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PowerBuilder中实现数据窗口打印预览通用方法 用PB编写WinSock TCP/IP应用程序 [PB 实例教程] 实现PB数据窗口的多表更新 [PB 实例教程] 用Web.PB开发瘦客户机 PB Web应用 [PB 基础教程] PB 5中PFC的使用-PowerBuilder data print preview window common methods used to prepare WinS PB ock TCP / IP applications [PB examples Guide] PB data window over the table updates [PB examples Services Cheng] with the development of thin-client Web.PB PB Web application [PB Basic Course] 5 PB use of PFC
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25.03kb Publisher : 肖彤

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.74mb Publisher : tongtongde

PowerBuilder中实现数据窗口打印预览通用方法 用PB编写WinSock TCP/IP应用程序 [PB 实例教程] 实现PB数据窗口的多表更新 [PB 实例教程] 用Web.PB开发瘦客户机 PB Web应用 [PB 基础教程] PB 5中PFC的使用-PowerBuilder data print preview window common methods used to prepare WinS PB ock TCP/IP applications [PB examples Guide] PB data window over the table updates [PB examples Services Cheng] with the development of thin-client Web.PB PB Web application [PB Basic Course] 5 PB use of PFC
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : 肖彤

说明, 服务器端 1,SocketServer中,有个uo_Socket_Server类型的数组Connects,实现多个连接管理。 2,uo_Socket_Server实例是通过w_1.tab_1.OpenTab()打开的。 3,SocketNotify为自定义事件pbm_custom01。 4,ue_SocketNotify为自定义事件。 客户端 1,很简单,就不说了。-note, a server, SocketServer. a uo_Socket_Server types of array Connects. Implementing Multiple Connection Management. 2. uo_Socket_Server example through w_1.tab_1.OpenTab () open. 3, as defined SocketNotify pbm_custom01 incident. 4, ue_SocketNotify to define an event. A client, a very simple, not that.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 258kb Publisher : long

PB中的套接字是通过Winsock.pbl库来提供的,它封装了套接字编程中用到的数据结构和过程,在功能上类似于VB中的Winsock控件-PB through the socket to provide Winsock.pbl library, and it encapsulates socket programming used in the data structure and process functions similar to VB
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : xxh

winsock功能强大,你可以下下看看.-winsock powerful, you can see under the circumstances.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 403kb Publisher : crazyera

powerbuilder写的winsock的通信程序,比较简单,又需要的可以看一下-PowerBuilder written winsock communication procedures, relatively simple, but it also needs to look at the can
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.74mb Publisher : tongtongde

/******************************************************************************* 关键说明 服务器端 1,SocketServer中,有个uo_Socket_Server类型的数组Connects,实现多个连接管理。 2,uo_Socket_Server实例是通过w_1.tab_1.OpenTab()打开的。 3,SocketNotify为自定义事件pbm_custom01。 4,ue_SocketNotify为自定义事件。 客户端 1,很简单,就不说了。 *******************************************************************************/ 想多了解一些的人,可以参考Pslib21.htm。 想深入研究的人,请看Socket规范。 一点感慨:有的例子其实很粗糙,但是大家互相抄,论坛上有人问相关问题时,就发一份给他,也不管它能不能用。恼火啊! 其中错误,谢谢相告。 -/************************************************* The key note****************************** server-side 1, SocketServer, there are a type of uo_Socket_Server array Connects, realize more than connection management. 2, uo_Socket_Server example through w_1.tab_1.OpenTab () open. 3, SocketNotify for custom event pbm_custom01. 4, ue_SocketNotify for custom events. One client, very simple, not to say.************************************************** like to know more about*****************************/ number of people who can refer to Pslib21.htm. People who want in-depth study, see Socket norms. A LITTLE emotion: some examples in fact very rough, but everyone copied each other, the Forum on issues related to people ask, it issued a copy to him, and no matter it can not be used. Irritated ah! One mistake, thank you say so.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.83mb Publisher :

1。bitmap: 捕捉窗口或控件的图象,保存为bmp文件。(主要调用gdi32函数) 2。ftpedit:实现ftp客户端功能。(调用wininet.dll) 3。griddemo:在dw列标题上显示指明排序方向的箭头(通过动态创建计算域实现) 根据列内容自动调整列宽度(使用GetTextExtentPoint32()) 4。history:具有自动完成和历史记忆功能的下拉框。(在注册表中保存历史) 5。icontray:在系统托盘显示图标。支持弹出菜单、热键激活。 6。imageedit:封装了Windows自带的柯达图象编辑控件和图象扫描控件。可以处理保存jpg、gif、tif和bmp文件。 7。linectr: 统计程序的代码行数。 8。mutex: 使用互斥体保证程序只运行一个。(CreateMutexA) 9。netquery:查找网上邻居、映射驱动器等等。 10。ping: 获取本机ip和名称、ip和域名互查、判断ip能否ping通。 11。runandwait:运行外部程序并等待结束。(CreateProcessA,WaitForSingleObject) 12。splitbars:可以记忆位置的分割条对象。 13。statbar:在内置的工具栏和状态条上放置各种控件。(GetClassName,SetParent) 14。webbrower(pb8):封装Web浏览器控件。 15。winsock:使用winsock进行通讯。-Some Source Code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : chenmiao

PB调用WEBSERVIces示例代码,本实例是采用PB11.5写的WEBSERVICES ,PB9来调有的说明-PB WEBSERVICES code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : WAngDF

Winsock programming for PowerBuilder 7.0
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : wen libin

随着资源共享和实时通讯的需要,很多计算机应用程序早已甩开单兵作战的模式,转入联合行动。 网络在计算机世界里,越来越发挥着举足轻重的作用。在WINDOWS应用程序中,处理实时通讯最常用到的还是MICROSOFT公司提供的WINSOCK控件。许多资料都细述了WINSOCK 在VB中的使用方法,就连WINDOWS本身提供的hlp文件也是针对VB而写的。笔者因为实际应用的需要,琢磨出了WINSOCK控件在PB中的应用方法。好东西不敢独自享用,拿出来与大家共享。 -With the resource sharing and real-time communications needs, many computer applications, bypassing the one-man operation has long been the model into joint action. Network in the computer world, are increasingly playing an important role. In the WINDOWS application, deal with the most commonly used real-time communication, or MICROSOFT provided WINSOCK control. Much of the information detailed in the WINSOCK in use in VB, even WINDOWS itself for the hlp file is written by VB. Since the actual application I need to figure out the WINSOCK control in the PB in the application method. Can not enjoy the good things alone come up with to share with you.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : Bosco

实时聊天源码,系统环境:PB9.0 软件说明:采用DLL制作基本消息发送服务(winsock32 UDP),然后以PB对象提供,使使用者无须了解复杂的WINSOCK函数。 -Real-time chat source code, the system environment: PB9.0 Software Description: The basic message DLL production service (winsock32 UDP), then PB clients, so that users do not understand the complexity of the WINSOCK functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 101kb Publisher : 王萍

使用WinSock 进行通讯 PB 源码案例-PB source code to communicate using the WinSock case
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 85kb Publisher : 卿云

PowerBuilder对TCP/IP编程,Winsock例程-PowerBuilder on the TCP/IP programming, Winsock routines
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 222kb Publisher : dxd

powerbuilder实现socket编程源码。附详细调用说明,加载后可直接调用-powerbuilder achieve socket programming source code. With detailed call instructions can be called directly after loading
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : 奔驰

EmailSMTP,使用PB开发,调用SMTP协议发送邮件-EmailSMTP This program sends E-Mail using the SMTP protocol. The SMTP object inherits from my Winsock object. It supports HTML formatted messages and attachments. Images embedded within HTML messages are also supported. Just use src="cid:attach.#" in the IMG tag where# is the attachment number it refers to. It also has optional logging to Jaguar.log so is suitable for deployment to EAServer. Please note that the Win API function CryptBinaryToString used to base64 encode non-text attachments requires Win XP, Win Server 2003 or later. Also included is a sample .reg file you can use to force FindMimeFromData to recognize an oddball file extension as plain ANSI text. Just edit the file and change all occurrences of ext to your file extension. If a text file is not recognized as text, it will be sent base64 encoded. This won t hurt anything but it will make the file 33 larger. Click here to download the PowerBuilder sample: EMAILSMTP.ZIP Win API Functions used:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 139kb Publisher : altob

DL : 0
powerbuilder dll file from pb7 to 10.5 and winsock
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.31mb Publisher : alex

powerbuilder winsok example
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 140kb Publisher : keopsg

this can be used when your pc or laptop is getting slow just run this and it will gain more power
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 258kb Publisher : sakki
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