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图像缩放的一个程序,非常好用。This C source code for a program to do filtered zoom (resize) of 8 and 24-bit raster images-Image scaling, a procedure very easy to use. This C source code for a program to do filtered zoom (resize) of 8and 24-bit raster images
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37kb Publisher : zhangjiessie

本实验是一个采用基于像素复制的方式来进行图像缩放的程序,它分别由两个小程序组成,图像缩小和图像放大,程序的输入为一个图像矩阵和缩放因子(为整数)。图像的缩放是对图像进行的一种几何变换,通过对图像对应矩阵得操作来实现对图像大小的改变。像素复制方法的图像缩放的原理主要是对原来输入图像的整行或是整列像素进行简单的复制与删除,达到改变图像的大小的目的,-Used in this experiment is a pixel-based approach to copy image scaling procedures, which were composed by the two small programs, images shrink and enlarge images, the program input for an image matrix and scaling factor (an integer). Image scaling is a geometric image transformation, through the image corresponds to a matrix operation to achieve a change of image size. Pixel of the image scaling method to copy the principle is the original input image of the entire line out or the entire pixel simple copy and delete, to change the image size of the purpose of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1022kb Publisher : jhm

图像缩放的几种方法,图像缩放的几种方法!-Several methods of image scaling,Several methods of image scaling!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 52kb Publisher : wzf

圖像縮放源碼,程式初學者可應用,初學者可以此進行修改,请參考-Image scaling source, the program can be used for beginners, beginner could be modified, please refer to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : simon

HU不变矩程序代码很多,但是没找到一个完整准确的代码。本人对其中的某些代码修正后,和matlab计算结果进行比较,结果是一致的。本程序没有利用Opencv计算Hu矩的函数,好像opencv计算的M03和M30应该对调,否则,和matlab计算不一样!对旋转、缩放的图像进行测试,HU矩也是一样的,不信可以利用提供的图片对比一下。由于HU矩比较小,程序对HU矩取对数便于查看比较。总之,程序绝对安全可靠,可直接调用。-HU moment invariants code a lot, but could not find a complete and accurate code. I am, some of which code amendments, and matlab calculation results are compared, the result is the same. This procedure did not take advantage Opencv a function of the calculation Hu moments, like the M03 and M30 calculate opencv should be reversed, otherwise, and not the same as matlab calculations! Right rotation, scaling the image to test, HU is the same moment, and you do not believe you can compare the use of the images. HU moment due to a relatively small program HU moment logarithmic relatively easy to see. In short, the program is absolutely safe and reliable, can be directly invoked.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.73mb Publisher :

此程序是用opencv编程的,能够进行图片的旋转缩放,度初学者有一定的帮助-This program is opencv programming, capable of rotating the image scaling degree is certainly helpful for beginners
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : 胡旭光

针对图像的几何变换,平移,镜像变换,缩放,转置,旋转进行程序设计。取自《vc++图像处理程序设计》-For the image geometric transformation, translation, image transformation, scaling, transpose, rotate to programming. Retrieved from " vc++ Image Manipulation Program Design"
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.53mb Publisher : guoguo

利用matlab程式進行對灰階圖片的縮放,歪斜,平移等動作,另外提供指令版本。-Matlab program for the use of pairs of gray-scale image scaling, skew, translation etc, and also offers instruction version.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 50kb Publisher : bbb111

VC++程序实现包括图像平移、镜像变换、图像缩放等变换-VC++ program implementation, including the image translation, image transformation, image scaling and other transformations
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 72kb Publisher : 郭静

本程序可以实现图像的尺度变换功能,使用于初学者对图像的研究-This program can achieve the image scaling function used in the study for beginners right image
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 717kb Publisher : 小小

visual c++ 写的图像处理程序 实现图像缩放功能-visual c++ to write the image processing program for image scaling function
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : 张睿昭

图像插值程序,可以对图像任意缩放。例如:可以将大小为256 (高)×256(宽)的图像改变为大小为360×300的图像图形缩放-Image interpolation program, you can zoom any image. For example: You can be the size of 256 (H) × 256 (W) to change the image size is 360 × 300 for the image graphic scaling
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 582kb Publisher : 王某

实现一个图像缩放算法,不调用对算法本身有帮助的库函数,将图像缩放到指定的大小。 具体功能: 1.输入为用windows画图程序生成的无压缩BMP图片,只支持256色位图和24位色位图,输出格式与输入格式相同,要求也要能用Windows画图程序打开; 2.支持批量转换,一次转换的张数不作限制,命令行接口指令如下: Zoom.Exe imagelist.txt 其中imagelist.txt的保持待转换的文件列表,以纯文本格式指定了每幅图片转换后的宽度和高度,格式示例如下: Image1.bmp 320,240 Image2.bmp 320,240 程序使用说明: 1、将Mindray.exe、imagelist.txt和用于缩放的位图文件放在相同目录下; 2、在运行窗口中输入“cmd”进入cmd.exe 3、输入Mindray.exe所在路径,例如“e:” 4、输入指定格式命令行:Mindray.exe 1.txt执行程序,得到处理结果。 -To achieve an image scaling algorithm, the algorithm itself does not help call the library functions to scale the image to the specified size. Specific functions: 1 input for the use of windows drawing program to generate uncompressed BMP images, which only supports 256 colors and 24-bit color bitmap bitmap output format with the same input format, requiring also can use Windows Paint program to open 2 supports batch conversion, a conversion of the number of sheets without limit, the command line interface command is as follows: Zoom.Exe imagelist.txt One imagelist.txt to maintain a list of files to be converted to plain text format conversion is specified after each image width and height, format example: Image1.bmp 320,240 Image2.bmp 320,240 Program instructions: 1, Mindray.exe, imagelist.txt and for the scaling of bitmap file in the same directory 2 In the Run window type "cmd" to enter cmd.exe 3, input Mindray.exe the path, such as "e:" 4, enter the speci
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.16mb Publisher : 周红

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双线性插值图像放大程序,该程序只对二值图像进行放缩。-Bilinear interpolation image to enlarge the program, the program only for binary image scaling.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : sanmao

基于VS2008编写,程序很简单,算法很经典实用。提出一种基于三次拉格朗日插值的自适应图像缩放算法 该算法首先计算目标像素点周围三组源像素点的方差,选取方差最小的一组源像素点,然后采用三次拉格日插值公式求得目标像素点的灰度值实验结果表明,本文算法所得的目标图像边缘清晰,且算法复杂度较低,便于硬件实现,可以实现实时图像缩放。-Based on VS2008, the program has a very simple algorithm is very classic and practical. Traditional interpolation algorithm due to the low-pass filtering effect generally makes the target image edge blur, it is difficult to obtain satisfactory visual effects in order to achieve a better quality image scaling is proposed based on cubic Lagrange interpolation algorithm for adaptive image scaling algorithm that First calculate the target pixel set of source pixels around three variance, minimum variance select a set of source pixels, then the cubic Lagrange interpolation formula obtained target pixel gray value Experimental results show that the algorithm proceeds target image sharp edges, and the algorithm complexity is low, easy hardware implementation can achieve real-time image scaling.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 100kb Publisher : 吴军

MyDIP C++图像处理程序源代码,实现图片灰度处理、图像缩放、图像变换、图像边缘与轮廓的相关处理等。关于源码内的Template()函数:作用是用指定的模板(任意大小)来对图像进行操作,参数iTempH指定模板    * 的高度,参数iTempW指定模板的宽度,参数iTempMX和iTempMY指定模板的中心    * 元素坐标,参数fpArray指定模板元素,fCoef指定系数。   关于PrewittDIB()函数:作用是用Prewitt边缘检测算子对图像进行边缘检测运算。   还有很多实用的图像处理函数,详情请参阅压缩包内的MyDIPView.cpp文件。-MyDIP C++ image processing program source code to achieve gray image processing, image scaling, image transformation, image edge contour-related processing. About the Source within the Template () function: the role is specified template (any size) to manipulate the image, specify the template parameter iTempH* height, width parameter iTempW specify the template, specify the template parameter iTempMX and iTempMY center* Elements coordinates, specify the template parameter fpArray element, fCoef specified factor. About PrewittDIB () function: the role of edge detection using Prewitt operator for image edge detection operators. There are many practical image processing functions, please refer compressed within the MyDIPView.cpp file.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 46kb Publisher : 郭子杰

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基于opencv的use摄像头视频采集程序 1 基于opencv的两个摄像头数据采集 3 能激发你用代码做视频的冲动程序 6 图像反转(就是把黑的变白,白的变黑) 11 图像格式的转换 12 从摄像头或者AVI文件中得到视频流,对视频流进行边缘检测 13 采用Canny算子进行边缘检测 15 角点检测 18 图像的旋转加缩放(效果很拽,用地球做就像谷歌地球似的) 21 Log-Polar极坐标变换 22 对图像进行形态学操作(图像的开闭,腐蚀和膨胀运算) 24 用不同的核进行图像的二维滤波 27 图像域的填充 30 寻找轮廓实现视频流的运动目标检测(超推荐一下) 35 采用金字塔方法进行图像分割 40 图像的亮度变换 43 单通道图像的直方图 46 计算和显示彩色图像的二维色调-饱和度图像 48 图像的直方图均匀化 50 用Hongh变换检测线段 52 利用Hough变换检测圆(是圆不是椭圆) 57 距离变换 59 椭圆曲线拟合 64 由点集序列或数组创建凸外形 68 Delaunay三角形和Voronoi划分的迭代式构造 71 利用背景建模检测运动物体(推荐) 78 运动模板检测(摄像头) 81 显示如何利用Camshift算法进行彩色目标的跟踪 86 -Based on the use camera video capture program opencv 1 Based on the two camera data acquisition of OpenCV 3 Inspire your code to do video impulse program 6 Image reversal (that is, the black white, white to black) 11 Image format conversion 12 Get the video stream from the camera or AVI file, edge detection is performed on the video stream 13 Using Canny edge detection operator 15 Corner detection is 18 Image rotation and scaling (the effect is dragged by the earth, as Google earth like) 21 Log-Polar coordinate transformation is 22 Morphological operations on images (opening and closing, the image of the corrosion and expansion operations) 24 With different nuclear two-dimensional filtering image 27 The image domain 30 filling To find the outline of implementation of target detection of video streaming (super recommend) 35 Using the Pyramid method for image segmentation 40 The brightness of the image transform 43 Single channel image histogram 46 Calculate and display
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.6mb Publisher : jianglei

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : sreenu

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数字图像处理:(1)输入图像,采用半色调技术并将图像打印和显示。(2)按要求降低图像的灰度级。(3)采用像素复制的方法对图像进行缩放。(4)采用双线性插值法的方法对图像进行缩放。-Image Printing Program Based on Halftoning The following figure shows ten shades of gray approximated by dot patterns. Each gray level is represented by a 3 x 3 pattern of black and white dots. A 3 x 3 area full of black dots is the approximation to gray-level black, or 0. Similarly, a 3 x 3 area of white dots represents gray level 9, or white. The other dot patterns are approximations to gray levels in between these two extremes. A gray-level printing scheme based on dots patterns such as these is called halftoning. Note that each pixel in an input image will correspond to 3 x 3 pixels on the printed image, so spatial resolution will be reduced to 33 of the original in both the vertical and horizontal direction. Size scaling as required in (a) may further reduce resolution, depending on the size of the input image. (a) Write a halftoning computer program for printing gray-scale images based on the dot patterns just discussed. Your program must be able to scale the size of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 邓举朝

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Program to simulate Chirp scaling algorithm for SAR image formation using matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : asamein
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