is easy to achieving three-dimensional solid models’ operation. Compared with MATLAB, Scilab uses relevant functions to render three-dimensional models is not strong enough. And it is also difficult to implement the Boolean operations among three-dimensional shapes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a toolbox to implement functions of modeling and rendering and the operations of union, intersection, difference to strengthen the drawing function of Scilab. This project <CSG-Based 3D Modeler Toolbox> implements functions of CSG-based modeling and rendering. Users not only can make and plot simple three dimensional shapes, but also can translate, rotate or scale the shapes. It is convenient to make a complicated shape by some simple unit shapes, for simple shapes can be composed into a complicated shape by regular Boolean operations- union, intersection, and
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 529kb Publisher : zhoujun

VORONOI_MOUNTAINS is a MATLAB program which makes a 3D surface plot of a Voronoi diagram. The Voronoi diagram divides up points in the plane by associating each point with the closest of a set of generator points.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : KORHAN KARAARSLAN

绘制3维带箭头坐标图,实现了matlab无法实现的一项小功能-plot 3d figure with arrow
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陈波

基于这个类的工具箱允许你创建在“Google地球”,许多不同的地块,由自动创建所需的基于XML的KML文件,而无需用户交互。 有了它,您可以创建: - 线图,散点图 - 二维和三维轮廓 - 2D和3D多边形 - 颤动地块 - 写在一个特定点的文本 - 将三维模型 - 覆盖图像 - 为图像传输更复杂的数字 - 文件夹,子文件夹,... 总相似图 - 动画三维模型到一个预定义的轨迹 安装到您的MATLAB路径工具箱,工具箱目录,并运行: >> kml.install 现在,每个功能和可用的参数文件。要查看帮助,在MATLAB中运行: >> kmldoc 或 >> kmldoc kml.plot%或任何其他可用的地块 如果你喜欢它,只是给我发电子邮件在说什么你使用它:)。 灵感来自于原来的Google地球工具箱,但使用XML对象实现的,这使得它更容易使用。我只是检查在MATLAB 2011a释放,但它应该在旧版本的工作太... (让我知道如果不!)-Based on this class allows you to create a" toolbox in Google earth", many different plots, created automatically by the XML based on the KML file, without the need for user interaction. With it, you can create: - line graphs, scatter diagram -2D and 3D contour - 2D and3D polygon - fibrillation plots - written at a particular point in the text - the three-dimensional model - cover image For more complex digital image transmission Folder, subfolders, total similarity graph ... - Animated3D model into a predefined trajectory Install to your path to the MATLAB toolbox, toolbox directory, and run: > > kml.install Now, each function and the available parameter file. To view the help, running in the MATLAB: > > kmldoc Or > > kmldoc kml.plot or any other available plots If you like it, just email me say in what you use it ): Inspiration from the original Google earth toolbox, but using the XML object is achieved, which makes it easier to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.17mb Publisher : fu jiang

DL : 0
plot 3d with matlab with this code you can plot a surface with matlab functions: meshgrid, zeros, rastriginsfcn, meshc, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, clear, clc
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : msimchi

DL : 0
通过Matlab编制的有限单元法工具箱,能够对一维、二维与三维的问题进行求解!-Finite Element Toolbox Ver. 2.1 =============================== Date: 2002-04-01 Author: B. Rasmus Anthin. WHAT IS IT This is a toolbox for computing ODEs or PDEs in BVPs using FEM in 1D, 2D and 3D. * FEM1 this is the main routine for solving ODE BVPs using any combination of Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin conditions. * GENMAT1 called by FEM1 and is the core of the program. It generates the matrices used for solving the linear equation system for the ODE. * REFINE1 with this routine you can refine the mesh over certain critical grid points. The the gridpoints will become nonuniformly linearly spaced. * TEST1 this is a test for the 1D case of FEM. Look through this example carefully in order to fully understand how FEM1 works. * FEM2.mat contains examples over meshes/triangulations in 2D. * PLOTGRID2 plot mesh/triangulation in 2D and put a number in each corresponding element (triangle). * QUADSPACE generates
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 94kb Publisher : withion

波束形成程序,计算1维和二维各类型波束形成 -# Beamforming Matlab files for various types of beamforming for custom 1D and 2D arrays - Calculate and look at beampattern/array pattern/array factor for 1D and 2D arrays - Calculate and look at beampattern for delay-and-sum and minimum variance beamformers - Create input signals with multiple sources of the same single frequency arriving at different angles and with different sources - Calculate steered response for delay-and-sum, minimum variance, MUSIC and functional beamforming algorithm - Plot the steered response with dynamic range slider and context menu to switch between 2D/3D view
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : ivan
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