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Plots a polar figure in dB
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : rcastilloec

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this matlab code is about polar-db. this program is very good to polrize .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : ABDALREZA

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Matlab routine for basic polar plot in dB
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : karedok

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matlab写的二维天线仿真,可获得场图,功率图,包括DB和线性尺寸的。- This interactive MATLAB program is used to plot two-dimensional (2-D)polar.And The program can plot any of the following: 1. Field pattern (linear scale) 2. Power pattern (linear scale) 3. Power pattern (in dB)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘辰

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极坐标下的分贝画图。matlab中极坐标画图函数为polar,但是无法画出转化为dB的图形,此函数为画db为单位数据的极坐标图形。-Db drawing in polar coordinates . matlab polar coordinate drawing functions for the polar , but can not draw dB graphics , this function graphics for painting db data in polar coordinates .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 许一

This a MATLAB based program that computes the: I. Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) II. Radiation resistance (Rr) III. Input resistance (Rin) IV. Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) V. Input reactance (Xin) VI. Normalized current distribution VII. Directivity pattern (in dB) in polar form VIII.Normalized far-field amplitude pattern (E-theta, in dB) in polar form for a symmetrical dipole of finite length. The dipole is radiating in free space. The directivity, resistances and resistances are calculated using the trailing edge method in increments of 1 degree in theta. -This is a MATLAB based program that computes the: I. Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) II. Radiation resistance (Rr) III. Input resistance (Rin) IV. Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) V. Input reactance (Xin) VI. Normalized current distribution VII. Directivity pattern (in dB) in polar form VIII.Normalized far-field amplitude pattern (E-theta, in dB) in polar form for a symmetrical dipole of finite length. The dipole is radiating in free space. The directivity, resistances and resistances are calculated using the trailing edge method in increments of 1 degree in theta.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.53mb Publisher : lokesh

将角度和幅度的二维数组画成dB值的polar图- POLARDB Polar coordinate plot. POLARDB(THETA, RHO) makes a plot using polar coordinates of the angle THETA, in radians, versus the radius RHO in dB. The maximum value of RHO should not exceed 1. It should not be normalized, however (i.e. its max. value may be less than 1). POLAR(THETA,RHO,S) uses the linestyle specified in string S. See PLOT for a description of legal linestyles.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : fengxuehuanuo

To plot normalized field strength, normalized power and normalized power(dB) vs polar angle theta for antennas - To plot normalized field strength, normalized power and normalized power(dB) vs polar angle theta for antennas
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 307kb Publisher : Baskar Jayachandran

This a MATLAB based program that computes the: - Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) - Radiation resistance (Rr) - Input resistance (Rin) - Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) - Input reactance (Xin) - Normalized current distribution - Directivity pattern (in dB) in polar form - Normalized far-field amplitude pattern (E-theta, in dB) in polar form-This is a MATLAB based program that computes the: - Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) - Radiation resistance (Rr) - Input resistance (Rin) - Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) - Input reactance (Xin) - Normalized current distribution - Directivity pattern (in dB) in polar form - Normalized far-field amplitude pattern (E-theta, in dB) in polar form
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : Hamid

DIPOLE antenna design with POLAR dB Plot
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : shahrokh

Array vs array factor calculation vs Polar dB plot MATLAB code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : shahrokh
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