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Matlab教学文档。讲解Matlab在数学分支中的应用,matlab函数和命令。并包含matlab应用示例和技巧。-Matlab teaching documents. On Matlab mathematical branch in the application of Matlab functions and orders. Matlab and include examples and application skills.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 16.9mb Publisher : 张瑜

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GM(1,1)模型1-4 1:GM(1,1)模拟模型,在matlab中的输入方法为gm1(x),x指要模拟的序列。 2:GM(1,1)预测模型,在matlab中的输入方法为gm2(x,K),x指要模拟的序列,K指从以后序列第一个数据算起的第k个待预测数据。 3:GM(1,1)群模拟模型,在matlab中的输入方法为gm3(x),x指要模拟的序列。 4:GM(1,1)群预测模型,在matlab中的输入方法为gm4(x,K),x指要模拟的序列,K指从以后序列第一个数据算起的第k个待预测数据。 gm4对序列趋势比较好的数据预测效果较好,对上下变动的数据,特别是后4个数据趋势跟前面的数据相反的,预测效果很差。 gm2对上下变动的数据,预测效果比gm4好,但对趋势较好的数据,预测精度没有gm4高。 gm3比gm1模拟精度要高。 可以以x=[1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15]进行实验。x输入默认行向量。 所有程序在matlab6.0上调试通过。-GM (1,1) 1-4 1 : GM (1,1) simulation model Matlab in the input method for gm1 (x), x entail simulation sequence. 2 : GM (1,1) model, in the Matlab input method for gm2 (x, K), x entail simulated sequence, from the K refers to the first series after a run of data k pending forecast data. 3 : GM (1,1)- simulation model, in the Matlab input method for gm3 (x), x entail simulation sequence. 4 : GM (1,1)- forecasting model, in the Matlab input method for gm4 (x, K), x entail simulated sequence, from the K refers to the first series after a run of data k pending forecast data. Gm4 right sequence relatively good trend data predicted better results, the next change in the data, especially after four data with the previous trend data contrary, predict poor. Gm2 next to the change in forecast resu
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4kb Publisher : wangyi

logistic、malthus人模型都可以用于预测呈指数增长的数据模型,预测未来的人口的等数据,是由人口学家提出的,可用于预测未知的数目,以及检测一些模型所得结果的正确性。-logistic, malthus human model can be used to predict an exponential growth in data model, to predict the future, such as population data, is proposed by the demographer can be used to predict the number of unknown, as well as a number of model testing the correctness of the results.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 雷浩

2.多元GARCH模型预测的Matlab程序-2. Multi-GARCH model prediction of Matlab procedures
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5kb Publisher : blue8202

递归神经网络程序,用于递归神经网络的训练,并可以进行泛化。-Recurrent neural network procedure for recurrent neural network training and generalization can be carried out.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 杨丽

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这是一个利用GM(1,1)进行预测的matlab程序,是我在数模竞赛的时候写的,希望有用-This is a use of GM (1,1) to predict the matlab procedure is that I die in a few competitions when written in the hope that useful
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : xuyanbo

财政收入预测模型源码:财政收入与国民收入、工业总产值、农业总产值、总人口、就业人口、固定资产投资等因素有关。根据列表的多年原始数据,构造预测模型进行预测。-Revenue forecasting model source: Financial income and national income, industrial output, agricultural output, the total population, working population, investment in fixed assets and other factors. According to the list of multi-year raw data, prediction models constructed to predict.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 8kb Publisher : 列子

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模拟人的思维特点,提出一种新型智能控制器:仿人逻辑预测控制器. 该控制器融合了基于泛布尔代数的逻辑控制器和基于模型的预测控制器的特点, 是一种多值逻辑混合动态系统. Matlab仿真表明, 该控制器在模型匹配时性能良好, 在模型失配时依然能满意运行, 表现出鲁棒性强, 超调量小的特点. 与其它类型人工智能控制器相比, 该控制器结构简单, 物理背景明确, 数学概念清晰, 便于在工业控制领域推广应用.-Simulation of the characteristics of people' s thinking, a new intelligent controller: humanoid logic controller prediction. The controller is based on the integration of pan-Boolean algebra of logic controllers and model-based predictive controller features, is a multi-valued logic hybrid dynamic systems. Matlab simulation show that the controller performance in the model match well when the model mismatch can be satisfied with the operation still showed robust, ultra-tune the characteristics of a small amount. with other types of artificial intelligence controller ratio, the controller structure is simple and clear physical background, the concept of math clear, easy in the field of industrial control application.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 261kb Publisher : 文豪

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预测控制是一种基于模型的先进控制技术,其基本原理是通过采用预测模型来预测系统的未来输出,且实现滚动优化控制,同时不断根据系统的实际输出修正预测的准确性。-Predictive control is a model-based advanced control technology, its basic principle is that through the use of prediction models to predict the system s future output, and achieve optimal control of rolling, while the actual output of the system to amend the accuracy of the forecasts.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 时代

用Kalman滤波方法对单个目标航迹进行预测,并借助于Matlab仿真工具,对实验的效果进行评估。-Kalman filtering method used to predict a single target track, and through the use of Matlab simulation tool to assess the effect of the experiment.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : mayan

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基于MATLAB的组合模型 在港口吞吐量预测中的应用 以某港1998--2007年集装箱吞吐量为实测数据,建立其集装箱吞吐量的灰色理论、三次指数平滑、三次多项式 等预测模型,在MATLAB下,对比该港集装箱吞吐量各模型预测拟合值与实际值的差异。分析了差异产生的原因及其单一预 测模型的局限性,提出了港口集装箱吞吐量组合预测法。其预测误差明显低于其它单模型。运用组合预测模型.可以降低误 差。提高预测精度。-A combination of MATLAB-based model in port throughput prediction of a Hong Kong 1998- 2007 container throughput for the measured data, the establishment of its container throughput of the gray theory, the three exponential smoothing, prediction models, such as cubic polynomial in MATLAB, the contrast of the Hong Kong container throughput of fitting the models to predict the value of the difference between the actual value. Analysis of the causes of differences and the limitations of a single prediction model, the combination of port container throughput prediction. Its prediction error was significantly lower than other single model. The use of combination forecasting model. Can reduce the error. Improve the prediction accuracy.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 145kb Publisher : 张学利

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用卡尔曼滤波方法对圆周运动进行预测的算法实现-Kalman filtering method using circular motion algorithm to predict
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 115kb Publisher : donggangsia

这个程序主要是用径向基神经网络对一组数据进行预测,经过测试,运行良好-This procedure is mainly used radial basis function neural network to predict a set of data, tested, well-functioning
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : heyuzhang

为了选择神经网络的最好结构以及增强模型的推广能力,提出一种自适应支持向量回归神经网络(SVR—NN)。SVR—NN 用支持向量回归(SVR)方法获得网络的初始结构和权值, 白适应地生 成网络隐层结点,然后用基于退火过程的鲁棒学习算法更新网络结点疹教和权 主。 SVR—NN有很 好的收敛性和鲁棒性,能抑制由于数据异常和参数选择不当所导致的“过拟合,’现象。将SVR—NN 应用到时间序列预测上。结果表明,SVR.NN预测模型能精确地预测混沌时间序列,具有很好的 理论和应用价值。-Abstract:To select the‘best’structure of the neural networks and enhance the generalization ability of models.a support vector regression neural networks fSVR-NN)was proposed.Firstly,support vector regression approach was applied to determine initial structure and initial weights of SVR.NN SO that the number of hidden layer nodes can be constructed adaptively based on support vectors.Furthermore,an annealing robust learning algorithm was further presented to fine tune the hidden node parameters and weights of SVR一ⅣM The adaptive SVR.NN has faSt convergence speed and robust capability.and it can also suppress the ‘orerfitting’phenomena when the train data ncludes outliers.The adaptive SVR.NN was then applied to time series prediction.Experimental results show that the adaptive SVR.ⅣⅣ can accurately predict chaotic time series,and it iS valuable in both theory and application aspects.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 309kb Publisher : 11

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在MATLAB里,用BP神经网络和GM(1,1)灰色模型实现预测功能-In MATLAB, using BP neural network and GM (1,1) Grey forecasting model to achieve functional
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 姜佳欣

灰色模型在matlab中的一个程序代码,可用于预测-Gray model in matlab code can be used to predict
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : ZhangYan

针对游轮公司预售票定价和开船后升舱方案,建立BP神经网络预测及灰色关联度模型,预测出每次航行各周预订舱位的人数.分析每航次每周预定的平均价格和每航次每周意愿预定人数的关联度,对每周的意愿人数进行合理地赋权,预测出每周预订的平均价格.建立需求定价模型,对售票价格合理定价.游轮起航后,在头等、二等舱位未满的情况下,建立游客升舱模型,使公司获得最大的预期销售收益.(To upgrade scheme cruise company advance ticket pricing and sail, establishment of BP neural network prediction and grey correlation degree model to predict each voyage number each week booking. Analysis of average price per voyage scheduled weekly and weekly will each voyage to a predetermined number of correlation, the number of weekly will reasonably predict empowerment. The average price per week reservation. Establish the demand pricing model, reasonable price of ticket pricing. Cruise after set sail in the first class, two class under the circumstances, the establishment of tourist upgrade model, enables the company to obtain the expected sales income maximum.)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 41kb Publisher : mabiubiu

这个是基于MATLAB的股票指数预测算法仿真,里边含有实例和coding(This is a MATLAB based simulation of the stock index prediction algorithm, which contains an instance and a coding)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : 迎迎6378

干预模型预测法及matlab实现教学配套课件,里边含有模型的讲解和案例(Intervention model prediction method and MATLAB teaching courseware, including the explanation and case of model)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.79mb Publisher : 迎迎6378

使用matlab实现贝叶斯向量自回归模型,可用于经济学中的预测(It can realize Bayesian vector autoregressive model, and it can be used to predict in economics.)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 154kb Publisher : cmiumiu
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