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四次及四次以下多项式拟和程序,可在c或c++环境下运行-Polynomial fit arithmetic witch could been run in C or C++ environment
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.5kb Publisher : 傅立叶

Polynomial fit functions === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.-Polynomial fit functions === === === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5kb Publisher : qiao

四次及四次以下多项式拟和程序,可在c或c++环境下运行-Polynomial fit arithmetic witch could been run in C or C++ environment
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 傅立叶

Polynomial fit functions === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.-Polynomial fit functions === === === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : qiao

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多项式二次曲线拟合程序!用于实验设计!另有画图函数并且可以进行方差分析1-quadratic polynomial curve fitting procedures. For the experimental design! Another drawing functions can be carried out an analysis of variance
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 77kb Publisher : cds

多项式曲线拟合 任意介数 Purpose - Least-squares curve fit of arbitrary order working in C++ Builder 2007 as a template class, using vector<FloatType> parameters. Added a method to handle some EMathError exceptions. If do NOT want to use this just call PolyFit2 directly. usage: Call PolyFit by something like this. CPolyFit<double> PolyFitObj double correlation_coefficiant = PolyFitObj.PolyFit(X, Y, A) where X and Y are vectors of doubles which must have the same size and A is a vector of doubles which must be the same size as the number of coefficients required. returns: The correlation coefficient or -1 on failure. produces: A vector (A) which holds the coefficients.-Polynomial curve fitting the number of arbitrary referral Purpose- Least-squares curve fit of arbitrary order working in C++ Builder 2007 as a template class, using vector
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12kb Publisher : bilka

工量预测.xls 截面扭转特性.xls 截面特性一.xls 截面特性二.xls 最优化问题.xls 最值问题.xls 牛顿法解方程.xls 矩阵运算.xls 线性拟合.xls 解线性方程组.xls 解线性方程组(二).xls 辛普森法积分.xls 频率与振型求解.xls 双变量模拟运算.xls 多元线性回归.xls 多项式拟合.xls 实例1.xls 实例2.xls 实例3.xls 实例4.xls 实例5.xls 实例6.xls 实例7.xls 实例8.xls 是学习excel计算及其在土木工程中应用的绝好资料。不容错过。-Public forecasts. Xls reverse features section. Xls characteristics of a cross-section. Xls sectional characteristics of the second. Xls optimization problem. Xls most value problems. Xls Newton Method equation. Xls matrix calculation. Xls linear fit. Xls solution of linear equations group. xls solution of linear equations (b). xls Simpson integral method. xls Solving frequency and vibration mode. xls bivariate simulation. xls multivariate linear regression. xls polynomial fitting. xls examples 1.xls Example 2 . xls examples 3.xls examples 4.xls examples 5.xls examples 6.xls examples 7.xls learning excel examples 8.xls is calculated and its applications in civil engineering excellent information. Should not be missed.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 112kb Publisher : 张力

DL : 0
该算法是用正交多项式来求最小二乘拟合多项式。-This algorithm is to use orthogonal polynomials to seek least-squares polynomial fitting.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : apple

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Matlab中提供了一种快速实现多项式拟合的方法函数polyfit()函数, 其格式:p=polyfit(x,y,n)其中x,y为样本向量,n为拟合的多项式的项数。下面拟f(x)=sinx+x,在区间【-3,3】上以0.5为间隔进行拟合。-Matlab provides a fast way to achieve polynomial fitting function polyfit () function, The format: p = polyfit (x, y, n) where x, y as the sample vector, n is the number of items of polynomial fitting. The following proposed f (x) = sinx+ x, the interval-3,3】 【intervals on the order of 0.5 to fit.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 29kb Publisher : 小董

A goodness-of-fit test for normality based on polynomial regression pdf file
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 153kb Publisher : essi

线性插值,拉格朗日插值,多项式插值,二次多项式插值-Piecewise-Linear Fit.C Quadratic Polynomial Fit.C Polynomial Fit.C Condition Number of Vandermonde Matrix Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : dy

多项式拟合程序,c语言版。拟合空间是n次多项式空间。分为子程序和主程序。并含有一个算例,以帮助理解。-Polynomial fitting procedures, c language version. Space is the n-th polynomial fitting space. Divided into subroutines and the main program. And contains a numerical example to help understand.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : james

我们处理数据时,往往需要事先知道这些数据的规律(如线性),然后再进行相应阶数的最小二乘法拟合,本文试图在不知道拟合阶数的情况下通过程序计算拟合阶数。-We handle the data, the data often need to know in advance the rules (such as linear), and then make the appropriate order of the least squares fit, this article attempts to fit in I do not know the order in case the order through the program calculates the fitting .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 89kb Publisher : fz

用最小二乘法进行曲线拟合. 用p-1 次多项式进行拟合,p<= 10 x,y 的第0个域x[0],y[0],没有用,有效数据从x[1],y[1] 开始 nNodeNum,有效数据节点的个数。 b,为输出的多项式系数,b[i] 为b[i-1]次项。b[0],没有用。 b,有10个元素ok-Using least squares curve fitting. With p-1 order polynomial fit, p <= 10 x, y 0 of the domain x [0], y [0], no use, valid data from x [1], y [1] Start
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher :

数值分析中最小二乘法拟合任意次多项式,已经运行过,放心下载!-Numerical analysis method of least squares polynomial fit any number of times, it has been run over, rest assured download!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 一个班

对于已知少量的点,使用多项式对其曲线进行近似拟合,从而预测未知的点的函数值。-For a small number of the known points, its curve is approximated using a polynomial fit to the prediction function value of the unknown point.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李宏强

DL : 0
MATLAB不提供现成指数拟合函数,一方面由于但可以轻松通过多项式拟合转化而来,但是使用上还是不如有一个函数方便,所以特写这样一样简单实用的函数-MATLAB does not provide ready-exponential fit function, by hand because it can be easily transformed a polynomial fit, but still not as good as there is easy to use a function, it is as simple close-up of such useful functions
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : king

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可以进行超定方程的求解,得到的是拟合的多项式,可以设置输入,决定多项式的次数-Overdetermined equations can be solved to obtain the polynomial fit, you can set the input, determine the number of polynomials
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : niuyuanlei

使用最小二乘的方法进行拟合曲线,可进行二阶/三阶多项式拟合-fitting curve by Least squares,can make second-order/third-order polynomial fit
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher :

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对数据进行预处理,使用五阶多项式拟合和snv对数据进行预处理。-Preprocessing of the data, and use the fifth-order polynomial fit snv preprocessing of the data.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : qianqiandeyihao
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