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此程序为图形动画编程。运用了数学+图形方面的知识,展示了几个原子汇集的过程,图像方面很简陋,知识示意动画编程的意义。-procedure for graphics animation programming. Use of mathematical knowledge of graphics, showing a few atoms pooling process, a very simple graphics, animation programming knowledge indicate significance.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 33.45kb Publisher :

用标准模板库STL实现文件比较. 本文讨论如何使用标准模板库(STL),类模板和函数模板,以及其它编程技术来解决实际问题。本文涉及到STL包含的集合和向量,函数模板,类模板,常量检验,出错处理和使用STL的文件I/O。 要阅读本文,你要熟悉C++,熟悉类模板和函数模板。本文汇集了大量有关的信息,指引你逐步阅读。 本文用提问,设计和解决方案引导阅读。希望你能喜欢。 -Standard Template Library STL files comparison. This paper discusses how to use the standard template library (STL), the class template and the template function, as well as other programming techniques to solve practical problems. This involves a collection contains STL and vector function template, template type, constant testing, error handling and use of the STL file I / O. To read the paper, you should be familiar with C, familiar with the class template and template functions. This pooling a large amount of information to guide you gradually reading. This paper questions, and solutions designed to guide readers. I hope you will like.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.96kb Publisher : 海贵

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此项目是学生综合管理系统,功能汇集了包括教务、活动、就业、学生基本信息等-this project is that students integrated management systems, including functional pooling academic, activities, employment, basic information such as students
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.16mb Publisher : 何飞宇

这是一个JAVA编的论坛系统。是从别人哪儿拷过来的,现在上载希望大家能过共享。-This is a series of the Forum Java system. Where others from the residences over, now on the hope that we can pooling.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 61.46kb Publisher : 刘玉柱

WITNESS实验案例,汇集了生产实践、经济管理等多领域的实验案例,帮助大学本科生、研究生充分掌握WITNESS的仿真建模的实验步骤-WITNESS test case, the practice of pooling the production, economic management and other areas of the test case, help undergraduate, graduate students fully grasp WITNESS simulation modeling of the experimental steps
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 513.91kb Publisher : 李静

ADOM+设计篇意在测试com+的事务处理能否正确执行。 将组件安装后,在组件服务中该com+组件的属性设置中将“激活”页的“启用对象池”选项选中,执行客户端程序调用上面这个方法,发现com+的事务机制不能正确执行,数据会写入数据库中。如果不选中“启用对象池”,则一切正常,数据并不会写到数据库中。 说明:Translation DataModule的设置,事务属性:requires a transaction,允许object pooling,pooled设为true,无论将AutoComplete设为True或False都会出现上述情况。 该问题最先由ytwxw (wxw) 提出,至今尚未有结论,我也发现类似问题。我俩探讨后无法解决,特在此再开一贴。请各路com+高手帮忙解答! -ADOM design sections was aimed at testing com business can correct implementation. Components will be installed, Component services in the com component attributes will be set up "activated" page "open object pool" option selected. implementation of client programs call the above, the Panel found com mechanism for proper implementation, data will be included in the database. If not selected "targets of the opening pool", then everything normal, and no data writes database. Note : Translation DataModule settings, the panel attributes : requires a transaction, allowing object pooling. pooled as a true, Regardless of the AutoComplete set to True or False been the case. The issue was first raised by ytwxw (wxw), has yet to be concluded, I also found similar proble
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.84mb Publisher : 张无忌

主要考察的是资源池的设计和实现, Domain Model比较简单,仅用于测试资源池,因此IDL也仅仅实现基本存取功能。本资源池的设计主要参考Object Resource Pooling这篇文章中介绍的基本框架-mainly to study the resource pool design and implementation, Domain Model relatively simple. only resource pool for testing, IDL has access only to realize their basic functions. The pool of resources main reference Object Design Resource Pooling This article introduces the basic framework
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 261.94kb Publisher : david

这是一个汇集了单片机开发人员常用的计算公式,可以自动计算各种参数。-This is a pooling of microcontroller developers commonly used formula, it will automatically calculate various parameters.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29.49kb Publisher : 冯子新

在项目里经常用到多线程,大量的客户向服务器提出请求,这时需要开辟线程来响应客户请求,由于客户量是不可预知的,难道来一个客户请求就新开个线程来响应吗?答案是否定的,要知道开辟和撤消线程是需要耗费相当多时间和资源的,于是前辈们弄出了很多模型出来解决这种问题,其中使用线程池(Thread Pooling)是个很好的主意。线程池在Windows2000及其以后版本得到了很好的支持。使用系统提供的线程池机制相当方便而
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.26kb Publisher : 田浩

主要考察的是资源池的设计和实现, Domain Model比较简单,仅用于测试资源池,因此IDL也仅仅实现基本存取功能。本资源池的设计主要参考Object Resource Pooling这篇文章中介绍的基本框架-mainly to study the resource pool design and implementation, Domain Model relatively simple. only resource pool for testing, IDL has access only to realize their basic functions. The pool of resources main reference Object Design Resource Pooling This article introduces the basic framework
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 262kb Publisher : david

Java代码实现的数据库链接池,演示如何通过Java类定义一个数据库连接池的功能。-Java code to achieve a database link pool, demonstrate how Java class definition through a database connection pooling functionality.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : realorg

自己写的一个数据库连接池,实现数据库的连接,释放等多种功能-Himself wrote a database connection pooling, database connection, the release of a variety of functions, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 金泳

自用的一个简单的数据库连接池,支持DB2与Oracle,附加了一些常用的功能-Own use a simple database connection pooling, support for DB2 and Oracle, attached a number of commonly used functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : lucas

连接池基本原理:连接池最基本的思想就是预先建立一些连接放置于内存对象中以备使用。对于多于链接池中链接数的并发请求,应在请求队列中排队等待。并且应用程序可以根据链接的使用率,动态增加或减少池中的链接数。达到链接的优化。 -The basic principles of connection pooling: connection pooling basic ideology is the pre-established links with objects placed in memory for use. For more than a few links to the pool of concurrent link request, the request should be in the queue waiting. And applications can be linked to utilization, dynamic increase or decrease in the number of links to the pool. To achieve the optimal link.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 674kb Publisher : fan

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pooling.zip的内容介绍了java中的线程池的使用方法。 content introduced in java to use the thread pool.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : lcjjava

spectrum pooling in cognitive radios
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 216kb Publisher : Thushara

收集了 很多关于 多层结构的 设计问题,特别是POOLING的技术类问题。-三层结构的合理构架收集收集了 很多关于 多层结构的 设计问题,特别是POOLING的技术类问题。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 101kb Publisher : wukai

This is a car pooling application in which passenger book a ride .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.45mb Publisher : Ninad Samel

基于卷积层和池化层的卷积深度网络被执行,该框架可以有效地识别灰度图像,彩色图像和高光谱图像。- Convolution deep network based on convolution layer and pooling layer is performed, the framework can effectively identify grayscale images, color images and hyperspectral images.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28.17mb Publisher : 李莉莉

行为识别中的attention pooling方法(attention pooling in action recognition)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 281kb Publisher : lamnnnnn
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