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[GUI Developv7330_XpGridFrame

Description: 主要功能: 1、xpGrid数据控件:根据数据库数据字典定义自动生成DataGrid,可不用写代码即可实现数据的增删改 2、集成的权限控制功能,权限按字段分配,可精确控制字段的读写属性 3、丰富的数据编辑方式:提供按Form方式编辑和按Grid方式编辑两种方式数据编辑界面,对字段的输入方式提供:普通文本框、复选框、密码框、多行文本、下拉列表、引用其它表等多种输入方式 4、数据重构:动态的修改数据字典,通过对数据字典的修改可动态的控制前台界面的显示及输入 5、代码维护:维护下拉列表编辑模式对应的下拉列表内容 6、权限控制:控制用户及角色的功能权限及字段权限 7、简单的应用系统框架-main functions : 1, xpGrid Data Control : According to the database data dictionary definition DataGrid automatically generated, would not have to write code data can be changed to delete the two, the competence of integrated control functions and powers according to the distribution field, the field of precision control read and write attributes 3, rich data editing : Form provided by the editors and by the way Grid two ways to edit data editing interface to the field to provide input : ordinary text box, check box, the password box, and more lines of text, drop-down list, to use other forms of input, such as Mode 4, data reconstruction : Dynamic the revised data dictionary, data dictionaries can dynamically change the future control of display and interface to import 5, code maintenance
Platform: | Size: 501162 | Author: 哲凡 | Hits:

[Other resource宛枫书社图书管理系统(VB源码) V1.0

Description: 这里是源码。 宛枫书社图书管理系统 V1.0 Beta 测试版 面向中小型书店、个体书店进行全面的人员、物流管理,旨在实现书店管理信息化。本系统采用会员制管理,将人员分为经理、仓库管理员、售书员、会员、游客等,分别拥有不同的权限,各司其职,以便提高工作效率。系统功能包括:供应商管理、进书管理、图书资料管理、售书管理、会员管理、库存统计、售书统计、退货统计、基本统计分析等。-here is the source. Wan Feng Cleveland Library Management System V1.0 beta-oriented small and medium-sized bookstores, bookstore individuals to conduct a comprehensive personnel, logistics management, aimed at achieving Bookstore management information. The system adopts a membership system management, staff will be divided into managers, administrators, Books, a member of tourists, and so have different powers, duties well, in order to improve efficiency. System features include : vendor management, management books, books and information management, management Books, Member management, inventory statistics, the book statistics, return statistics, basic statistical analysis.
Platform: | Size: 661337 | Author: 王哲 | Hits:

[Other resource学生公寓管理

Description: 这里是源码。 宛枫书社图书管理系统 V1.0 Beta 测试版 面向中小型书店、个体书店进行全面的人员、物流管理,旨在实现书店管理信息化。本系统采用会员制管理,将人员分为经理、仓库管理员、售书员、会员、游客等,分别拥有不同的权限,各司其职,以便提高工作效率。系统功能包括:供应商管理、进书管理、图书资料管理、售书管理、会员管理、库存统计、售书统计、退货统计、基本统计分析等。-here is the source. Wan Feng Cleveland Library Management System V1.0 beta-oriented small and medium-sized bookstores, bookstore individuals to conduct a comprehensive personnel, logistics management, aimed at achieving Bookstore management information. The system adopts a membership system management, staff will be divided into managers, administrators, Books, a member of tourists, and so have different powers, duties well, in order to improve efficiency. System features include : vendor management, management books, books and information management, management Books, Member management, inventory statistics, the book statistics, return statistics, basic statistical analysis.
Platform: | Size: 71672 | Author: 王哲 | Hits:

[Other resource网吧管理系统客户端源程序

Description: 这里是源码。 宛枫书社图书管理系统 V1.0 Beta 测试版 面向中小型书店、个体书店进行全面的人员、物流管理,旨在实现书店管理信息化。本系统采用会员制管理,将人员分为经理、仓库管理员、售书员、会员、游客等,分别拥有不同的权限,各司其职,以便提高工作效率。系统功能包括:供应商管理、进书管理、图书资料管理、售书管理、会员管理、库存统计、售书统计、退货统计、基本统计分析等。-here is the source. Wan Feng Cleveland Library Management System V1.0 beta-oriented small and medium-sized bookstores, bookstore individuals to conduct a comprehensive personnel, logistics management, aimed at achieving Bookstore management information. The system adopts a membership system management, staff will be divided into managers, administrators, Books, a member of tourists, and so have different powers, duties well, in order to improve efficiency. System features include : vendor management, management books, books and information management, management Books, Member management, inventory statistics, the book statistics, return statistics, basic statistical analysis.
Platform: | Size: 4392382 | Author: 王哲 | Hits:

[OS programbuddy_算法

Description: Buddy(伙伴)算法每次分配包含一个或者多个物理页面的内存块,页面以2的次幂的内存块来分配。首先搜寻满足请求大小的页面,它从满足当前申请大小的Buddy数据结构的m_ freePages域着手沿链来搜索空闲页面。如果没有这样请求大小的空闲页面,则它搜索两倍于请求大小的内存块。这个过程一直将持续到所有的Buddy 被搜索完或找到满足要求的内存块为。如果找到的页面块大于请求的块则对其进行分割以使其大小与请求块匹配。由于块大小都是2的次幂所以分割过程十分简单:空闲块(低地址)被连进相应大小的队列而这个页面块被分配给调用者。 释放时,先检查该块的伙伴的使用情况,如果没有被使用,则合并这对Buddy,再检查该两倍大小的块的Buddy,一直持续到合并后的块没有Buddy为止,并将之链到该大小的freepage队列中。-Buddy (partners) each allocation algorithm contains a number of physical pages or blocks of memory, two pages to the Powers of the block of memory to allocate. First of all search requests to meet the size of pages, from the application to meet the current size of the data structure Buddy 8 freePages domain proceed along the chain to search leisure pages. If no such request size spare pages, which then search request twice the size of a memory block. This process has to continue until all the Buddy Search End or were found to meet the requirements for the memory block. If found in the pages block greater than the requested block is divided in its size and make it the request block matching. As pieces are the two Powers So segmentation process is very simple : free block (low-address) was e
Platform: | Size: 4311 | Author: npu | Hits:


Description: NET源码 升级内容: 可设置分类订阅rss,把rss内容作为一个分类显示, 从而可以在网站显示任意提供rss的网站的最新内容 可设置网站限指定IP段可访问 新闻维护功能:按标题搜索和指定相关关键字生成相关新闻;批量设置新闻可否评论;批量生成新闻简介 签收增加签收时间 公告字数限制加到5000 新闻管理员权限增加采集 新闻管理界面可以只显示自己添加新闻 评论字数最多5000,可在系统设置中调整大小 Headline增加一个参数,可设置第一个头条新闻是否显示简介 WbTextBox控件增加参数PasteTextOnly=\"true|false\",设置是否只能在控件中粘贴纯文本-upgrade : the provision of subscription may rss, rss content as a classification, thus the Web site for rss arbitrary site of the latest content can be set to limit the designated site visit of the IP news maintenance functions : search by title and designate keywords related news Generation; volume installed comment on the news; Mass production press briefings signed and received increased notice signed for the time limit on length added 5,000 news managers new powers to increase Acquisition Wen management interface can only add their own news shows to comment on a maximum number of words in 5000, the system can be set up to adjust the size of an increase in Headline parameters, may set a headline news briefing whether the increase WbTextBox control parameters PasteText Only = "true
Platform: | Size: 1395957 | Author: 贾尖 | Hits:

[Other resource43127

Description: In this game, you must assist a monkey in collecting food as it falls from the Tree of Life to feed the starving populace of Hungry Monkey Island. To help you, there are several powerful Runes which can unleash special powers that aid you in collecting the food. The game has 16 levels. -In this game, you must assist a monkey in collecting food as it falls from the Tree of Life to feed the starving populace of Hungry Monkey Island. To help you, there are several powerful Runescape which can unleash special powers that aid you in collecting the food. The game has 16 levels.
Platform: | Size: 58060 | Author: fd | Hits:

[Other resourceMININNET

Description: Neural network中MININNET 设计用MATLAB 关于生成内容,坚固网络,净化神经网,类的比较,培训权限等的所有程序-Neural network design which MININNET on MATLAB generated content, a robust network, purification neural network, the type of comparison, the powers of the training all the procedures
Platform: | Size: 6262 | Author: 李成 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLnthouse

Description: 文件名称:一个房屋中介管理系统 这是我去年下半年闲得没事写的一个中介管理系统,支持多用户有不同的权限 采用MDI界面 由于没有打包,所以要配置ODBC 别名:nthouse 初始化密码均为空-file names : a housing management system intermediary This is the second half of last year, I got nothing to write an intermediary management system, support multiple users have different powers MDI interface using the absence of a package, to configure ODBC alias : nthouse initialization code are empty
Platform: | Size: 997701 | Author: gxf | Hits:

[Software EngineeringJoyOAhelp

Description: JoyOA在业内首次提出“快乐办公”的概念,并具备业内领先的四大技术: 1、大文件上传技术 一般情况下通过Web方式上传文件,因技术的限制,只能上传下于4M甚至2M的文件,美特易通过自主研发的大文件上传组件,彻底打破这一局限,能够上传高大1000M的文件。 2、多角色管理技术 一个用户可同时具备多个权限,通过角色切换可以轻松完成不同部门的工作或管理任务。 3、指纹认证技术 为安全性有严格要求的企业或单位提供指纹识别登录系统,让你的系统像银行保险箱一样安全。 4、Web情报分析技术 监控竞争对手的产品、收集您感兴趣的财经信息、分析各大网络媒体上的热点消息,我们为您提供了强大的情报分析系统。 JoyOA 历经锤炼,吸取同类产品之精华,快乐办公,从JoyOA开始…… -JoyOA the first in the industry "Happy office" concept, and with the four industry-leading technology : one, file uploads technology under normal circumstances through Web upload documents, due to technical limitations, only under upload 2M to 4M or even the document meete through our own research and development of large file uploads components, a complete breakdown of this limitation, tall 1000M able to upload the document. Two more of a technical management role users may also have a number of powers, through role-switching can ease the efforts of various departments, or administrative tasks. 3, fingerprint authentication technology for the strict safety requirements of the business or agency to provide fingerprint identification system log, let your system as safe as bank saf
Platform: | Size: 2891081 | Author: 熊森林 | Hits:

[WEB Codet06n0100_big5

Description: 开发环境:Windows XP+IIS5.1+ASP+Access2003 当前版本:T06N0100 登陆帐号: 非凡国度 登陆密码: 123456 下载地址: 繁体版:http://www.oneidc.cn/down/t06n0100_big5.rar 简体版:http://www.oneidc.cn/down/t06n0100.rar 1、江湖武器系统的优化;增加拳头、弓箭装备; 2、增加查看对方武器装备; 3、增加转生、进化功能; 4、增加宠物进化,进化后杀伤力加倍; 5、增加“武林秘籍”功能,提高攻击、防御、武功上限; 6、增加神龙攻击、龙粮商店功能; 7、增加聊天室魔法,更具娱乐性; 8、增加元气攻击; 9、增加组队; 10、增加怪兽功能、会员城堡; 11、增加亲亲卡、抱抱卡、猪崽卡、种子卡等; 12、增加护身神售; 13、增加新钓鱼系统; 14、全新的奖励系统,一键搞定; 15、怪物区(后台可以管理和修改参数); 16、各个栏目增加详细准确的帮助说明; 17、增加会员钻石系统系统 18、PK方式更换,增加对比属性; 默认管理员:非凡国度 管理密码:123456-development environment : Windows XP IIS5.1 ASP Access 2003 Current Version : T06N0100 landing Account : extraordinary country landing Password : 123456 download address : Traditional version : http : / / www.oneidc.cn/down/t06n0100_big5.rar English version : http : / / www.oneidc.cn/down/t06n0100.rar 1, quack weapons systems optimization; increased fists, arrows and equipment; 2, increasing to see each other weaponry; 3, increasing reincarnation, Evolutionary function; 4, increase pet evolution, evolution of mass destruction after doubling; 5, add "Wulin SECRET" functions, improving the attack and defense, powers ceiling; 6, the Shenlong increased attacks, Lung Function grain stores; 7, increased chat rooms magic, more entertainment; 8. increased vitality attacks; 9, increase te
Platform: | Size: 43287588 | Author: 梦凡 | Hits:


Description: 实现了用SPIHT和EZW结合算术编码对图象进行压缩,为方便起见,处理的图象的长和宽相等,并且为2的整数次幂-achieved with SPIHT and arithmetic coding EZW combination of image compression, for the sake of convenience. the image of the same length and width, and for the two integer Powers
Platform: | Size: 275027 | Author: 闫伟 | Hits:

[Other resourceDJ70book

Description: 用JAVA编写的网络留言簿。前台功能 一、用户注册/注册资料修改。 二、签写留言,留言可支持HTML和BB码。 三、自定义头像。 四、可以选择悄悄话只留言给版主或管理员。 五、可上传图片。 后台功能 一、一次性清空所有留言 二、压缩数据库 三、管理用户是否有上传权限 四、自定义留言簿皮肤 五、程序主要参数设置 六、用户管理 七、用户组管理 八、自定义编写帮助系统 九、后台管理前台的图片和链接和Flash等。 十、是否开启上传功能。 十一、自定义留言簿每页显示几条-with Java book prepared by the network. Prospects of a functional, user registration / registration information changes. Two sign messages, voice mail support and BB HTML code. 3, since the definition of the head. 4, we can choose only whispered messages to the moderator or administrator. 5, upload pictures. A background function, the one-time voice of all emptied two, three compressed database management users have uploaded four powers, since the definition of book five skin, procedures set up six major parameters, user management seven, eight user group management, since the definition of prepared Help System 9, the future management background pictures and other links and Flash. 10, opened upload function. 11, since the definition of each page book shows several
Platform: | Size: 223097 | Author: 海海 | Hits:

[OS programTokenmonSource

Description: TokenmonSource 是查看用户权限操作的监控程序,可以监控用户程序提升权限,修改权限等-TokenmonSource View user competence is operating procedures of control, Users can monitor procedures to enhance authority, the powers to amend
Platform: | Size: 118746 | Author: luckyedu | Hits:

[Crack Hackmoni-momi

Description: 2的16次幂正整数d与n,编写计算d-1 (mod n) 的程序; 2、对于三个不超过2的16次幂正整数a、e与n,编写计算ae (mod n) 的程序。 在上述程序基础上写出下列程序: (1) 对给定的10000以内数判定其是否为素数; (2) 进行ElGamal体制的加密与签名。 -two of 16 power-positive integer d and n, calculate the preparation of d-1 (mod n); 2. For not more than 2 3 16 Powers positive integers a, e and n, calculate the preparation ae (mod n) procedures. In the above procedure to write on the basis of the following procedures : (a) the right to 10,000 within a few judging whether a prime number; (2) ElGamal encryption and signature.
Platform: | Size: 2423 | Author: houny | Hits:

[Other resourcelaserlengths

Description: this progam calculates the optimum laser powers at different rod lengths-this progam calculates the optimum laser p owers at different rod lengths
Platform: | Size: 2545 | Author: 孔凡荣 | Hits:

[Other resourceUndocumented_Windows_NT_chs

Description: 看过此书,即成高手!吾对此书之仰慕,由来已久,然苦于国内未见引进,网上亦难觅踪迹。见网络上各方高手所著文章皆引用此书,深知此书之于 Windows NT 不亚于葵花宝典之于武功,对有此书之各路高手亦艳羡不已。-read the book and offering master! I adore this book's long history, but no country wants to introduce online also difficult to trace. See network articles written by experts from all fields were used this book, aware of this book's in no way inferior to Windows NT sunflower in the book's powers. to have come from different parts of the book's experts also would envy.
Platform: | Size: 383741 | Author: liudaocan | Hits:


Description: EasyJF开源Blog系统是一个由EasyJF开源团队组织开发的基于Java平台的开源博客系统。当前Blog已经实现了基本的基本的博客的书写、流量统计、排名、个人像册、RSS、支持自定义模板、静态html文件生成、权限系统、积分系统等功能。另外还将加入博客圈、音乐、专题等功能及更强大的权限系统支持。系统使用基于OO的方法设计,采用多层B/S构架,数据库持久层使用EasyDBO,Web层使用EasyJWeb框架,java代码与页面完全分离,易扩展。-EasyJF revenue system is a blog EasyJF revenue from the development team based organizations J ava platform revenue blog system. Current blog has achieved a basic fundamental blog writing, flow statistics, rankings, personal Photograph Volume, RSS, support from the template definition, static html document generation, power systems, system integration and other functions. There will also be joined blog circle, music, symposiums, and other functions and powers more powerful system. Systems based on the use of OO design, multiple B / S architecture, Persistent use of the database layer EasyDBO, Web-use EasyJWeb framework, java code pages with the complete separation, easy to expand.
Platform: | Size: 6285752 | Author: wayne wang | Hits:

[Other resource1047IntegerInquiry

Description: HDOJ 1047 One of the first users of BIT s new supercomputer was Chip Diller. He extended his exploration of powers of 3 to go from 0 to 333 and he explored taking various sums of those numbers. ``This supercomputer is great, remarked Chip. ``I only wish Timothy were here to see these results. (Chip moved to a new apartment, once one became available on the third floor of the Lemon Sky apartments on Third Street.) -HDOJ 1047 One of the first users of BIT's new s upercomputer was Chip Diller. He extended his e xploration of powers of three to go from 0 to 333 and he explored taking various sums of those numbers. `` This supercomputer is great, Chip remarked. `` I only wish Timothy were not here o see these results. (Chip moved to a new apartme nt. once one became available on the third floor of t he Lemon Sky apartments on Third Street.)
Platform: | Size: 852 | Author: sxb | Hits:


Description: Not all powers of ten are cached. The decimal exponent of two neighboring cached numbers will differ by kDecimalExponentDistance. -Not all powers of ten are cached. The decimal exponent of two neighboring cached numbers will differ by kDecimalExponentDistance.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: xaiceyun | Hits:
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