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Description: 自己学POWERBUILDER的试验报告 希望对大家有点用哦-studied the test report we hope to use some oh
Platform: | Size: 450560 | Author: 小周 | Hits:

[assembly languageRpt_Admin

Description: This a Report Module. Thanks for your attentation.-This a Report Module. Thanks for your att entation.
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: ken | Hits:

[Education soft systemstudentinformationmanagesystemmmm

Description: PB+access学生信息管理系统,另附实验报告!-PB access student information management system, followed by experimental report!
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: maxiaowei | Hits:


Description: pb8+asa7,可运行 报表自定义系统 作者:朱爱民-pb8+ asa7, can run custom reports system Author:朱爱民
Platform: | Size: 989184 | Author: | Hits:

[hospital software systemreport

Description: 制作报表用于统计,分析,费用使用情况,打印存档用-Statements for the production of statistics, analysis, cost of use of the print archive with
Platform: | Size: 1846272 | Author: laji124 | Hits:


Description: 数据库课程设计,仓储式超市管理系统,附带有实验报告及数据库说明。-Database of curriculum design, warehouse-style supermarket management system, attached to the report and database have the experimental description.
Platform: | Size: 1239040 | Author: 张楠 | Hits:

[Other Databasespowerbuildjiaowuguanli

Description: 系统采用PB应用程序开发的教务管理系统,包括论文和开题报告全部,成绩管理,教学管理,选课排课-System uses a PB application development management system for the Senate, including the papers and the report of all open questions, results management, teaching management, elective Timetable
Platform: | Size: 636928 | Author: lihu | Hits:

[assembly language200651517324587509

Description: PB 管理系统的毕业设计 带原码 开题报告 论文-PB Management System design graduate with the original code to open the report of thesis title
Platform: | Size: 892928 | Author: 121981 | Hits:

[Windows Developcangkumaneger

Description: 用PB写的仓库管理系统!可以实现仓库的管理。商品的采购等!身份识别的管理员系统!附实验需求分析完整报告!-Written by PB Warehouse Management System! Warehouse management can be achieved. Procurement of goods, etc.! Identification system administrator! Experimental needs analysis attached full report!
Platform: | Size: 1120256 | Author: geoshion | Hits:

[Software Engineeringrsgl

Description: 项目开发报告,尽享了可行性分析和需求分析-Project development report, enjoy a feasibility analysis and needs analysis
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: lili | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCsharp

Description: 此源码是Cell组件超级报表模板设计器C#.net源码示例。 Cell网站: http://www.cellsoft.cc/Cell/index.asp cell组件下载地址: http://www.cellsoft.cc/cell/down_list.asp 产品概述: Cell 组件适用于Windows环境下各种开发工具(如VB, VC, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, C++ Builder, PowerBuilder, .NET)等,是软件开发人员开发优秀报表的完美解决方案。 · 强大的制表能力,特别适合制作中国式的复杂报表,解决您所有的制表难题 · 丰富的单元格类型,支持数值、货币、日期、文本等类型。 Cell的单元格囊括了几乎所有的Windows标准控制 · 丰富的打印设置,美仑美奂的打印预览和打印效果,轻松输出各种报表 · 无须系统安装Excel,就可以和Excel文件完全转换,转换效率更高,效果更完美 · 强大的自定义函数功能,用户可根据自己的业务逻辑添加自己的函数 · 极大地提升了图表功能,图表种类和效果比肩Excel · 资源本地化功能,根据需要可将Cell设成不同的语言版本 · 适用于VB、VC、VF、.NET、Delphi、C++ Builder、PowerBuilder等开发工具 在开发工具中将Cell组件引入至工程,然后将Cell组件拖至窗体FORM中即可开始报表设计。 -This source are components of the Super Cell Report Template Designer C
Platform: | Size: 774144 | Author: mengchao | Hits:

[GUI Developreport

Description: 流程图式的启动界面 -Flowchart-style interface to start
Platform: | Size: 195584 | Author: 10号 | Hits:

[Education soft systempb

Description: pb课程设计+含设计报告 简单易用 欢迎下载-pb curriculum design+ report containing the design easy-to-use welcome to download
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: yue | Hits:


Description: 设计仓库管理系统,按照仓库管理系统过程中的业务流程,能够实现以下几种功能 1、 产品入库、领料、退料、库存变动、库存盘点五大功能 2、 实现对货品基础资料、仓库资料等管理功能 3、实现对各业务的查询功能 4、实现报表的打印功能 -Design of warehouse management system, warehouse management system in accordance with the process of business processes to achieve the following functions 1, product warehousing, collar material, back material, inventory movements, stock inventory, five features two to achieve the basic information on the goods, storage of information management functions such as 3, to achieve the query capabilities of each business 4, to achieve the report' s print function
Platform: | Size: 2514944 | Author: zhang jia | Hits:


Description: PowerBuilder实验报告 几个实验:PowerBuilder窗口设计,数据定义,数据操纵,PB数据窗口设计,PB菜单设计,小型数据库应用系统开发 -PowerBuilder experimental report several experiments: PowerBuilder window design, data definition, data manipulation, PB data window design, PB menu design, a small database application system development
Platform: | Size: 553984 | Author: qqq | Hits:

[Database systemPBreportdesignSource

Description: PB报表设计源码:提供简单的基于PB的设计,适合于PB初学者-PB report design Source: PB-based and provides a simple design, suitable for beginners PB
Platform: | Size: 2747392 | Author: 罗大 | Hits:


Description: 专门阅读powerbuilder的特有报表形式psr报表文件的小工具-Read powerbuilder reports specific to the specialized form of psr report documents Gadgets
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 金数码 | Hits:


Description: 动态生成powerbuilder报表,可以对字段等进行设置大小,字体,及在打印报表中的位置-auto create report-- powerbuilder
Platform: | Size: 269312 | Author: wl | Hits:


Description: pb用户自定义报表设计器 本程序无须安装,解压后直接运行可执行程序即可,在第一次运行时需要注册演示数据库。 一般来说,在第一次运行时,系统会自动打开数据库连接界面,通过它,你可以 连接到任何你要连接的关系数据库,下面对本演示数据库的连接做说明如下: 1. 运行可执行程序,系统会自动打开数据库连接界面: 2. 在连接窗口中选择ODBC连接,单击 新建 3. 为本系统自带的Access数据库dwdemo.mdb注册ODBC数据源; 4. 选择你刚建的数据源名称,单击连接完成。-pb custom report designer is no need to install this program, extract the executable can be run directly after the first run need to register demo database. In general, in the first run, the system will automatically open a database connection interface, through which you can connect to any relational database you are connecting to, the following connection to the database on the demo do the following: 1. Run the executable program, The system will automatically open the database connection interface: 2. in the connection window, select the ODBC connection, click ' New' 3. based system comes with the Access database dwdemo.mdb up ODBC data sources 4. Select the data source you just built name, click the connection is completed.
Platform: | Size: 6987776 | Author: zhou chao jun | Hits:

[File Formatreport(PB9.0).RAR

Description: 中国式报表服务组件(PB9.0),详细罗列出一般的报表格式内容。可以有很好的借鉴-pb report cell is very good
Platform: | Size: 865280 | Author: 白昶 | Hits:
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