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Description: Java寫的GA囚犯困境模擬系統, 一個管理應用的實踐.-GA written in Java prisoners dilemma models, a practice management application.
Platform: | Size: 1410048 | Author: todd.yeh | Hits:


Description: evolutionary algorithm for iterative prisoners dilemma
Platform: | Size: 625664 | Author: Muhidul islam | Hits:


Description: Simulation for iterated prisoners dilemma
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: Muhidul islam | Hits:


Description: 迭代的囚徒博弈在各个领域都有研究,此代码包含了两个或更多player的竞争,在R2009a下运行。-The iterated prisoner s dilemma (IPD) game has long been studied in game theory, economics, programming, decision theory and other fields. It is a 2-player scenario where each player must decide to either cooperate or defect in a sequence of games, and their respective choices determine the relative success or failure of each player. Will you cooperate with your opponent or look to steal all the points for yourself? This code runs a tournament among two or more players. Each player may submit as many "personalities" as they wish. Each personality submitted by each player plays the IPD game against all personalities submitted by all other players. Results are then plotted and outputted.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 郎毛毛 | Hits:


Description: Prisoner dilemma code in matlab game theory
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: millad | Hits:

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