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[Other resourcePowerManage

Description: PC 2410上实现电源驱动 其他头文件在BIOS中容易找到
Platform: | Size: 2565 | Author: 薛佟佟 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxPowerManage

Description: PC 2410上实现电源驱动 其他头文件在BIOS中容易找到-PC 2410 on the realization of the power drive in the BIOS other header files in easy to find
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 薛佟佟 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPowerManage

Description: Windows 下使用Delphi 开发的权限管理源代码!-The use of Windows Rights Management developed by Delphi source code!
Platform: | Size: 441344 | Author: name | Hits:


Description: 一个很好的 电源管理程序 很不错哦 能定时管理你的电池-A very good power management process, oh well you can manage the battery from time to time
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: yanzheng | Hits:


Description: 供电处综合管理系统源码 该供电处综合管理系统共有三个独立项目 HMJS目录:为内部市场化结算使用 HMRP目录:为调度报表系统+设备缺陷隐患排查系统 HM_Default目录为三个项目的统一门户,在"HM_Default\images“目录里也有门户界面Flash的源代码,其中还有一个将ico图标作为收藏图标的小技巧,值得看一看 数据库在DB_51aspx文件夹中(sql2005),附加即可. 登陆用户名和密码都是51aspx -Power source at the integrated management system, integrated management system of the power supply at a total of three separate projects HMJS catalog: the internal market settlement using HMRP directory: for the scheduling system+ report faulty equipment troubleshooting, a materials management system and another system, I Upload the " http://www.51aspx.com/CV/Leyipai11-101028.html" Invoicing System earlier HM_Default three projects unified directory portal, " HM_Default \ images" directory also has portals interface to the Flash source code, which has a collection as the ico icon icon tips, it is worth a look
Platform: | Size: 3060736 | Author: 李华 | Hits:

[OS Developpowermanage

Description: vb 权限设计模块,该代码演示常见的权限管理的一种写法,望需要的朋友能有帮助-vb the permissions design module, the wording of the code demonstrates the kind of common rights management, the hope that a friend in need help
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: qianliquan | Hits:


Description: STC12C5A60S2的工程模板 用于stc的51系列单片机C51 - Struction description 1.BSP Board s config header a).IOconfig.h define extern component s IO pin Notice: a).except MCU s OnChip source pins,like PWM,AD,UART,INT etc! b).STC12C5A60S2.h Define MCU register 2.HWlib MCU s OnChip driver lib a).Delay b).EEPROM c).InternAD d).PWM e).SysClkConf f).Systick,Use Timer0,1ms Period g).Uart1,9600Bps h).Uart2,9600Bps i).PowerManage,PowerDown and Reset Notice: a).main.c must include these driver s headers! 3.ECLib Extern component s driver lib a).AT24C0x
Platform: | Size: 160768 | Author: lee | Hits:

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