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[Windows Developprocesshacker

Description: processhacker 是一个任务管理器
Platform: | Size: 8382780 | Author: james34601 | Hits:

[Windows Developprocesshacker-svn593-src

Description: 过程哈克是一个具有独特的功能的自由和开放源码的进程查看器和内存编辑器,如同一个正则表达式内存搜索和一个强大的运行作为工具。它可以查看服务,进程和线程,模块,句柄和内存区域。-rocess Hacker is a free and open source process viewer and memory editor with unique features such as a Regex memory searcher and a powerful run-as tool. It can show services, processes and their threads, modules, handles and memory regions.
Platform: | Size: 979968 | Author: wgn | Hits:

[OS programprocesshacker-

Description: Process Hacker is a free and open source process viewer and memory editor with unique features such as a Regex memory searcher and a powerful run-as tool. It can show services, processes and their threads, modules, handles and memory regions.
Platform: | Size: 1487872 | Author: YH7TZwEeT7Eb | Hits:

[Windows Developprocesshacker-1.11-src

Description: ProcessHacker,进程查看工具-ProcessHacker, process viewer
Platform: | Size: 2846720 | Author: zxlzr | Hits:

[Windows Developprocesshacker-1.7-r2298-src

Description: processhacker进程管理C#源码,可以学习如何进行Windows进程的控制和管理,值得参考-processhacker process management C# source code, you can learn how to control and management of Windows processes, worth considering
Platform: | Size: 2700288 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programprocesshacker-2.1-src

Description: 这个工具完全是模仿< 深入理解windows系统 4th Edith>>的作者Mark写的Process explore(进程浏览器)写的,论坛里有1.3.6版本的,1.x版本是用CSHARP实现的,我研究过,从中学里很多东西。最近发现,作者发布了一个2.1版本的代码,是用C写的,太酷了,这对于想深入了解windows系统机制的人是一个必须看的源码,而且该源码涉及windows进程的各个方面,很多功能可以直接拿来使用。研究这个代码,一定要看看<<深入理解windows系统 4th Edith>>。-Why should I use Process Hacker? Why not Process Explorer or some other program? Process Hacker offers some pretty unique features, like an awesome run-as tool and the ability to find and terminate hidden processes. The intended users are developers and people interested in Windows internals. This tool is NOT intended for general system optimization- if you want to do that, Process Explorer is for you. "Process Hacker"? Is this a dangerous "hacking" tool? Please read about the correct definition of "hacker". Why is there annoying bug X in Process Hacker? Why is Process Hacker missing feature Y? Please report any bugs or suggestions to our tracker. Feel free to upload patches. Is Process Hacker a portable application? Yes. If you want settings to be saved on your USB drive, start Process Hacker like this: ProcessHacker.exe-settings settingsfile Symbols don t work properly! Firstly, you need the latest dbghelp.dll version. Install Debugging Tools for Windows, open Proce
Platform: | Size: 2051072 | Author: lijun | Hits:


Description: 进程查看工具,用于查看和操作流程。 其最基本的功能包括: *查看,终止,暂停和恢复进程 *重新启动进程,创建转储文件,分离从 任何调试,查看堆,注入的DLL等。 *查看详细过程的信息,统计,和 性能信息 *查看,终止,挂起和恢复线程 *查看详细令牌包括修改的信息( 权限) *查看和卸载模块 *查看内存区域 *查看环境变量 *查看和关闭处理 *查看,控制和编辑服务 *查看和关闭网络连接-Process Hacker is a tool for viewing and manipulating processes. Its most basic functionality includes: * Viewing, terminating, suspending and resuming processes * Restarting processes, creating dump files, detaching from any debuggers, viewing heaps, injecting DLLs, etc. * Viewing detailed process information, statistics, and performance information * Viewing, terminating, suspending and resuming threads * Viewing detailed token information (including modifying privileges) * Viewing and unloading modules * Viewing memory regions * Viewing environment variables * Viewing and closing handles * Viewing, controlling and editing services * Viewing and closing network connections
Platform: | Size: 7748608 | Author: 先后 | Hits:


Description: Process Hacker s Src is Gnu Application.
Platform: | Size: 2353152 | Author: James King | Hits:

[Windows Developprocesshacker-2.23-sdk

Description: Process Hacker SDK is platform for Develop Good Software.
Platform: | Size: 2370560 | Author: James King | Hits:

[OS programprocesshacker-2.25-src

Description: Process Hacker 2.25 Source Code
Platform: | Size: 2397184 | Author: weird | Hits:

[Hook apiprocesshacker-2.27-src

Description: proess explorer source codes
Platform: | Size: 2405376 | Author: zhang | Hits:

[OS programProcessHacker

Description: VS写的一款非常非常牛X的进程管理器!功能非常强大!-VS wrote a very very cattle X process management! Very powerful!
Platform: | Size: 16074752 | Author: Giroro | Hits:

[OS programprocesshacker-2.28-src

Description: 类似于process explorer的进程查看工具,有源码,学习用-The process is similar to the process explorer view tools, source code, learning to use
Platform: | Size: 2428928 | Author: luckyray | Hits:

[OS programprocesshacker-2.30-src

Description: 超级任务管理器 Vs2012 环境编译通过-ProcessHacker to VirtualStdiio 2012
Platform: | Size: 10728448 | Author: 云之瑶 | Hits:


Description: Addition to ProcessHacker to support HighDPI
Platform: | Size: 2957312 | Author: temp20151229 | Hits:


Description: processhacker-1.11-src
Platform: | Size: 2845696 | Author: 13662627252 | Hits:

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