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基于matlab的简易OCR程序,包括预处理,特征提取-based on the simple Matlab OCR procedures, including preprocessing, feature extraction
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 129kb Publisher : 官燕燕

用PCA进行手写数字识别,主要是用Matlab实现了原始图像的预处理,进而分别采用传统的PCA方法、改进的PCA算法和2维PCA算法进行了数字识别。-PCA carried out using handwritten numeral recognition, is mainly used Matlab realize the original image preprocessing, and then using the traditional PCA methods, improved PCA algorithm and 2-D PCA algorithm of digital identification.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : xulei

MATLAB赋值 MATLAB中的for循环 和if条件 MATLAB图像处理的基本操作-MATLAB in MATLAB assignment for circulation and if the conditions of MATLAB image processing basic operation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 焦竹青

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摘要:为了提高图像复原算法的性能 ,提出了一种改进的奇异值分解法估计图像的点扩散函数。从图像的退化离散模型 出发 ,对图像进行逐层分块奇异值分解 ,并自动选取奇异值重组阶数以减少噪声对估计的影响。利用理想图像奇异值向 量平均能谱指数模型 ,估计点扩散函数奇异值向量的频谱 ,再反傅里叶变换得到其时域结果。实验结果表明 ,该方法能 在不同信噪比情况下估计成像系统的点扩散函数 ,估计结果比原有估计方法有所提高 ,有望为图像复原算法的预处理提 供一种有效的手段。-Abstract : To improve the performance of image restoration algorithms , a modified Singular Value De2 [ ] [ ] composition SVD method was proposed to estimate the Point Spread Function PSF of an imaging system. Using the discrete image degradation model , a block2based SVD filter scheme was applied for the image denoising with an automatically determined singular value rank. After the spectra of PSF singular vectors were estimated under an exponential model for the averaged spectra of un2degraded image singular vectors , the IFFT was used to get the time2domain estimation of the PSF. The experi2 mental results show that this proposed method can be applied to estimate the PSF of the imaging sys2 tem under a wide SNR range and its performance is better than the original method. It may be used as an effective method for the image preprocessing in image restoration problems. [ ] Key words: image restoration Point Spread Function PSF block2based Singular Value Decomposi2
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 465kb Publisher : zy

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In the fields of computer vision and image analysis, the Harris-affine region detector belongs to the category of feature detection. Feature detection is a preprocessing step of several algorithms that rely on identifying characteristic points or interest points so to make correspondences between images, recognize textures, categorize objects or build panoramas.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : aisso831

基于PCNN的特征提取,PCNN用于特征提取时,具体平移、旋转、尺度、扭曲等不变性,这正是许多年来基于内容的图像检索系统追求的目标,同时PCNN用于特征提取时,有很好的抗噪性。而且PCNN直接来自于哺乳动物视觉皮层神经的研究,具有提取图像形状,纹理,边缘的属性。用PCNN能很好地对图像进行签名,将二维的图像的特征提取成一维矢量签名。-Feature extraction of specified object is an important preprocessing stage in machine vision systems. In this paper, we present a novel hybrid feature extraction method using PCNN (Pulse Coupled Neural Network) and shape information. First, we use PCNN firing map train to formulate object’s time signature, then we use roundness of each firing map to formulate object’s shape information vector, the final feature matrix we got is combined time signature and roundness. We take correlations as our judge criteria in our experiments. It has been proved that the algorithm is not sensitivity with the rotation, scaling and translation of the object and is a useful method for target recognition applications.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : wangxiaofei

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边缘检测,源代码,基于matlab的。是canny算子。也可以改动一下模板,即可变成其他算法的了。-Edge detection, source code, based on matlab' s. Is a canny operator. Can also change what the template, you can become the other algorithms.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : xy

we introduce the Color-based Catchment Basin Merging Algorithm, an area-based segmentation approach that is specifically designed to segment low-altitude aerial images, as a preprocessing step to 3D reconstruction. This approach extends the watershed-based Catchment Basin Merging Algorithm, which is purely geometric, by introducing color similarity as an additional criterion to decide on the merging of evolving regions. Experiments performed with real aerial images of varied nature demonstrate that this modification eliminates over-segmentation problems of the existing algorithm, allowing large-scale urban scenes to be segmented in an accurate, reliable and fully automatic way.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 759kb Publisher : bassem

这是一个关于齿轮的齿顶圆和齿根圆半径的计算程序,先将图片预处理和二值化,然后进行边缘检测求出圆心,最后用平均法求出半径。-This is an addendum on the gear tooth root radius circle and the calculation procedure, the first image preprocessing and binarization, edge detection and then find the center of a circle, with the final calculated average radius.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 538kb Publisher : 小小

程序中包含了各种图像预处理的算法,去噪,边缘检测,分割等等,对于图像处理的初学者和科研人员都要很大的实用性-Program includes a variety of image preprocessing algorithms, noise reduction, edge detection, segmentation, etc., for the image processing for beginners and researchers have great practical
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 344kb Publisher : sjx

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code for preprocessing in matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : Abirami

关联度计算的预处理,一般初值化或者均值化,本程序中使用的是比较序列与参考序列组成的矩阵除以参考序列的列均值等到的(The preprocessing of the degree of association calculation, generally initialization or averaging, in this procedure is to compare the sequence and the reference sequence of the matrix, divided by the reference sequence of the column mean wait until)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 310kb Publisher : 北方森林2

PIVlab - 时间分辨粒子图像测速(PIV)工具: 一种基于GUI的工具,用于预处理,分析,验证,后处理,可视化和模拟PIV数据。 使用MATLAB网络研讨会进行人脸识别代码: 使用MATLAB在线讲座的人脸识别中的主要演示文件。 Gabor特征提取: 该程序生成一个自定义Gabor滤波器组; 并使用它们提取图像特征。 主成分分析: 用于特征提取; 链码: 基于MATLAB的freeman的曲面轮廓描述(PIVlab - time resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) tool: A GUI based tool for preprocessing, analysis, validation, post processing, visualization, and Simulation of PIV data. Using MATLAB webinar for face recognition code: The main demo file is used in MATLAB online lectures for face recognition. Gabor feature extraction: The program generates a custom Gabor filter bank and uses them to extract image features. Principal component analysis: For feature extraction; Chain code: Surface contour description of Freeman based on MATLAB)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.78mb Publisher : long1219

prony工具箱用于对信号进行prony分析,(We have designed a software tool in MATLAB, the Prony Toolbox, to perform Prony analysis. Prony Toolbox (PTbox) is designed based on several considerations including data preprocessing, model order selection, model order selection criteria, signal subspace selection, signal and noise separation, root inspection and assessing residuals. The PTbox provides flexibility to compare and display analysis results simultaneously for several parameter variations.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 685kb Publisher : 文文137

本文主要对指纹图像进行三方面处理:图像预处理、特征提取和特征匹配。图像预处理包括四个步骤:图像分割、滤波增强、二值化、细化,对指纹图像进行预处理后,去除了原图像的冗余部分,方便后续的识别处理;特征提取主要是提取指纹图像细化后的端点和分叉点;特征匹配是利用两个指纹的图像进行特征点比较,来确定两幅图像是否来自于同一手指。 该课题为基于MATLAB的指纹识别系统,带有丰富的人机交互GUI界面。目前毕业设计选题中,传统指纹识别不易得到高分,基本都是对指纹进行处理,而没有比对两者指纹是不是同一个人,轻易被导师被否决。因此建议做成两个指纹进行比对,输出结果,以文字和声音方式播报结果。整个设计在一个GUI界面上完成。(This paper mainly deals with fingerprint image in three aspects: image preprocessing, feature extraction and feature matching. Image preprocessing includes four steps: image segmentation, filter enhancement, binarization and thinning. After preprocessing fingerprint image, the redundant part of the original image is removed to facilitate the subsequent recognition processing; feature extraction is mainly to extract the endpoint and bifurcation points after thinning fingerprint image; feature matching is to determine two images by comparing the feature points of two fingerprint images Whether it comes from the same finger.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.65mb Publisher : 王春水

本课题为基于MATLAB的不变矩答题卡识别。可识别学号,学科,答案,并进行分数统计,以及判断是否及格。后台可设置标准excel答案。经过灰度变换形成灰度图像、二值化处理、图像滤波、边缘检测、hough变换等预处理。带GUI交互式界面。(This topic is based on MATLAB moment invariant answer card recognition. Can identify student number, subject, answer, and carry out score statistics, as well as judge whether pass. Standard excel answers can be set in the background. After gray-scale transformation, gray-scale image, binary processing, image filtering, edge detection, Hough transform and other preprocessing are formed. With GUI interactive interface.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.3mb Publisher :

本课题为基于MATLAB的BP神经网络手写数字识别系统。带有GUI人机交互式界面。读入测试图片,通过截取某个数字,进行预处理,经过bp网络训练,得出识别的结果。可经过二次改造成识别中文汉字,英文字符等课题。(This project is based on Matlab bp neural network Handwritten digit recognition system. With GUI human-computer interactive interface. Read in the test picture, through the interception of a number, preprocessing, after BP network training, get the recognition results. It can be transformed to recognize Chinese characters and English characters.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 530kb Publisher :

本设计为基于MATLAB的指纹识别系统。本设计系统主要对指纹图像进行三方面处理:图像预处理、特征提取和特征匹配。图像预处理包括四个步骤:图像灰度化、滤波增强、二值化、细化,对指纹图像进行预处理后,去除了原图像的冗余部分,方便后续的识别处理;特征提取主要是提取指纹图像细化后的端点和分叉点;特征匹配是利用两个指纹的图像进行特征点比较,来确定两幅图像是否来自于同一手指。(This design is a fingerprint identification system based on MATLAB. This system mainly deals with fingerprint image in three aspects: image preprocessing, feature extraction and feature matching. Image preprocessing includes four steps: image grayscale, filter enhancement, binarization and thinning. After preprocessing the fingerprint image, the redundant part of the original image is removed for the convenience of subsequent recognition processing. Feature extraction is mainly to extract the endpoint and bifurcation points after thinning the fingerprint image. Feature matching is to determine the two images by comparing the feature points of the two fingerprint images Whether the image comes from the same finger.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.61mb Publisher :

MATLAB答题卡识别(GUI,论文) 本课题为基于MATLAB的不变矩答题卡识别。可识别学号,学科,答案,并进行分数统计,以及判断是否及格。后台可设置标准excel答案。经过灰度变换形成灰度图像、二值化处理、图像滤波、边缘检测、hough变换等预处理。带GUI交互式界面。(Matlab answer card recognition (GUI, paper) This topic is based on MATLAB moment invariant answer card recognition. Can identify student number, subject, answer, and carry out score statistics, as well as judge whether pass. Standard excel answers can be set in the background. After gray-scale transformation, gray-scale image, binary processing, image filtering, edge detection, Hough transform and other preprocessing are formed. With GUI interactive interface.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.83mb Publisher : for Matlab

本设计为基于MATLAB的指纹识别系统。带GUI可视化平台。本设计系统主要对指纹图像进行三方面处理:图像预处理、特征提取和特征匹配。图像预处理包括四个步骤:图像灰度化、滤波增强、二值化、细化,对指纹图像进行预处理后,去除了原图像的冗余部分,方便后续的识别处理;特征提取主要是提取指纹图像细化后的端点和分叉点;特征匹配是利用两个指纹的图像进行特征点比较,来确定两幅图像是否来自于同一手指。(This design is based on Matlab fingerprint identification system. With GUI visualization platform. This design system mainly processes fingerprint image in three aspects: image preprocessing, feature extraction and feature matching. Image preprocessing includes four steps: image graying, filtering enhancement, binarization and thinning. After preprocessing the fingerprint image, the redundant part of the original image is removed to facilitate the subsequent identification processing; feature extraction is mainly to extract the refined endpoint and bifurcation point of fingerprint image; feature matching is to determine two images by comparing the feature points of two fingerprint images If it comes from the same finger.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.31mb Publisher : MATLAB道长
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