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Description: 第一步、将数据库与文件都升级到最新的SiteWeaver6.6版本(具体升级步骤可以参考"升级及转换程序"文件夹) 第二步、导入SiteWeaver6.6所需的标签与模板(具体步骤可以参考“标签与模板导入”文件夹) 1、将“标签与模板导入”文件夹中的Temp文件夹复制到根目录,覆盖原有文件夹。 2、进入后台-系统设置-网站通用模板管理,选择导入模板,将“ajax模板”导入到文章频道模板中。 3、进入后台系统设置-自定义标签管理-导入标签,选择所有标签,然后点击导入标签按钮导入所有标签。-A first step, the database and documents are to upgrade to the latest version of SiteWeaver6.6 (specific upgrade steps can refer to upgrade and the conversion process folder) the second step, import the required tags and SiteWeaver6.6 template (concrete steps can be Reference tab and import templates folder) 1, will be label with the template import folder in the Temp folder are copied to the root directory, covering the original folder. 2, into the background- System Settings- Web site management generic template, choose Import Template to ajax template articles imported into the template channel. 3, into the background system settings- custom label management- Import tab, select all the labels, then click on Import button to import all tab labels.
Platform: | Size: 9570304 | Author: kol | Hits:

[WEB CodePowerEasy_SiteWeaver_ALL6.6_86995872

Description: 动易PowerEasy_SiteWeaver_ALL全功能版-PowerEasy PowerEasy_SiteWeaver_ALL full-featured version
Platform: | Size: 10237952 | Author: db_tiger | Hits:


Description: 自己开发的,适用于动易最新版siteweaver6.8,支持不同数据库中文章对拷。 可以将原来非动易数据库。mdb的文章批量导入动易数据, 运行方法:直接运行index.asp,记得修改index.asp中,数据库路径,希望大家成功-powereasy siteweaver all
Platform: | Size: 644096 | Author: chen | Hits:

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